Thursday, January 20, 2011


THIS looks familiar.

Thank you to the Anonymous who just pointed it out to me and to the Anonymous who reported it on

Like, seriously?

I'm not gonna lie, though--kinda thrilling.

But awful, too.

EDIT: okay, she made it WORSE. That's what really gets to me.


  1. Haha, at the end she says, "I'm also hoping they'll get longer as I go on." ..Yeah, I guess you could figure that.

  2. To be fair, she couldn't have made it better.

    Might we expect an update in the next two days to wash away the awfulness of Joppleganger?

  3. lol I love the review that 'author' is getting :)

  4. I just review it. Had to. Haha. I mean, I suppose it could be flattering. But still, all they have to do is leave a review on LaT telling Jules that they like her story. They don't need to copy and paste it. Come on.

  5. Oh shit. Now I feel bad. I just realized I'm on her favorite author list.

    Oops. Haha.

  6. Kayla, it's alright. Blatant plagiarism must be stopped. What if she stole your story next??

  7. Now I kind of want to look through her story and see if she took anything from me. Haha.

  8. What. This bitch didn't just plagiarize. Hold my earrings.

  9. "I dared him to kiss me, but ran when he tried. We were just two kids, me and him."


  10. Also, Bree, I'm right there with you.

  11. For all that is good in this world, this story needs to be deleted. It's LaT plus one long Taylor Swift song. Not okay.

    "So during the summers, we'd visit this creek, and then at 2am we'd get in my truck, and go home."

  12. Lol Jules, don't worry, I didn't think you were calling me an asshole.

    I actually thought it was really funny and laughed about it a good deal before I told you :) How she managed to make it so bad is kind of beyond me, though. It should at least be good, shouldn't it?

  13. Lol, Kayla, you're on her fave author list? AWKWARD! LOL! Are you PottedLilies?

  14. Yeah, haha. Now I think I should not have been as rude. But I don't really mind losing a reader if they are going to plagerize.

  15. The quote she used at the beginning was a quote I used in my story... but that doesn't really mean anything. It wasn't mine in the first place.

    But Jules isn't on her Favs list at all. Not okay.

  16. she made it horrible. your version was soooooo much better

  17. I didn't even read past the plagiarism. It's as if she is offering me dog shit and telling me its Nutella.

    I submitted a review.

  18. The only good part was the part from LaT. And even that part wasn't *as* good as in LaT.

  19. Aw gawsh. The girl lives in Australia so as soon as she wakes up and checks out her reviews she will be in for one heck of a surprise..

  20. Lol Underbabe. I was just thinking the same thing.

  21. Just read the reviews - LOL at Charlie's review.

  22. K Jules, forget what I said about flattery, that was just terrible. It's like an "In a Nutshell" version of LAT.

    The only parts that made any sense was when she was quoting LAT...or DH.....and that's it.

    Her formula seems to be: LAT ( - coherent thought) + the Prince's Tale ( - reading comprehension) + Taylor swift + dribble.



  23. Justine, yes. You are absolutely right. Her words are just all mashed together into massive paragraphs and nothing goes together at all.

  24. Woah. This is sort of hilarious. But awful (the plagarizing part). I've only read the list part in the beginning, and loved where she subtly-except-completely-obviously changed things....example: "He knew he was in love and disliked knowing this."



    I will have to read this, just for amusement's sake.

  25. Aww I'm beginning to feel a little bad for the girl. She's probablly, like, twelve or something, and doesn't know much better. And she's going to wake up tomorrow morning to lot of abuse and stuff.

    Anyone else feeling a tiny bit sorry for her?

  26. You know, Jewels should feel proud of how loyal us fans of her are. But also, clearly, a little pissed off that someone is stealing her work.

    Mega-commenting occurring all over that little girl's piece of crap at the moment: is rather funny, no?

  27. Yeah I did kinda feel bad whilst reading all the reviws and just imagining her face.. But HOPEFULLY lessons will be learnt and she'll never try copying and pasting someones work again..

  28. Yeah. I'm sure she must have know the implications of what she was doing when she hit the copy button. She had to know that this was coming.

  29. Jules, this is awful! Your reaction amuses me though, as you don't seem terribly upset lol, but kinda amused.

    I feel bad for the girl only if she is twelve, or thereabouts, 'cos she doesn't know any better... but if she's not twelve... then, really, that's just shocking.

    And OMG just saw a pic of the guy who will be playing little Hugo, and he is so CUTE! <33

  30. I would say something like 'Immitation is a form of admiration'... but you guys are right. The story is just bad >_<

  31. I'm reading her profile and I can't understand her gratuitous use of italics . I have to read it in the voice of Draco from AVPM. Anyone else?

