Thursday, December 16, 2010

Think of the puppies!
ANYWAYS,  I love the range of feedback on the last chapter. It ranges from people being like, "Goodbye, Jules, this is the end," to one Stellaaaa's single line review consisting entirely of: "I want James and Carlotta to shag before he gets with Lily."

But for seriously, thanks, you guys. Not sarcastically, honestly, I'm very grateful =)

I hate saying WHEN I'm going to update, because I'm always wrong, lol. I am predicting that I'm going to get a lot of writing done tonight, though, so I'll keep ya posted.


  1. OMG LOOK AT IT! IT'S SO CUTE! I could never shoot it.

    But the thought of James and Carlotta going at it still upsets me. I mean, I want James to get laid, sure. Just...not with Carlotta.

    Instead, I'm gonna go cut myself...

    ...another slice of cheesecake.

  2. haha i am thinking of the puppies. but seriously even a rough estimate works... i refresh this blog an unhealthy amount of times. i think i speak for all of us when i say we can't wait to read this next chapter... and the one after that.

  3. haha you scared me for a second bree

  4. AWWW, ooh, ooh, look!!!! It's so cuuuuuuuute!!!

    Don't shoot it.

  5. I just thought of another interesting reaction. Mary/Marlene to James/Carlotta. I mean they have to get the vibe that their friend is starting to like James, and they already hate her. I think Carlotta is going to the most hated girl in Hogwarts for this... I feel bad for her she is literally going to be friendless at the end of this whole situation.

  6. LOL. I can't cut myself. I still have the update to look forward too and the Misfits Christmas special!

  7. :) you are one of my favorite people! (bree and jules)

  8. Aww, Lindsay! If this were Tumblr I'd add a HUG gif :)

  9. Well... I guess I shall have to have a whole bunch of fluffy J/L fanfics ready and waiting to counteract the effects of reading James/Carlotta *makes face*

    I admit, I definitely want to see Lily's reaction to this... but I'm actually every bit as curious (if not just a teensy bit more) as to how Shelley is going to react. I do relate to her in the I'm-a-bit-of-a-shy-girl kind of way... And I really would like to see her freak out at her ex-bestie... but that's just me.

    - PC

    P.S. That puppy is SOOO cute!!!! (Squee)

  10. Shelley's reaction will be... extreme? I don't know if "extreme" is the right word. Drastic, maybe. And, while her reaction will be evident from the start, she won't be taken off guard by the discovery of James/Carlotta (or, as they are now called in my head, "Puppy Killers"). Of the two, Carlotta will be in for more of a surprise than Shelley, I think. But Lily gets two surprises, so she'll be the most stunned =P

  11. Also, gonna say something that's destinated to make me very unpopular, because everyone loves Marion Cotillard, but....

    Kinda Carlotta-y

  12. Yeah, Marion makes sense as Carlotta. For some reason, I picture Orlando Bloom's wife when I read.


    Anyway, still SUPER excited for James/Carlotta (I know, against the general trend of the comments lately). And everyone's reactions are going to be epic. Can't wait!

  14. i pictured a skinny lyndsy fonseca as carlotta.
    ahhh can't wait for the mayham in the next two chapters and for chapter 30 when carlotta comes back.

  15. i am also excited for james and carlotta to get it on.

  16. really? excited? thats weird. i can tolerate it and thats about as far as i can go.


    or an update. You know either will suffice

  18. I know that we've been told about a million times that Carlotta is beautiful/hot/sexy etc. but for some reason, whenever I picture her, it's with these massive eyebrows. MASSIVE. I don't know why.
