Monday, January 31, 2011


“The thing that you don’t understand about me is that, naturally, I’m not a nice person. I am one of those mean, popular bitches, who wants nothing more than to mock the girls who bite their nails and chew on their hair. Usually, I hold all of that in, because Lily makes me feel bad about it. But for you, I’m going to make an exception, clear? My advice to you is stay out of my line of vision, because—y’know... out of sight, out of mind, and... you do not want to be on my mind.”

-Chapter 30, Part II

Oh, the drama!


  1. You have no clue how excited I am to read all of this. thank you thank you thank you

  2. ZOMG. Can't wait.
    ... and is that Donna I hear speaking? <3

  3. gahhhhhh more please!!! hahaha. I prefer Lily/James drama so much more than IRL drama. xDDD

  4. bree, nothing is as cool as you.


    BTW, that video has led me to videos that have killed me.

  6. I've seen that before! SOOOOO FUNNNNNYYYY!!!!!!! WHY, RYAN O'NEAL?!?!?

  7. If you haven't seen the John Barrowman Shark Attack 3 line, I recommend it.

  8. OH, GOD. OH, MAN.

    Bahaha this scene from Troll 2 kills me every time, too.

  9. "They're eating her. And then they're going to eat me."

    UGH story of my life!

  10. I don't think this is Donna, I mean Donna is mean anyways, regardless of if Lily approves or not... But I don't see Marlene or Mary saying it either... I really have no idea who this person is! Maybe it is Donna...

  11. BREE I JUST DIED LAUGHING. HAHAHAHA. OH MY GODDDD *Fly on forehead* hahahahaha.

  12. @anon 10:32

    I don't think it's Donna, either. Nobody's going to claim that Donna is normally a nice person. But I think it's very possible, considering the drama that is going to be going on in the seventh year dorm, that Marlene or Mary is going to bust this out. Personally, I'm hoping for either one. Mary because I love her, and Marlene because she deserves a BA moment.

  13. II doubt it's Donna.For one thing,Donna is genererally bitchy even when Lily is there and she woudn't refer to herself as popular.But then that doesn't leave anyone else.

    @Bree,I think this one takes the crown for the worse of the worse:

  14. @KK

    Marlene totally deserves a badass moment! She needs to start sticking up for herself more! I mean at least she isn't with Miles and that was a step in the right direction.

    I bet it's one of the two telling Carlotta after Lily found out about them or something. I just can't wait. I also want to know how Jules is doing the living situation of the Heads...

    Do James and Lily get their own common room? I always thought that was weird when people did that in Fanfictions. I doubt that the teachers would ever allow two 17 year olds have their common room...

  15. oh, i totally believe it's Donna! It just sounds like her. maybe not so much the popular part, but even then Donna knows that people either fear her or admire her. Also, she thinks she isn't being that mean normally, when clearly she is - uuh on the line between blunt/mean. So to her, she thinks she is being not nice per say but not mean. IMO

    so i dunno... it would be cool if it was Marlene showing some attitude but throughout LAT i have not been able to recollect a time when she was mean. IMO

    either way this chapter is gonna be good!! =]

  16. @Yuri- That fly gets me every time XD


  17. At first I thought it was Donna - but the 'popular' bit threw me, 'cos I can't imagine her saying it.

    So that means it's either Mary or Marlene, then? I can't imagine either of them saying it either... I can imagine Mary being bitchy, but not an outright bitch. If that makes sense. So I'm gonna put my money on Marlene. Even though I can't imagine her saying it either. But it has to be someone... so, yeah Marlene.

  18. It's got to be Donna cos I can't imagine Mary or Marlene being bitches- y'know other than to Carlotta on occasion. But they can't exactly be telling her to stay out of their sight - I mean, they LIVE together. So, yeah - Donna. Mostly the mocking other girls comment rules Mary and Marlene out for me.

  19. I agree with anon 12:30. Find it hard to imagine it being Mary or Marlene. (or Donna, cuz of the popular part). Maybe whoever it was was just having a really crappy day, like Jules implied.

    Actually no. It's Shelly, guys. Most definitely.

  20. More!!!!! I want it now!!!! Sorry-I'm not very patient....

  21. on a brighter note:

    is this a perfect James or not? Minus the smoking, although he used to smoke in your fic a lot Jules

  22. Perhaps this is the mysterious Clancy we've been hearing about? :)

  23. I think I'm going with Mary. Assuming this is directed towards Carlotta, Marlene already has a reason to be mean to her. Carlotta hooked up with her boyfriend. It would be more unusual (thus significant) if Mary said this. Plus, I feel like the whole nail-biting hair-chewing thing would only bother Mary.

