Saturday, April 16, 2011

Questions, Questions, Quesssttionnsss

Here are some FAQs of late that I would like to take this opportunity--me being sick in bed--to answer.

You--Jules--said that Chapter 35 is gonna be epic. Are James and Carlotta going to break up then?
No. James and Carlotta's break up is NOT scheduled for Chapter 35.
Here are some things that you CAN expect from Chapter 35:
A kiss between two people who are not dating (one of whom is dating someone else)
The return of Colista Black
A Frank and Alice cameo
Not a James/Carlotta break up

When are you going to update, Jules?
When is ur face going to update?
(AKA idk, sorry)
I typically update around once a month. Although I try to be quicker, I usually fail

Is the guy at the beginning of the prologue Luke?
This has received much speculation and is the forerunner amongst theories, especially in Luke's small but vocal fan club possibly consisting only of Todd. It has not, however, been confirmed.

Regarding the last line of Chapter 31: 
"He did. Right?"
Lily's question is kind of rhetorical. It's like, "I'll get over it. It can't be too hard. He did it, yeah?" Not that she really honestly believes it's gonna be a piece of cake, but like that's what she's saying to put a brave face on it. At any rate, it was not intended to be read, "He got over me, right? Right? RIGHT?! ANSWER ME NOW, BITCHES!" I think the italicization of "right," might have made that confusing, and I apologize!

Why is Sirius calling Lily "Snitch" and Carlotta "Quaffle?"
Chapter 19, "The Quaffle and the Snitch," has James quoting his dear old mother as saying, "Don't chase the Quaffle if you see the Snitch." Although, as Reginald Cattermole points out, James is a chaser and he would get in trouble for catching the snitch. But, as James would observe, "It's a metaphor, damn it."

Why is Sirius opposed to Puppy Killing (James/Carlotta)?
Obviously because his animagus form is a dog
This is actually a very complicated question. I know it seems like kind of a cop out to some people, having Sirius a L/J shipper at this stage, but this will be dealt with in greater detail throughout seventh year, so I won't talk about it too much here and now. Just know that I have thought this through, and it's not solely for all the comic potential (although, of course, I enjoy that). I will say that a small part of it is that Sirius disliked James/Carlotta for the same reason that most of you guys dislike it (more than Lily/Luke, for example). There is a certain degree of THREAT to Carlotta, because she's Carlotta (I mean, not really, L/J4life and all that, but you know what I mean), and Sirius doesn't want his best mate taken away. So, why he would then support James/Lily is really what sort of gets figured out later on. 

Was Shelley sincere about wanting to make up with Carlotta?
Negative (for now).

okay, there are probably, and by probably I mean definitely, more, but I can't find them immediately with minimum effort so if anybody else has a question, feel free to ask. 

Love and cookies,


  1. Team Evil!Luke represent!

    Okay, note to self; never use "represent" again. It's just all bad.

    So I'm thinking it's Marlene and Adam who kiss in Chapter 35, because no way would you spoil the chapter in which Lily and James have their first kiss. You're too Jumbledore-y for that. In which case, good on Marlene for being proactive for once.

    And Sirius is totally protective of his fellow dogs. Don't deny it.

  2. Even your answers to questions crack me up. xD And to me the anti-Puppy-Killing Sirius makes sense. The two of them are opposites I guess, and Carlotta clings to James in a way that I don't imagine TLAT Lily will.

    I actually re-read 31 last night and it was a lot of fun. xD I had mis-read some sentences, so it was nice to clarify things. Think it might be time for another full re-read? Seems like several people are already. haha.

  3. UNLESS ITS REMUS AND CLANCY! Maybe. I'm kind of routing for Markene and Adam though. Cuz... They're awesome. Of course l/j is top priority but as Todd said, you wouldn't spoil that. So ya...


  5. So Jules would know that we know that she would never spoil the chapter in which the L/J kiss happens so she would know we assume that the kiss is someone else. And she did say Lily is not the kind of girl who would kiss a boy with a girlfriend BUT Jules can be a troll. Just because you are not the kind of person to do something doesn't mean that you don't slip (say if there is firewhiskey involved). Plus there is that whole no exuse to cheat chapter we had forever ago. It could have been used for irony.

    PS if it is Shelly/James all of the puppies/kitties/panda babies/baby turtles/baby dophins/ me will all simultaneously drop dead.

