Friday, December 10, 2010

Productive Death

Ugh, I'm dead. Not really, just feeling generally awful, which means, Goodbye, Friday night plans. =(

On the bright side, while I'm all snuggled up amongst blankets and a space heater, I might get some writing done...
After I bawl my fucking eyes out watching "Little Women," that is.


P.S. I feel like it sounds like I'm snuggling with a space heater, which is not the case. The space heater is a safe distance, not surrounded by blankets or papers or flammable objects or me. But it does make my freezing room significantly warmer.


  1. No? But I've heard space heaters make the best cuddle-buddies. Just ask my friend, the deep-fried mosquito.

    Sorry you don't feel so well.

  2. No, don't die!!

    Just re-read the part where Shelly claims to know "the little things" about James and then Lily totally pwns her in that department....sooo cute!!!

  3. Is it wrong to be happy that you're sick? Do get better but do provide me with the best fan fiction I am yet to stumble across.

    I just finished rereading it a few weeks ago... I should watch the movie again. :D
    Totally agree about the "little things" about James. Love that part.
    Love pretty much all the parts, actually. At the moment I'm on Chapter 23 being supersuper sad about angry!James/Remus and depressed!Sirius.
    Get well soon, Jules! Drink some tea. Mmm... tea...

  5. @Anonymous #2: I'm moving EXTREMELY slowly through ch. 20 b/c I DO NOT WANT to get back around to the depressing bits where the Marauders aren't friends :(

  6. What chapter is that? where lily is saying all the little things about James?

    I love it and want to read it again!!

  7. I FOUND IT!!!!! and it was just as cute as before! *sigh*

  8. Aww, I'm sorry that you are sick but hope you get tons of writing done while you recover! Stay in bed and drink lots of fluids!

  9. I am worried that you are deathly ill. Get better.

  10. Go watch A Very Potter Musical, and writewritewrite. That ALWAYS makes me feel better :-))

  11. Any idea when we might expect an update? Don't want to rush you or anything, I understand why these things take time but I don't want anymore of this uncertainty... I've been checking your ffn profile several times a day, and that really ought to stop, because it's just too pathetic... so if you can give me a rough estimate, I may be able to hold myself off until then.
