Thursday, February 10, 2011


My plan is to finish up Part IV tonight. Part I and Part V are about three quarters of the way done. Part II is about halfway done, and Part III is about a third of the way done. Make of that what you will.

Carlotta looked between the other two actors in this little scene: Lily and Shelley. Shelley looked resentful and hurt and wronged. She looked angry and sad and tired, and there were tears in her eyes. But Lily—Lily was in pain, too. 
-Chapter 30, Part I

Update in... hopefully less than a week?



  1. Oh geeze this is gonna chapter is going to be EPIC! Poor Shelley, but poor Lily too. If Carlotta is noticing it at this point imagine after a few weeks pass.

  2. it would be awesome if we could get it on V-Day would obviously make the day endlessly more bearable :) but no pressure of course

  3. :-O

    Bree is in pain as well.

  4. {:'( Aawww I just want to give Lily a hug. I'm getting the feeling that I might have to shoot something after this chapter. Maybe not a puppy...yet but something.....maybe Grandma Wrinkles or Jiggy (RHoBH/NJ reference).

    I'm sorry Jules, I-can't-help-it.


  5. so excited to read this chapter!!!!

  6. AAAAAAH CAN'T WAIT!!!! This is going to be really good. ;)
    That being said, take your time. I know life is busy.

  7. Don't worry, Lily. You are not alone. We'll give Carlotta the ass-kicking she deserves. Hang in there. We're with you.

  8. ^agreed!

    poor lily!! i feel bad for shelley, but LILY!! it's just, well its lily! how sad! this chapter is going to be intense.

    can't wait for the update!

  9. Awwww Lily. Interesting that Carlotta noticed... I wonder if she'll say anything.

  10. Carlotta knows that being with James is hurting her best friend this much, so why is she still pushing through with the relationship? This gives me more reason to hate her.

    *pushes Carlotta off a cliff*

  11. I feel like those few words "But Lily--Lily was in pain, too." make an even more powerful statement than everything that was describing Shelley.

    I'm so excited for this chapter, and even more excited to hear its coming along well! Good luck with the rest, we know it'll be great!


  12. Oh my goodness! That one paragraph made me more excited than all the other would be spoilers as it is a turning point for Lily.

    "Lily was in pain too." But at this point, she has not even truly evaluated her changing feelings for James. This will force sweet Lily into some questions about herself. Why does this hurt her? Does she have any right to feel angry? I love it!

    And James! He was warned that it would hurt Lily if he did not tell her about his relationship himself. Did he just not believe it at the time because he thought she didn't care about him that way? Or perhaps, did he maybe want to hurt her a little in that way as she unknowingly hurt him for years.

    I've loved this story and am looking so forward to whatever emotional roller-coasters that may come.

  13. Oh my. Really Jules, you should stop giving such 'OMFG' excerpts; you don't know what it does to us poor readers ;)

    Seriously I want to give both Shelley and Lily a hug. I can't decide who I want to hug most. Shelley - who will find it so hard watching her best friend (who's shadow she's always been in) with James; or Lily. Because I imagine that Lily was expecting... certain things to develop between her and James up until this, so it's a little different to Shelley, who didn't really have a chance :(

    Poor Lily. Poor Shelley. Jesus, Carlotta is a bitch. I really hate her super-much right now.

  14. Just to add - I suppose we know now for defo that part I is Carlotta's?

  15. sooo if i did the math right, you'll be done about 2/3 of the chapter tonight :D

    oh man, teeglow is a bitch for doing this to shelley, but i don't feel bad for lily at all.

  16. "but i don't feel bad for lily at all" <--- What?! Why? How can you possible not feel bad for her? Sometimes, chubby, I wonder if you're a L/J shipper at all ;)

  17. i am!!
    but she could've just kissed him at the wedding.

  18. Chubby, I always love your opinions. They make me smile :) (even if I don't always agree, haha)

  19. I think Carlotta should have some one-on-one 'emotional education' from the hippie lady.

  20. Lol, Idk, I think llama might have a point. Although, I am sympathetic to Lily, too... but I'm sympathetic to both Shelley and Carlotta as well, so I'm kinda a sympathy whore.

  21. @Underbabe: I spoiled that? God, I forget these things. She will. Actually, everyone will.

  22. WAIT WHAT. I just actualy read what you said. Thats good!The 7th Year is messed upp. Everyone can get their life in order and stuff.