    PPS. All of that being said I place my card firmly in the Adam/Marlene camp. PBD can't deal with all the stuff he's going through and Marlene goes to comfort him... you see where this is going

    PPPS I don't over analyze at ALL

  6. Some Remus and Clancy action would make me really happy. Like so happy I could bake you a chocolate cake.

  7. Clemus.
    I'm trying to come up with a couple name, in case you couldn't tell. =P

  8. ooooh way to think outside of the box.

  9. Rereading how upset Shelley was when Carlotta tried to top herself you can see how much she really does care about her. I think. Tis weird.

    I hope the kiss is between Adam and Marlene :D And Prudence sees and suddenly isn't so sickly annoying sweet anymore. And they fight to the death.

  10. well, I do what I do when I do what I do (can anyone remember where that's from? I'm drawing a blank)

    @Linsday, I agree...PBD can't handle that shit, also, in Jumbledore's mind, adam and marlene get married before lily and james, so they've got to get together somewhat soon or that's gonna be one shotgun wedding

    and because Ch35 is too long away, cloony better be happening by then

  11. I think the kiss is Adam/Marlene, because that drama has been kinda low-priority. Unless the Adam/Marlene kiss is BEFORE 35, and the 35 kiss is Cloony, which I totally accept.

  12. A kiss between two people who are not dating (one of whom is dating someone else). JAMES AND LILY. JAMES AND LILY. MAKE IT BE THEM.

    I am trolling. Lol.

  13. I like the Marlene/Adam idea.

  14. My bet is on Adam/Marlene because it's about time for Marlene to take action! :D

    On a side note when I picture Carlotta I see this:

  15. Is the James and Carlotta break-up scheduled for BEFORE then..? Like around.. Chapter 32 maybe?

  16. im betting on MArlene/Adam or Remus/Clancy. Cause there's no way in hell that Jules would spoil LJ's first kiss :D

  17. @Sarah , why would Adam and Marlene marry before James and Lily ?

    I'm also voting for Adam and Marlene, I don't think Clancy would kiss Remus while dating Charlie , but Adam loves Marlene so much he could totally lose control héhé

    Shelley jumping on James and kissing him could be fun too ^^

  18. I think, knowing the way Jules likes to confuse/mislead us, it could be someone who is not actually even in a relationship right now, but are by 35. So it could be, say Reg/Mary or Donna/Lathe or, Idk Shelley/Charlie for all I know. Knowing Jules, even that's a possibility.

    By the way Jules, when did you say that 35 is going to be epic? I don't remember that... was it during the Q&A thing? 'Cos there were so many questions, I probably don't even remember half...

  19. I hope its Carlotta and some man-whore! lol But who cares about Ch. 35? What about Chapter 32!?

  20. I'm all for the chapter 35 kiss being Adam/Marlene or Remus/Clancy. I defs do not want to know when the L/J one is coming at us.

    Todd, you are not alone in your fandom of Luke haha. I adore him =)

    - Katrina

  21. Has anyone else found it humorous that Jules' last line was something like "if any one has any questions..." and no one has really asked her one?

  22. @Frenchie...It was one of the questions in the first Q&A I think, who do you see getting married first, A/M or J/L and I'm pretty sure Jules said she imagines A/M getting hitched before J/L...though I could be wrong...

    @7:36, in one of the Q&As, someone asked which chapters Jules was most excited for us to read and said 35, 38, and 39

    Jules, has anyone explained to James "who the hell Cinderella is and why she is ruining his life?"

  23. Jules how many Plex brothers are there??
    So far in my reread there's been Connor, Chipper and Charlie. I don't remember there being so many the first time i read this story now there's Plex's popping out all over the place :S I'm going crazy, time for bed.

  24. Hey Jules, did McGongall reaally beleive that Lily punched Mulciber in the first chapter ?
    I'm not quite sure I understand her thoughts

  25. I am thinking a remus/clancy kiss (I actually really liked Rancy) and it will be all like haha charlie now someone cheated on you, how do you feel?

    I realise it might be adam/marlene but i don't really want it to be. Because I feel as if I want them to get together on a lot more legitimate terms. Like how Lily was going on to Shelley about how riddiculous it was to think they would live happily ever after after she stole James from Carlotta. That just isn't the way to start a relationship.

    I don't want James to cheat on Carlotta but I wouldn't mind her cheating on James. I don't see that happening either so.

