Sunday, January 23, 2011

Questions and an Excerpt!

What chapter is "Carlotta Delenda Est" ?
Chapter 31.

Will Lily and James get together soon?

Obviously, I can't REALLY answer this. However, James/Carlotta will be given a chance before Lily/James happens. So they won't be getting together at, like, the end of Chapter 30. But the angst is gonna be so, so, so much fun, and there's actually a lot of pretty good comedy planned for Lily, made possible by the Puppy-Killing-Couple. Still, you know that Lily and James kiss before the end of 1976, so... make of that what you will.

Why did Lily seem to think of James as "just a friend" in Chapter 29, given her *interesting* dream in Chapter 27?

By [spoiler] Frank and Alice's wedding, Lily's feelings about James are kind of getting conflicted. If you were to ask her, she would give you the "just friends," response, but following the events of those 36 hours, combined with her dream and the almost-kiss, her brain is translating a lot of new data about James (not the least of which is how he looks in a fedora =P), and eventually, it's going to have to give her an answer about how she feels, whether that's friendly or romantic.

Is it bad to want Donna and Lathe to get together?
LOL, no. Unfortunately, Lathe isn't going to be around much for a little while, because everyone's going back to Hogwarts, and he is not. But... he will be back in the story some time in the future...

How does Lily not know about James/Carlotta yet?!?!
Lily will ask herself that question in Chapter 30.

Is there a Head Dormitory/Common Room in LAT-verse?
Sort of. Frank had his own room as Head Boy, but I have my own special way of dealing with this, because, honestly, it does not seem like Hogwarts would be that irresponsible and stick a seventeen-year-old boy and girl in detached rooms with their own common room and a shared bathroom. I mean, okay, Hogwarts is irresponsible in, like, every other way, but they do at least make sure the boys can't go up into the girls' dormitory, so it seems like they would put forth at least minimal effort to make sure that the Head Girl doesn't get pregnant every single year. Just sayin'. So, the answer is--sort of. All will be explained in Chapter 30.

Excerpt time! 
I love this excerpt, because its context is predicated almost entirely upon events that transpire in Chapter 30, so it might not mean what any of you think it means. Which is fun for me =)

“There is no way that whoring bitch is sleeping in here tonight.”

-Chapter 30 (Part II: "Never a Good Reason")

Oh, regarding the last chapter.... 
What surprised me about Chapter 29 was that there were no comments on the fact that James used the L-word in his wedding time inner monologue (lesbians). I don't think he's done that yet...


  1. Super excited to see jealous!Lily :)

  2. He is in lesbians with Lily.

  3. I wouldn't be so quick to say that line comes from Lily... Cause the Head Boy and Girl have their own rooms, right?

    I think I'd put my money on Marlene.

    Or, possibly Shelley.

    Or, Mary.

    But probably Marlene.

    - Kat

  4. I'd love it if Shelley was the one saying that, but I think it's Marlene. Or Shelley could have kicked Carlotta out of the dormitories and she went to James, so Lily said it. I'd prefer the second one(;

  5. ^That is assuming they have the Head dorms.

  6. maybe the "bitch" is a boy. probably not in the 70s.

    I'm calling it right noooowwww.

    On a different note, I HAVE FOUND MY JAMES POTTER.
    I know, I know, he has green eyes. But he's still perfect! :)

  8. I absolutely lesbianed James' inner monologue and the use of L word :)))
    and i know its kinda-probably-really-without a doubt random but arguably my fav line of this chapter: "we were charged with trying to make it rain"
    ...and i immediately crack up, bein all like "Bitch, i make it rain eerrrrdaaaaaayy!"

    just wanted to share. should probably have kept to myself though..

  9. Lol, no, you def. had to share that, 10:58. Def.

    10:54-- LOLZ IS THAT KYLE XY?!


  11. @meilany: I just... no. lol sorry. That is just not how I picture James at all. But I need to realize that not everyone sees him the way i do. *Don't go crazy, Sara. He's a fictional character.* <<- My mantra each morning.


  12. Honestly, he's not really my James either... he's just really gorgeous.
    However, he's the only guy I've ever seen and been like, "he'd be a really hot James".
    So I say that that's as close to perfect as I'll get.

  13. Will we find out how the house elf knew Lily's name or can we just assume because James had talked about her so much? And did James and Lily have the same understanding when they were standing at the alter because it seemed as if they were thinking completely different things.

  14. @meilany,
    Not how I pictured James either, but he is very, very nice to look at. I think his eyes could definiately be Lily's though.

  15. Can I just say that I TOTALLY ship Donna/Lathe and I really, really, EXTREMELY hope that he's the one Donna falls in love with this year. I ship it so hard.