  24. For a moment I completely missed the speech marks and thought you were talking about yourself! I always promise myself that I won't read the NEXT spoiler but once I accidentaly started reading this one I couldn't stop :\
    Assumed it was Donna but as I was reading the comments realised she's not actually meantioned. Hmmm..

  25. I'd say that maybe it was Shelley- except she really doesn't talk to Lily as much, and I doubt Lily would make her hold anything in.

    My first impression was that it was Donna, of course, but I honestly can't imagine her saying that.

    So, I think it's Mary. Honestly, I do.

    Though I think it'd be rather cool if it was Marlene or someone.

    Hey, what if they aren't talking to Carlotta at all? What if they're talking to Prudence Daly (Daily? I can't remember how it's spelled, as she hasn't really been mentioned much lately...), or someone? Wouldn't that be interesting?


  26. Oh, the drama indeed!

    I think it's got to be one of Lily's close friends. I totally thought Donna until the "I am one of those mean, popular bitches" part.

    So, I'm betting on Mary or Marlene. I think it would be totally awesome coming from either one!

    - Kat

  27. @9:39: Yeah, my first thought was Marlene at PBD.

  28. Ugh, can Lily brew me a potion to grow my hair out?


  29. I'm calling Mary. Donna's not popular. Marlene isn't quite as petty as Marlene, and Shelley would have said nothing about Lily.

  30. I'd definitely guess Mary too. If it is in fact Mary; this quote just made me love her all the more. Of course, I can only assume that this is in response to the puppy-killing drama.

    Oh my goodness Jules, I can't wait for the next chapter :)


  31. Thinking about it, it could be Mary, She's popular and as someone mentioned she would be the only one to bother about the hair chewing and nail biting part.
    @Bree,I showed your video to my friend using one of the school computers,we were laughing so hard the other people around us now think we are crazy.She in turn showed me this:

  32. @bree- how long is your hair? I got hair extensions and cut them so they look natural with my hair and I kind of them. Actually, I love them a lot. Clip them and and take them out at night or wear your naturally. It's like magic! haha

    I don't think it's Donna. I hope it has something to do with Lily, but it might be Marlene to Prudence? I was also thinking it could be one of the guys, but it doesn't fit with the bitchy part... I want to know though!

  33. I mean kind of like them not kind of them*

  34. Hey everyone-
    I know this is completely random & off topic, but I just read a story in which the author had James offering to be Lily & Harry's Secret Keeper before there was an idea of involving anyone else. That's the first time I had ever seen that concept in a fanfic and I was wondering if anyone else had considered that's such an interesting idea and something that I could totally see James (his TLAT version, esp.) doing. How do you guys interpret that whole scenario went down?

    Wish JK would write a prequel :)

  35. Anonymous 1:42- I made the stupid mistake of cutting it super short a few months ago. Now it's at shoulder length. I'm taking biotin to help it grow and it's helping a lot. Are your extensions made out of real human hair?

  36. Kat- that happens all the time to me and my friend at school. Lol. Omg I remember that parody!

  37. Remy human hair. It actually wasn't super expensive. I got mine for 50$ and I don't use all of them so I cut them different lengths depending on how long my hair is/I want it to be.
    But, I think I'm cutting all my hair off in a few weeks. I'm having a Marlene moment.

  38. That's not bad at all!

    :-O Props to you. I wish I had the balls to cut off all my hair like that. But even if I did, I know I would regret it almost immediately!

  39. Yeah clip-in extensions are smart. I got mine glued in and they cost me £450. That's, like over 700 dollars I think. Really expensive, and sooooo not worth it cos they were a real pain in the backside.

    And by the way - I can only see Donna saying that :/ Mary and Marlene can be bitchy (all girls are to an extent, no?) but not *mean*... even to Carlotta. Although I would LOVE it if it is Carlotta :)

  40. but would Donna call her self popular?

  41. What if it's Sirius talking?

  42. def think its marlene...mary seems a bit vain for this kind of talk, and donna is, well, an outright bitch all the time
    i call marlene!

  43. Yes, the popular bit is the only thing that's confusing me... I'm not actually ruling out Mary or Marlene, it COULD be them... but except for that one word, it seems like such a Donna thing to say.

  44. Loly @ 3:34. Sirius referring to himself as a 'popular bitch'? LOL.

  45. "What if it's Sirius talking?


  46. Um... Marlene. I think. But not if it's Carlotta she is speaking to . If it IS carlotta... then Mary.

    I would think Donna, but for the 'popular' bit, so I'm ruling her out. But... yeah I'm leaning toward Marlene.

  47. @ bree where do you get biotin? I wanna grow my hair out....