    Actually something I am really stumped on is trying to picture how James and Lily will get together. Because I think Carlotta and James will have to reak up for some other completely unrelated reason first (once again I just don't like a key plot relationship beginning with a "Catch you later Carlotta. I have always liked her more and apparently I have a chance so Bye!"). And then you still need a mourning period type session. And then they need to kiss.

    And I can't think of something that would make James and Carlotta break up. Unless Carlotta gets a conscience and decides her friendship with Shelley is worth more to her. (Probably also because she feels a little attention starved). And then I think Lily will have to make a move on James. Or else Marauders Interfere. But James'hopes and ego are bruised.

    I think about this too much.

  26. @Katrina you and I are kindred spirits. Everyone on this blog wants to see James and Lily kiss more than anything else (except, perhaps, the end of the Puppy Killers) and my number one wish for this story is an Evil!Luke monologue. Like, Omega-style monologue via "The Three Doctors." Make it happen, Jules. Make it happen.

  27. Todd- When/How do you think Luke is going to come back into the story?

  28. How should I know? I just hope it's soon. I've missed him so.

  29. @Todd and Lindsay: He shows up all badass with these high tech weapons and a grenade and shit and is like "I'm back, bitches" and then does that ch-ch thing with his gun (cocking? idk)

    It's going to happen. Actually, I quite like this idea...yes, I think I've just joined Team Evil!Luke :)

  30. @Kelsey: Brilliant theory, the only edit I'd have would be he now has an evil side-kick as well who spouts off cheesy one liners

  31. I honestly don't think it's going to be Lily and James because I don't think she'd spoil that. And I agree w/ 10:51. The best choice for that kiss is Remus/Clancy because, really, Charlie can't get mad at Clancy, seeing how he's a cheater himself.
    And regarding the Carlotta/James breakup, why do you guys think it'll be? Maybe after some time, Carlotta will realize that James won't ever be in love with her or that he loves Lily more/would be better of with Lily. Because I really don't see either cheating on the other.

  32. Not a James/Carlotta break up

    That could mean it happens earlier. Ok lets do some math here. Jules said that November puppies would not be slain.
    31 was the first week of September
    32 could be middle to late September
    33 1st half of October
    34 2nd Half of October.

    35 November

    Jules said November will be a big month for everyone. And 35 is a chapter she is really looking forward to us having so logic tells us that the break up will happen late 33 to late 34. At least Lindsay Logic does.

  33. Joining Team Evil!Luke :D

  34. I love the Lindsay Logic :)

  35. As a side note, the return of Colista Black really excited me for some unknown reason.

  36. I like your logic Lindsay...also, November/December must be really intense if 35 is November bc 38/39 are the holidays, so 5 chapters for 2 months

    @1219, my theory is that Carlotta really starts to fall for James (actual feelings, ah!) but starts watching him and Lily interact (she's already nervous about Lily) and realizes his feelings for her are still there AND that Lily likes him in return I see her dropping James to protect herself (feelings are below her after all, best get out before shes truly in too deep)

  37. 1244: Me too. Anyone wondering if Colista's return has anything to do with Psychotic!Mulciber and his creepy plans to "take his time with Evans"?

    Sarah: I think that Carlotta's really already start to fall for James. I remember Jules saying the break up is supposed to be really messy... So we'll see!

  38. Regarding the break-up: I think either (and this is what I'm really hoping:) Carlotta decides to end it because she wants to make things work with Shelley. However, I think that's very unlikely, as that would mean that they would both have a LOT of maturing to do in a very short space of time.

    OR Carlotta falls in love with James, but he (obviously) doesn't love her back, and maybe at some point comes to the realisation that he won't ever, as, after all, he IS still in love with Lily. So maybe he decides it's unfair to stay in the relationship when it means different things to the both of them.

    Or, and what I think is most likely, Carlotta breaks up with James because SHE realises that he's in love with Lily and she decides she wants more (especially after Frank) than someone who is in love with someone else.

    As for the 35 kiss... I'm actually going for Adam/Marlene. Adam's got to break up with Prudence soon if he's going to say 'I love you' to Marlene for the 2nd time this year.

  39. The Luke Lovers just keep on growing. Who else thinks he should have a long, black, flowing cape of badassery?

  40. (Yay I finally made an account and can stop posting anonymously)

    I totally agree Todd. Totally agree :D

  41. Todd, the cape is an unquestionable necessity

  42. Psssst... Jules, make this happen too, yeah?

  43. Should he have a mustache to twirl as well?

  44. I was gonna suggest that, but then I thought "Luke doesn't need a mustache" because if he's got The Cape (made out of spidersilk bitches), then what else is necessary? But an evil laugh would go over well.