  23. @ Jules 11:27 - *sputters* You agree with chubby? You think she should have kissed James the day of the wedding??! Um, Jules, need I remined you that YOU are the one who wrote it that way!

  24. LOL! Okay, that is quite true, but I even said I wanted to write it otherwise. And maybe it's not that she *should've* kissed him, just that she *could've.*

  25. @ kelsey
    thanks? lol
    i see your ;) problem is getting better, haha.

  26. LOL @ 11:55. Good point! *glares at Jules*

  27. QUESTION (completely random and off-topic): Where is Spinner's End? Do we know which city? I've always thought midlands for some reason. But as I was writing my fic, I had Lily with a Birmingham accent, when it occurred to me that I don't actually know for definite. I'm fairly sure it doesnt say in the books, but did JKR reveal it at any point?

  28. @11:59- Y'ALL DONT KNOW ME! =P

    regarding spinner's end:

  29. @11:55
    i guess i don't feel bad for lily because she has always been very oblivious to james's feelings.
    e.g. their fight in chapter 22 over her unknowingly manipulating him and being unnecessarily harsh in rejecting him.
    that, along with her not even considering what almost kissing someone who used to be in love you does to that person, leads me to not be very sympathetic towards her now since it has been her choice all along.

  30. @ Jules: *brain explodes* I don't know how it's possible for someone to so deeply analyse something like that. And I used to thing that my British geograohy and recent history was quite good :/ I think I'm still sticking to the midlands.

    Thanks though.

  31. Holy shit. I was reading all the comments on this page without my glasses and my eyes adjusted to the green/teal of this page. When I switched back to Tumblr, instead of blue, all I saw was this weird purple.

    I even forgot what I was going to originally reply here.

  32. Well obviously this chapter is set to be fucking amazing. Can barely wait for the update.

    @chubbypotato I think Lily didn't think James was serious about his feelings for her and when they almost kissed she thought he was over it so that's why she didn't give much consideration to the effect it could have on him. So it may be a little Lily's fault but she is not completly to blame, if James hadn't been such a jerk to Snape in the past they could have hit it off sooner.

  33. yeah you're right. but i just feel like lily has inadvertantly messed with him too much..some of which could've been prevented/redeemed with a bit of insight on her part.

  34. @chubby 11:58: haha, yes, I didn't really explain it that well....but yeah, that was supposed to be a good thing. And I've gone into ;) therapy--thanks for the support! (ok, that definitely called for a ;), but see how I didn't do it?, I clearly need to get out more, if I'm actually having a conversation about this....anyway)

  35. chubbypotato: You're exactly right; she *inadvertantly* played with his feelings. She didn't know what she was doing. As for the almost-kiss - she panicked; her feelings for James were very new and she was a bit tipsy. Admit it - you would have done the same thing in her position. There have been a hundred things that I have done when I was drunk and regretted; there have been things that I've *not* done when I'm drunk, cos I think 'sober-me won't like that'. Same for Lily.

    But I imagine that if Lily had known James' feelings throughout sixth year, she would't have spent so much time with him and she wouldn't have become sort-of friends with him, because I don't think she is the type of girl who would conscientiously (am I spelling that right?) lead a boy on. You've got to remember that James was a bit of a knob around her throughtout most of sixth year, so she had no reason to think that he felt anything more for her.

    As for Lily - what she inadvertantly did to James is exactly how I imagine she was with Snape throughout their friendship as well. Hurting him, but having no idea that she was.

    And let's bear in mind that things will be the other way around now - James will be hurting Lily without realising it.

  36. @chubbypotato,sometime we are only wise when we think back about some events and not when you're living them, Lily hasn't always made the best decisions but it's part of the reason why this version of her seems so real. And like anon3:25: pointed out, would you have acted any better if you were her?

  37. Yo, maybe Lily is in some kind of physical pain. Maybe she ate too many things off the Trolley Lady's cart on the train and feels ill...maybe she dropped her trunk on her foot...maybe her outfit is uncomfortable...or maybe she has cramps.

  38. Bit random but...
    @ 12 05- A brummie accent? Really? *Shudders* Suppose it could be worse though, just thinking of a city not far from Manchester

  39. Jules, this would be an epic Valentines Day treat!

  40. @ 5:25 - Um. I'm from Manchester. I think I'm a little bit offended.

  41. @6 43. I think @ 5 25 is referring to Liverpool as it says a city not far from Manchester
