Friday, January 21, 2011

You know you're a dork when... have a lunch date, and you'd rather stay home and finish your fanfic chapter/do homework for your Shakespeare class.

Ugh meeting new people. Why can't I just hang out with the old ones?

KK see ya'll soon =P


  1. Can't wait for soon :D

  2. Nothing wrong with being a dork, Jules. In fact the more dork you are, the more we love you :)

  3. Yeah! We love you mysterious internet stranger named jules :D

  4. You know you're a dork when, you could be a regular uni student and go to the bar tonight, but you stay in instead and play Little Big Planet 2.
    So don't worry, I'm right there with you. :)

  5. You know you're a dork when you check this blog obsessively. Scratch that. You know you're supermegafoxyhot when you check this blog obsessively.

  6. You know you're a dork when you pass on going to a rave and opt to go to a harry potter themed party instead.

  7. ^ I don't think "dork" is the right word. I think anyone with half a brain would do that!!!! =P

    I sure as hell would!

  8. I just checked my email and was so excited to see a story alert! But it turned out to be from another author... :(

    (But at least I have something to pass the time while we wait for chapter 29!)

  9. You know you're a dork when you saw "supermegafoxyhot" @1:44 and thought, "What's this? You mean supermegafoxyAWESOMEhot."

  10. Turn Off Number 461: when, on a date, a guy says, "I hate it when girls.... [insert random thing that he knows I don't do here]."

    It seems fake, and I know that many, many males assume that all girls are catty, but I'm not. I am a legitimately uncatty girl. I don't hate other girls, and putting other girls down does not make me feel better about myself. So, I'm not gonna feel a little thrill of excitement just because you put down the large percentage of the female population that enjoys diet soda. My best friend always orders a diet coke, so you're basically saying you hate my best friend. For the lose.

    I hate it when guys do this (lol hypocrisy). I *really* hate when guys do this like twenty-two and a half times. It makes me think you're judging me, or that you have an opinion on things that I'm not even conscious of. That puts me on edge, and if I wanted to be on edge, I would go hang out with my kind of agoraphobic friend Jack, because at least he has like, every Mystery Science Theater 3000 on DVD.

    I need to stop agreeing to date hipsters.

  11. Hahahahaha. JULES! It sounds like your date didn't go over well. At least you have us!! Really great compensation, right? XD

  12. ME TOO!! What's your favorite one?

  13. @Kayla, it wasn't BAD per se... just meh.

  14. Oh God, I'm not sure I could choose. Pod People, Pumaman, the Final Sacrifice, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.... we have most of the box sets. Have you ever seen Manos The Hands of Fate? Absolutely painful.

  15. Meh dates are the worst, I think. Like awful dates at least you get good stories from. Meh dates I always leave feeling like my time would have been better served napping or having a solo dance party.

  16. @Anonymous--so true.

    @Food- MANOS THE HANDS OF FATE IS SO EPIC THERE ARE NO WORDS!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! I've seen all of those except Pumaman. "Touch of Satan" and "Prince of Space" are also QUITE amazing.

  17. So I just discovered Mystery Science Theatre 3000, last week. I feel like I've miss out on something so huge...
    P.S. Sorry you're date didn't go as well as planned :( Write J/L scenes to make you feel better!

  18. i'd rather date a hipster any day over a pretty boy. i am always stuck with them and they are so vain! even more than me (and that is saying something).

  19. YES. "The touch of Satan: softens your hands while you do the dishes!" So much love. And I recommend the Pumaman. It has Donald Pleasence. So classic.
    And instead of those generic log on sounds that computers have, my brother has it set to the "haunting Torgo theme." Gotta love it.

  20. (And Prince of Space is my brother's favorite. I agree that it's funny, but I've just never been able to get INTO it. He also loves Gamura.

  21. Might we be expecting Chapter 29 tonight? I'll stay up all night if I have too!!

  22. Hmmm... don't stay up for it tonight.