    .. i still think it's Donna. Or Sirius. lol that'd be funny.

  48. Anonymous 4:20- I got it a my local pharmacy (then my friend told me she got hers at Target for $2). They should be in the section where they keep their vitamins and nutritional supplements. The first ones I tried included multivitamins as well so they worked wonderfully. But if you get biotin on its own, it works well, too. Just make sure you're not allergic to it :)

  49. It could really be serious for these reasons:

    a) Sirius is not a naturally nice person, as he and Lily established after the Snape fiasco.

    b) I feel like it's very Sirius to want to mock girls who bite their nails and chew on their hair. He had a crush on Alice, who is definitely not that type of girl.

    c) Carlotta's not afraid of boys. She's used to getting what she wants from them. Comparing himself to a popular bitch makes him kind of more imposing to her, since I suspect there's a certain insecurity about not fitting in with other girls behind Carlotta's whole "I don't adhere to social norms" thing.

    d) I feel like Sirius feels a little indebted to Lily for kind of standing by him when everyone else thought he was awful. Meaning that her good opinion has sway over him, more so than I think would be the case with the other girls.

    e) Sirius is not a fan of killing puppies, more so than most people, I'd say.

    f) James is Sirius' best friend. Sirius is bound to be forced to interact with his BFF's GF. He's going to resent that and I don't think he's above threatening antagonizing females.

  50. "Sirius is not a fan of killing puppies, more so than most people"--LOLZ

  51. 4:46: I actually thought you were joking at first. But you're not, so:

    I don't think Sirius has any reason to hate Carlotta though. Yeah, he might not like her, but she hasn't actually ever done anything to him. It would be unfair for him to hate her just cos he wants James to be with Lily.

    And saying something like that from a guy to a girl is far more threatening that if it was a girl to a girl.

    And 'I am one of those mean, popular bitches'... No definitely not Sirius.

    I think... Marlene. Although I'm not remotely sure. Could be Mary. And I still can't rule out Donna, even with the popular thing.

  52. nah, being that rude to your friend's girlfriend probably violates some marauder code.
    i money is on mary.

  53. Hey, getting back to hilarious awful movies, I want to know how many of you have ever heard of/seen "The Room". It's considered like...the Citizen Kane of bad movies...or better yet the My Immortal of bad movies.

    I like to watch the Nostalgia Critic on, and he did a review for this movie. It's really long, but COMPLETELY worth it. I had my best friend watch it and now we quote the movie all the time. I also got her a bobble head of the main character for Christmas that says lines from the movie.

    You can watch the review for it here- The beginning and ending of the video might be a little too...corny, but I promise you, the actual review of the movie is downright memorable.


  54. Ahaaaahahahahahaaa,

    "You are tearing me Apaaaart, Lisa!"

    Thank you so...SO much for showing me that. I think I'm going to have to introduce everyone I know to The Room now.


  55. "Do you understand life? DO YOU?!?!?!"

    OH MY GOD!!!!! I laughed soooo hard! Thank you for sharing that amazingly awful movie!

  56. "Can I have a dozen roses please?

    Oh hi, Johnny. I didn't know it was you.

    Thats me. How much is it?

    Gonna be $18.

    Here you go, keep the change. Hi doggy.

    You're my favorite customer.


    OOOhGAWD. Kill me now. im pissing myself.

  57. "Johnny doesn't drink!"

    And yes. There really is a Johnny bobble head. It cost me a lot of money though, but I think it was completely worth it. It sits in my roommate and mine's dorm room, and whenever we have a question about life we just ask Johnny.


  58. Does he tell you it's okay to love someone like a human being?

  59. @Oh my god, I think I've heard of it once in yahoo news.Is that the awful movie where people trow their forks at the screen or something.Have you watched any of the Ed Wood movies, I think he started the whole "so bad it's good" genre.

  60. Yess, people do throw forks at it (or I think it's spoons). Actually, in Atlanta, a theater plays it once a month. My uncle lives there and goes to the screenings. Apparently, people dress up in tuxes, and play with a football the whole time. My uncle has MET Tommy Wiseau at one of these screenings. I'm preeeetty jealous.

  61. too handsome (and old) to be James (maybe Sirius?), but the fedora ;) ...,r:16,s:0


  62. I think it's definitely not Donna. The Lily thing makes me really want to think it is, but the popular bitch thing is just so not Donna.

    And I don't think Marlene either. Marlene really is pretty nice, and I can't see her calling herself a popular bitch just as much as I can't see Donna saying that.

    For me, that leaves either Mary or Carlotta (I really, really do not think it's Sirius, sorry). I think it might be Carlotta talking about something entirely different, and she mentions Lily not because they have a good relationship, but because Lily stops a lot of people from being excessively mean.

