Saturday, February 12, 2011


James excerpt as requested.

“At the risk of sounding like a complete girl,” began the Head Boy, “are you angry with me?”
 -Chapter 30, Part V

Lol, it's a little bit lame, I know, and I was SO close to giving you a tiny excerpt from the last scene of the chapter, but I changed my mind, because I want that scene to be completely fresh when you read it =P



  1. Yes!
    I love this excerpt.
    A line that gives quite a lot.
    And also a line that won't effect the suspense of the next chapter so thanks for thaaaat. Won't have to fight a losing battle with my self-restraint :')

  2. I want to say he is talking to Lily, but every time I venture a guess I am always wrong. The answer is always Remus.

  3. LOL bree.

    30% carlotta, 69% lily, 1% other

  4. thanks for not giving an excerpt from the last scene of the chapter. I'm never able to resist reading them, but I always want to be as unspoiled as possible :D

  5. thanks! this was perfect-can't wait!

  6. chubbypotato: 69%?

    69% percent of people find something dirty in everything.

  7. @bree: you crack me up. For the record, I didn't catch that until you used the word "dirty." The place your mind goes...

  8. Lol my mind went the same place, Bree.

  9. question: if you were writing the story all over again, would you still pick the title "the life and times"?

  10. Funny story. The title I made up in like 30 seconds right before I posted, which is weird, because by that point I already had until almost the very end of the story planned. Carlotta/James was already planned, Michelle + Carlotta fight was planned... but I did not have a title, and the little box on was demanding one from me, so I just kind of wrote that. I have no idea if I would go the same route again.

    If YOU were going to name the story, what would you name it? (general question)

  11. Fast Times at Hogwarts High.

    Ha ha I'm extremely unimaginative at coming up with names ;)

  12. i knew it. "the life and times" is slightly prosaic...and pretty much no other words in your 460k-word story seems cliche or carelessly chosen.

    hmm i can't really think of a better title myself lol. but sadly i'm better at nitpicking other people's work than writing myself :D

  13. The Quaffle and the Snitch :)

    I know it's a chapter title, but it would have been a brilliant story title as well.

  14. ^ holy shit, i was just about to post that.

  15. Lily Evans and That Bitch Carlotta (haha--inspired by one of those "Harry Potter titles from another character's perspective" things; the exact inspiration being the fifth book for Sirius: Sirius Black and That Bitch Bellatrix)

    No, but in all seriousness (no pun intended)....I don't know. I HATE coming up with titles for my ffnet stories, because I want them to be all clever and stuff, but they rarely ever are...sigh.

  16. jules, i hope you werent annoyed by what i said about the title. the fact that your mind-blowingly good story lurks behind an ordinary title just makes it all that much better.

  17. Glad to know I'm not the only one in that 69% statistic.

    And I would name it Pride & Prejudice. Although... I think someone else already took that.

  18. Hahaha, I like "The Life and Times". I don't think I could come up with another title for the story.

  19. @9:08, thank you =P
    @Bree- "Pride and Prejudice," huh? Did Stephenie Meyer write that?
    @6:34: funny you should mention that. "The Quaffle and the Snitch" was also made up spur of the moment. Certainly not well thought out... I believe it just sort of appeared on the screen when I was writing the scene where it was introduced.
    @Potato, eh, it's never nice to hear, but I ain't bovvered. You're honest. I dig it. =P

    I was about to go into a TLAT history lesson just now in this reply, but that's too long. Maybe I'll make a proper post out of it.

  20. No, she only names her books after times of the day or some shit because its a ~metaphor.

    The Quaffle and the Snitch is one of my favorite things ever.

  21. I'm just.... I'm sitting here in bed with a beer and sore feet, listening this youtube vidoe of StephMeyer and just thinking WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?

    She's all talking about Gilbert and Anne and how they're relationship is based on friendship, like, oh, that's a cute idea. How the FUCK does she think actual long-lasting relationships work? She's all like, "marriage for life is such a nice idea" and I'm like, guuurl, Edward and Bella be getting divorced as soon as the sex stops.

  22. I'm sitting here in bed with a beer

    I envy your life, man.

    guuurl, Edward and Bella be getting divorced as soon as the sex stops


    You know what else I found ridiculous? Edward being a virgin. Like yeah fucking right. You're so good-looking all the girls kiss the ground you walk on AND you never sleep. You can only read so many books and complete so many puzzles to kill time before it gets old.

  23. Well he wouldn't be the paragon of perfection if he didn't go from virgin to sex god in 3.2 seconds, now would he, BREE?!

    that got really accusatory. sorry.

  24. The Lily/James on your tumblr is cooling the mighty flames of anti-Twilight rage that burn within my soul.

    Thank ye.

  25. Lol that sounds like Twilight writing.

    Chagrin. Adonis. Marble.

    Howma doing?

  26. *tips hat*

    I am searching all of Tumblr for more L/J cuteness but all I find in the tags is Lily/Snape. Hulk Smash.

  27. I just can't even. I cant even deal with that.

    I see that, and I'm all like,

  28. I LOLd way too hard.

    L/S in every tag. Why?! Nothing is scared anymore.

  29. that is evil. satan has caused that.

  30. I once read story that was clearly tagged as a Lily/James story. CLEARLY. And in it Lily was going to meet a guy who she has secretly been seeing for a while. Naturally I assumed it was James. And then she meets up with him and snogging ensues, without names being mentioned. And then they have sex, and it's not til after that we actually find out it's Snape. So I literally didn't even realise I WAS READING A FUCKING SNAPE SEX SCENE. If I could have, I would have sued the author for misleading me and mentally scarring me for the rest of my life. I'm still not over it.

  31. ^I'm sorry. That must have been very scarring for you. :(


  32. Sara - I had nightmares for weeks.

  33. I try to ignore the Lily/Snape fandom because the very thought of its popularity is nauseating. I mean- ugh, wha- DID YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND THAT CHAPTER AT ALL?!?!

    I wonder how much crossover there is between Twihard and L/S shipper fandoms? They both seem to share the same fucked up ideas of romantic love.


    p.s. Has anyone else noticed all the L/S shippage goin' on in the comment section of AVPS?

    p.p.s. If the Starkids are L/S shippers, it would break my heart.

  34. @439 When it comes to AVPS, I ship L/S a little bit. Because Joe Moses just makes Snape so pathetic and adorable I just want to hug him. AVPS is the only reason I like Snape at all. Really. I hated him before. I know he's all noble and shit, but no, book Snape is a douche and that cancels out the nobility. AVPS Snape better. I love him. Other wise, no.

    LILY AND JAMES FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I feel like this post does not make sense. Sorry.

  35. That's one of the things I love/find ironic about AVPM/S--my favorite characters are all the ones I hate in the books--Snape, Voldemort, Quirrell, Malfoy, Umbridge....

  36. Oh Sara. I feel for you, I really do.

    I adore the thought of the Sev/Lily friendship, but Lily is CLEARLY James's soulmate.

  37. I need to get something off my chest. There's something i've never shared with you guys, something i'm ashamed of. BUT I feel we've gotten to a point where it needs to be said. We need to have a healthy relationship that is full of trust and honesty, so here goes.

    I used to ship Lily/Snape.

    I KNOW! Please forgive me. I was young and naive, I just felt so bad for Snape and James seemed like such a douche. But I was wrong! I realize that now. I see now that James was just being a teenage boy and that he and Lily are TRUE soul mates.

    Please don't hate me.


    P.S. But seriously JAMES AND LILY FOR LIFE BABY.

  38. Sara, it's okay. Lily/James is a ship of acceptance and forgiveness. =P

  39. Aww thanks guys :D