  16. Shelley said it, I'm guessing. I can imagine her doing that...

    @7:58 Yeah, his eyes could be Lily's. Though he's not quite my James either...

  17. I busted out laughing when I read the excerpt. Here I was, at work, reading on my phone and starting laughing like a crazy person while my co-workers glanced curiously at me. Thanks for that Jules ;)

    Chapter 29 was breathless, funny, and wonderful. As usual:). It's funny how James almost seems to be purposely misinterpreting his interactions with Lily. Like he just can't handle the idea that Lily may-possibly-kinda-sorta fancy him.
    I mean the girl almost kisses you, holds your hand, and gives you a long never want-to-let-you-go hug. You don't see her doing that with other guy mates do you James? The boy needs to get a clue.

    Regarding the excerpt, as much as I WANT it to be Shelley saying it to Carlotta (oh the glorious justice!) I don't think it is. Based on what Jules said about the context relying completely on chapter 30 makes me think that it's not about Carlotta at I'm getting nervous. Who else could it be?


  18. I think Carlotta said it. I hope Carlotta said it. It would bring so much joy to my life. Especially if Lily did something on the train before she knows. Or maybe it has something to do with Clancy? I feel like Clancy is a definite possiblity.

  19. Clancy is probably going to come in with a bang get with whoever it is that Mary is dating now... I'm really curious about her, why is she coming in 7th year or is she younger than them? or what? Jules :) care to talk?

  20. I'm hoping for Shelly....

    Also, now I am totally weirded out, because there was no lesbian use-age in my version of the chapter--I even went back just now and did a text search on it....nothing. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??? What is happening???

  21. requited fancy is better than requited love? i think thats what it was.

    but Jules did say something like James' lack of disclosure would get him into trouble... but I have a feeling that if Lily did kiss him, he would not go back with Carlotta... that would make no sense.

  22. @Katie

    Clancy being involved would make a lot of sense but I kind of love your idea of carlotta saying it (to Shelley? Marlene? Lily?!).

    You know what I love even more? Carlotta saying it and everyone in dorm rolling their eyes and ignoring her. But that seems too good to be true.


  23. @Kelsey--that doesn't make sense, lol.
    "He would try (because requited fancy might be nicer than unrequited love)."

    Clancy is not in Gryffindor. She's been there all along--she may even have been mentioned, but only in passing, like Prudence. She's a year younger. Her plot lines involve Donna and Remus. =)

  24. @Justine

    I see Carlotta saying it to Lily, not because I think she'd kiss James, but maybe she's flirting or even saying something about fancying him. Which actually seems really out of character for Carlotta...

    Damn. Jules just killed my Clancy theory. It was such a happy theory... oh well.

    I still want it to be Carlotta.

  25. Oh I see. Ok that makes more sense. :) Is she part of the pentagon? Probably not if her plot lines involve Donna and Remus. I can't wait to see that still. Plus Remus hasn't really had a major plot line so that is exciting!!

  26. @Jules: Okay, no, it is totally there now. I just missed it both times...somehow? Weird. But WHEW, at least it means I haven't been missing things the whole time, haha ;)

  27. Alice quit being an A.T and starts being an emotinal educator at hogwarts but cracks and says the quote above? Or maybe dear old Reg high on some 'love drug'.

  28. @Underbabe: OH MY GOD REG SAYING IT!!!! That is the funniest picture ever!

  29. Was that really the first time James said/thought love?? I know that it was mentioned in chapter one... and I swear it was mentioned again... am most confused.

  30. Found it! James acknowledges being in love with Lily in chapter 9. So... um, confused still. Love has been mentioned beofre from James' POV...

  31. Oh, the character of James already knew it... that was in the second chapter. But I thought all prior L-word references (Chapter 2, Chapter 9, any others?) were specifically part of the narration, whereas I felt like the Chapter 29 segment was more in his head, with HIS words. I could be wrong, though... there might be another incident that I'm forgetting.

  32. Oh, I see. No I don't think the L-word was mentioned anywhere else, as those were the only two instances I recalled. (Clearly I know this fic too well.)

  33. Ok, this might not count but he has been asked if he's been in love twice and answered "yes" both times (Lily, after the quidditch match *I think* and Charlotta in 27). It wasn't part of his inner monologue and he never says who but I always took it as an acknowledgment to the audience that yes, James is fully aware that he is in love with Lily. I think that's why it didn't get as big of a reaction.

    Crap, now whenever James does say 'I love you', all I'm going to be thinking is 'I'm in lesbians with you, lily'. Lol

  34. Lol, that's all true. Fair enough.