    Fun fact: I've perfected the art of laughing silently because when I actually laugh aloud I sound evil and deranged. Luke should have my laugh.

  45. Actually, he should have Vincent Price's laugh:

  46. Not being funny, but why do you guys like Luke so much? I just thought him really boring. And kinda weak and spineless. I can't even imagine evil!Luke being that interesting tbh.

  47. What about a monocle?

    Pheobe Buffet could give him evil-laugh lessons

  48. @Team Evil!Luke: As long as his Cape doesn't get caught in a vortex, missile fin, jet turbine, express elevator, etc. (sure most of those are unlikely since they are Muggle things and his Cape could be charmed, but who knows).

    Is Ch. 35 going to be epic because it's the intense chapter reminiscent of the Week of Demands?

  49. Haha, Marie I love you. The Incredibles is the best.

    @214 Why do we like Luke? Hmm... personal answer: why not? I've theorized, as Jules points out above, he's the enemy in the prologue. Also because I have this feeling that he's just going to go so wrong and it'll be one hell of a character arc. Plus - spurned lover is always good.

    So yeah, it really boils down to WHY NOT in the end.

  50. Well, yeah I figured that he's the evil guy in the prologue. Doesn't change the fact that he's boring.

  51. @214, I'm actually not Team EvilLuke (why else would I suggest a monocle). I think he's a rather shallow person (not a shallow character, but shallow person). He's a blind follower, doesn't realize what happens around him, and for a Ravenclaw, really doesn't use his head.

    Jules, when is Lily's pen-pal making an appearance?

  52. @Sarah: OMG a monocle, LOL

    @214: I only like him in the context of him going crazy like Todd said. I mean, that sounds bad, but whatever (vague reference probs no one will get....). Up til this point, though, definitely think he's a tool ;)

  53. Team dead!Luke, anyone? I'm proud to represent this.

  54. You know, something about Reg has been getting to me. He gets all this love, and he is rather adorable, but I feel like he started this whole puppy-killing debacle.

    "Oh James, your fantastic metaphor doesn't apply. You should forget this valuable wisdom from your mother and settle for what you can get easily."

    ...Ok, so it might not be a direct quote, BUT STILL!

  55. Lol, perhaps his crush on Lily gives him ulterior motives!

  56. alls fair in love and war...

  57. @Todd: you've incepted an idea in my head. Since all that time ago when you first mentioned Luke as the unknown in the first chapter, I haven't been able to see anything else. Now if this doesn't happen, my whole reality will be a lie and I'll be forced to jump out of a hotel window.

  58. Oh, oops. Sorry about that, Jenn.

  59. Well at least you're worried about me, that's all that matters...

  60. What chapter is Lily's penpal mentioned? I think I to reread...

  61. No chapter. Just Jules spoilers

  62. Hello, anybody here? *only hears the echo of her own voice*
    Guess not :(

  63. @"JULES"

  64. lol no I was too lazy to log in

  65. you lie
    l i e
    oi this means that someone managed to hack her computer. sooo00oo000oo imposter... when do l/j get together?

  66. IDK she doesn't have shit on here.
    That's because everyone knows that Bree really wrote TLAT.

  67. No way. Bree's not obscure enough to write TLAT. It was definitely one of the anons.


  69. Tis the truth. It's on the internet and the internet doesn't lie.
    Jules is a fraud, taking credit for Bree's work for all this time.

  70. So this is really Bree, outing you as being her?

  71. Wow, Jules I'm disappointed in you.

    Yet on the other hand, quite impressed that you've pulled this off for so long.

  72. I wonder if Jules/Bree post comments anonymously with theories to throw us off the real plot, I bet everything here is just a red herring and this isn't a Lily/James story at all, but a Donna/Lathe instead

  73. Oh man what if I'm the only TLAT fan on here and Jules/Bree IS EVERYONE ELSE, making me feel as if I'm not alone in my obsession for HP and J/L!


  74. ....

    *wishing more than ever blogspot allowed gifs*

  75. I love that people have unrelated chats on Jules' blog comments. it makes me happy! Just like LAT makes me happy! :)

  76. That's my fault. I'm always going off topic haha.

  77. Jenn, you caught me. All the Anons are actually me.

  78. Well, when there's no new LAT and there's no new blog post, there is always something new to entertain me!!! Which is definitely a good thing!