  32. ^ LOL

    But my question to you is: HOW did you get italics on here?

  33. HTML tags. I in <>, text, then /I in <>.

  34. Whaat..?

    I'll figure it out eventually.

  35. Oh wow... not to worry i left a review and reported too just in case wasn't sure. Good Laugh though :)


  36. < i > and then < / i >

    If there were no spaces, "and then" would be italicized.

  37. Hahahahahaha. LINDSAY!

    Are you WeasleyWannabee?

    If so--GOLDEN.

  38. "Go home, plagiarist!" LOL.
    Not sure if that's a reference to AVPM, but i'm pretending it is.

    I kind of feel bad for her. Yes, it's wrong to plagiarize, but is calling her a bitch really necessary?


  39. haahaha NO! I WISH! Mine was not that clever and a lot meaner than that... I really hate plagiarists and cheaters in general. I have some experience of being plagiarized (in school, so not even for funsies) so I get kinda upset about it.


  40. Oh.

    This is going to so much fun.

    I wonder if bold works too.

  41. OMG I wonder if the HTML code for images works...

  42. No other place to test it really..
    Ah the power of a few brackets :)

  43. It said my HTML couldn't be accepted.

    Blogspot, you bitch.

  44. I'm WeasleyWannabee, fyi ;) And yes, Sara, AVPM reference for sure!

  45. Ah well. I'm probably gonna forget this html bracket shizz in about half an hour.

  46. i will too... because i actually remember learning that a year or so ago but i just forgot it. so refresher :)

  47. Underbabe--you can always look back at this thread to remind you ;)

  48. OH MY GOD. WTH.
    I don't even know what to say. The thing I don't understand is how can someone copy and paste another author's work and think that's okay. I hope she learns something from this and can learn to create her own ideas.
    Just wow....


  49. Yikes with the swearing you guys! I know what she did was wrong, but she might be only thirteen years old. Saying so many horrible things to her isn't really necessary...

  50. Loool I guess I could but it would take time to find and I dont even know how to go bold.. do you just replace the i with a b ?

  51. Yeah.. She probably got the message by now.

  52. Yeah I really hope this doesn't discourage her from ever writing again...

  53. I don't feel bad for her at all. I've had moments where I'm frustrated that my writing doesn't come out the way I want it to (and certainly nothing as beautiful or coherent as Jules' work), but I persevere and work, rework, write, and rewrite until I'm happy with every damn word that I write. No one deserves the easy way out.

  54. No I agree, but swearing and calling this girl a bitch an idiot is inappropriate as well. We have no idea how old this girl is, or know anything about her. She needs to know what she has done is wrong, but that doesn't mean we should be cruel and unkind about it. Regardless, the story has be reported numerous times and will be taken down soon enough.

  55. ^ I know... but I keep imagining in my head a twelve-year-old girl waking up and checking if her story got any reviews, seeing that it got, like, a thousand, and getting all excited only to discover that all of them have been screaming abuse at her overnight.

    Saying stuff like 'What the fuck is the matter with you' and caling her 'fucking stupid' or a 'shithole of terrible writing' is going too far. It's just mean.

    I reported her too, but I don't see the need to be so horrible.

  56. Hmmm guys I feel like we've gone overboard with the plagiarist. I understand completely being angry about it, but I feel that insulting her writing style and ability wasn't the way to go to get the point across. I hope someone reads this before making a rude comment that doesn't have to do with the ethics of copying someone.

    The internet is a tough place to share your work, especially because you won't necessarily know who completely derailed you. Even though what this girl did was wrong, I feel really bad for her now. She's going to have a bad day when she wakes up and reads all of those.

  57. I do see that we shouldn't be insulting her personally and not taking it overboard, but I still think she deserves those feelings of disappointment. I mean, she got caught. It happened to me plenty when I lied about any number of things when I was younger. It happens, and then you learn not to do it. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as mean or heartless. I haven't reviewed, I only reported. Really, though, I think she'll survive.

  58. not that this makes matters better or worse but she's not 12

    she's 16-17

    "i am attending seaview high hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, and am in year eleven my sixth year."

  59. I kind of agree. Even if she is only 13 or whatever, she still should have some common sense. They taught us not to plagerize in the third grade. People should just know.

    And yes, some of the comments were definitely over-the-top and completely rude, but really, she would have to be about seven years old to not understand that plagerism is wrong.

  60. Hmm.... How about a new topic?

    DH2 Trailer comes out Monday!!!



  61. geez. plagiarism doesn't make you a bad human being (like we've NEVER copied homework). going out of your way to make someone feel like shit does.