  63. How's Chapter 30 coming? And is there going to be more of Lily's family soon?

  64. I don't think it's Sirius.Really,would he have mentioned himself as a popular bitch.I hope it's Mary because it seems like we haven't much of it lately.

  65. Maybe it's James, since we all know Harry grew up to be a sexy little bitch just like his father ;)

  66. I totally just looked for the like button for ^Kelsey's comment before I realized this wasn't facebook.

  67. @Kelsey,your comment had me laughing out loud.

  68. @Kelsey, don't we all wish.

    But at the Sirius theory. I wish but I doubt it. The description of the person doesn't fit Sirius at all. But I can't wait to find out Sirius' reasons for never going out with Carlotta in the first place... remember they have never done anything. There MUST be a reason. And I hope he tells Carlotta that reason. And I hope she cries afterward. (which is admittedly out of character but still) It's what I want.

  69. No one's guessed Remus yet, and I thought we learned from that one quote that you should ALWAYS GUESS REMUS!

    But it's totally not Remus lol.

    No, it's def. a girl.

    Sirius's cockblocking methods in Chapter 30 are minimal and more subtle, but they made me giggle.

  70. I have a feeling me and Sirius are gonna be besties over the next few chapters. Speaking of Remus will he also have cockblocking methods or will he be more mellow?

  71. I wouldn't say that Remus is above aiding and abetting Sirius. =P

  72. YAY!!!! Now if peter tried to scare her by following her around in rat form I would be ecstatic.

  73. ^ LOL. even as a carlotta fan, i would love to read that.

  74. @Chubbypotato- are you a Carlotta fan, or are you a fan of the Carlotta/James aspect of it all?

  75. Cockblocking methods? Hah, that sounds wonderful, I can't wait to read that :)

    Donna was my immediate thought, but everyone has a point with the popular comment. So I'm going to go with Marlene cos I really can't imagine Mary saying that. We've already seen Marlene has claws so it makes more sense to me for it to be her.

    My reason for not thinking Mary is 'cos... I can't really imagine her holding back who she is for anyone, including Lily. She doesn't seem the sort to hold things back. And we've already seen bitchy aspects of her, so calling herself a bitch won't really be news to anyone, will it? So... yeah, Marlene is my guess.

    I simply can't imagine Shelley saying that, but I really hope to see *something* from her. I really, really want Shelley to come into her own at some point.

  76. I agree with @Anon 2:54. I Think it may be Marlene, but if Shelley bitched her out, I would not be sad one bit :) I do hope Sirius and Remus have a little fun at Carlotta's expense. (To not would be so un-Marauderish) I can not wait to see this chapter!!!

  77. Okay, really excited for the Remus and Sirius stuff ;)

  78. My guess is that it's marlene saying it to PBD. Because I can imagine PBD saying something to marlene about not talking to Adam because it was obvious they has some history. And then marlene couldve gotten offended and upset and resulted into saying something in reponse, such as that above. But I don't mind it being Mary. Anyone latching out at Carlotta is a plus ;)

  79. Hmm I can't imagine Marlene saying that to PBD... I'm more imagining Marlene angsting away in relative silence, y'know? Unless PBD says something really bad to piss Marlene off, I don't think that will happen. And we don't actually know much about PBD, if she's bitchy or not... all we have is that one brief scene in the library, and there she came across really nice... so no I don't think PBD will be all possessive or territiorial. But then again, we don't know anything about her... so yeah, maybe.

  80. Y'know, each time I read the above excerpt, I change my mind about who it is. Right now, I'm thinking Donna - yes, even with the popular comment. It's just one word... maybe we're analysing too deep into it. 'Cos that whole speech reeks of Donna.

    Jules, you never did tell us which part of the chapter this excerpt is from:

    “A protective Donna,” mused Marlene. “This should be fun.”

    If that's also from part II, then it could very possibly be Donna speaking, and Marlene commenting on it. And we know that the whoring bitch quote is also from part II so that all could tie in quite well so... maybe?

  81. The Protective Donna comment is in Part II, but at the beginning.

    THIS excerpt ("I am not a nice person....") is from the end of Part II, but may or may not appear in one or two of the other parts. I would say that it is most significant in Part II, however, since its speaker is the focal point of Part II. And the same person is talking as says the "Whoring bitch" comment.

  82. do we get a special groundhog's day excerpt?

  83. LOL I'm in the middle of gif-ing it up as we speak.

  84. Okay, I've pretty much decided it's Marlene, then.

  85. ^ Ditto. I think there are three people who we can safely guess are of the five: James, Lily and Marlene. Of those three, Marlene is the obvious choice.