  62. 16/17? Yikes! What an idiot! Really, there's no excuse for that.

  63. Interesting point, chubbypotato. Although I would like to point out that plagiarism isn't much different to theft...

  64. true. but i don't remember a thief being called a "bitch" in court by the judge or jury.

  65. ^Does it really?!? I heard a rumor, but wasn't sure if it was true. Now I'm super pumped :D

  66. Well, if anyone has any right to be super-angry right now, then that's Jules. And I don't see her swearing and shouting abuse at the plagiarist, so I don't think anyone else has a right to.

    I think everyone should do their part and report the story. But saying so much horrible stuff is uncalled for.

  67. chubbypotato: Um... that's because being a bitch isn't a crime... If it were, then every woman would have been arrested at some point int their lives.

  68. @ 4:22 It's quite possible it's a rumor - it's always hard to tell, but I really really really really hope it's not. However, I'm also terrified for it, because that means we're one step closer of it coming out in theaters, and then it's all over. :(


  69. try saying that to the universities

    plagiarism is a form of dishonesty. yeah sure it does not make you a bad person. in fact, it shows a lapse in judgmental which can happen to the best of us. but that's why there's consequences, so we can learn from them. after reading those comments, i would not even think about copying someone else if i were that girl.

    the bottom line remains the same- plagiarism is just a lazy, dishonest way of doing things. if no one would have said anything then who's to say it doesn't lead to even more dishonest and serious things like stealing? maybe the cussing was a bit too much, i'll admit that but that's the thing about the internet- you get people who express themselves in all manners an forms.

  70. also, those of you that are scolding the cussing, aren't doing the very thing you're against by making people on here feel bad about their reviews? it all goes back to being judgmental.

    i guess my point is that we're all going in circles.

    keep calm and carry on.

  71. @4:34--Good point. You're absolutely right. And Jules definitely is the one that has the right to be angry, but even if she is, at least she's not posting it for all the world to see.

    In fact, it might be better for all of us if she just deleted this post and we all moved on.

  72. @4:31
    i wrote an econometrics paper a month ago and fudged some of the references to my introduction because i had too much stuff due around then. would've accepted a 'D' from the prof if i got caught. but not nasty names and personal insults.

    anyway, i got "amused" or "annoyed" from jules's post. not moral outrage.

    agree with kayla. let's just move on.

  73. It's down now anyway. No worries.

  74. DAMN IT. I didn't get to read your reviews!! The story's deleted!
    I've been at class and work, so I missed it all. Anyways, thank-you for defending me, guys--I hope you weren't TOO mean =P. I mean, I'm annoyed that she stole my writing, but the part that irks me is that she took it for her summary. For some reason, that seems less like imitation and more like downright theft than anything else. on the whole, though, I mean, it's not really right, but I'm not OUTRAGED or anything.

    Thanks for the support, though. Your loyalty is really *amazing.* =)

  75. Does anybody remember the author's penname? I'm not gonna assault her or anything, I'm just curious...

  76. harrypotterforever18

    Haha. I think she's probably been assaulted enough.

  77. yeeaaah probably. I dont suppose anyone left that window open and/or screencapped the reviews page lol?? I'm super curious.... although maybe it's better that I don't know?

    Oh, and I was totally gonna be like, 'oi, you're on her favorites, Kayla!' but I didn't want to embarrass you =P. Soooorrry =D

  78. Hahaha, you should have told me! I felt bad. But it's okay, I probably would have said exactly the same thing. Besides, she's never reviewed any of my stuff, and I much prefer reviews to favorites so..... Oh well. XD

  79. Off-topic, but Kayla, I love your pic for your ff profile! I LOVE the Princess Bride!

  80. Haha, thanks! it's one of my all-time favorite movies/books.

  81. Also, I just saw this summary on a story:

    Kidnapped by Voldemort, rescued and learned he was pregant with a vampire's child, DD wants it aborted only thing left for Harry todo was flee. He goes to a place hardly on the map FORKS there he meets the Cullens. Life just got interesting!

    Someone please explain this to me, because I must have missed something in Sex Ed.

  82. ^... Yeah... "Interesting"....

    Though, skipping the discussion of bad fanfics... It's almost Friday, which means it's almost the end of the week, which means an update soon! Yay :)

  83. wanna do me a favor and vote for my friend's band goodbye coastline

    there is only like 20 minutes left in the competition

    k thanks <3

  84. Aww Lindsay I am always late :( Sorry!

  85. it's fine!!! we won't know for a while how they did but I'll keep you posted :)

  86. i've never been so embarassed to be a taylor swift fan as when this chick massacred your story with taylor's lyrics. haha. great job though. loooove you and your writing!