  79. Which of the chapter 13 teasers haven't been fulfilled yet?

  80. In 1976, Adam McKinnon said "I love you." Twice.

    In 1976, Donna Shacklebolt fell in love. Kind of.

    In 1976, Lily Evans fell in love.

    In 1976, Marlene would forgive and forget. Almost.

    In 1976, Adam would give up. Almost.

    Sirius would learn to fly all over again

    Mary Macdonald would make an impression, and Peter Pettigrew would lose faith.


    In 1976, Lily Evans would kiss James Potter. Or was it the other way around?

    Most of these have probably happened and I'm just forgetting that they have. Correct me if I'm wrong :)

  81. The Marlene and second Adam one have sort of/partially happened.

    And one could make an argument that part of the Lily and Donna ones have happened or begun to happen or kind of happened or something.

  82. Love James to death, but I've got to agree with you Todd, Evil!Luke is pretty badass.

  83. And also, Lindsay Logic is amazing.

  84. What I don't understand about the prologue, what upsets my little LJ heart like nothing else is the fact that James seems to agree with the wand wielder (I think it is evil weak, broken Luke also) when they say "She doesn't love you" He is all like yeah bro, I acknowledge this, I'm letting the pain consume me and all that jazz. And the prologue is set almost two years after the sitting and "No one laughs at God..." discussion. Which was like after the first quidditch match of the year in sixth year, wasn't it. And I mean they're dating in 44 at the most so why is he acknowledging that she doesn't love him? Because she does. Because Lily Evans falls in love in 1976. And if this is nearly two years after that quidditch match then, logically speaking, she must love him. It just breaks my heart.

  85. @829 - Maybe Lily hasn't told him by then? That's my theory at least; just because she falls in love, it doesn't necessarily mean that she says it straight away.

    @Jules - "In 1976, Marlene would forgive and forget. Almost."--You said this has sort of already happened/is happening, but I'm confused. What/who is she almost forgiving and forgetting? The only people that I can recall she holds anything against are Miles and Carlotta, but I wouldn't say she's any nearer to forgiving them. Am I completely forgetting something?

  86. @ 829 I agree !!! It confused me so much, I don't understand why James would doubt Lily's love, maybe he lacks confidence because she said no so many times, but still

    @847 maybe Jules is refering to forgiving Adam for telling her he loves her (at first she blames him) and forgetting about it and being friends again

  87. And, I think someone mentionned another Q&A in character before the one of last week but I can't find it. Was there one ? or was it only a Q&A ?

  88. I want shippery goodness, shippery goodness for me.
    I honestly don't know how on Earth James held out for so long. I guess he got so desperate he really had no choice but to turn to the one and only Carlotta Meloni.

  89. because I was bored. and ship remus/clancy so hard. -

  90. Jules, will you update before May?

  91. @Frenchie-that doesn't actually make sense. She wasn't even really angry with him. And she's in love with him herself now, so the 'she would almost forgive and forget his declaration of love' doesn't really make sense in the context.

    @Ursie-lol so hard. It took me a while to figure it out though. I was like 'What's George Clooney got to do with them?' lol.

  92. I think Marlene's forgive and forget may be referring to Donna? Marlene was really mad at her for a while following the "don't tell Marlene" incident in the bathroom and yet they seem to be OK now... the almost may come into play later. That's just my guess :-)

  93. OMFG Jules what's happened to LaT? It hasn't been deleted from has it?! Omg what's going on??

  94. Lol panic over. Just realised I typed in jules5 instead of jewels5. Idiot.

  95. ^I'm not gonna lie, that scared the SHIT out of me.

  96. ^ Lol, me too.

    To whoever asked about the previous Q&A, here it is. It wasn't in-character like this one, just a general Q&A.

    I'm actually LOLing as I read through the previous Q&A... oh how naive we were then ;) we were all 'Go Shelley! Whoo, Team Shelley!' but oh, how little we knew how much of a bitch she would become ;)

  97. @Frenchie, I always thought it was Miles...She was really pissed at him when it happened, and even for a while after, but now, while she still doesn't like him, she seems to have moved past it (as in, interested in Adam now).But she won't forget it, bc as Donna says, it's dumb to forget if someone cheated on you...

    but I think Jules (/Bree) is going to have to clear it up bc there are a few reasonable options

    @847 - someone has speculated that Lily hasn't told James she loves him because of their conversation where he says he doesn't believe in love and marriage, it's making her hesitant...also, she might not have admitted it to herself yet (/being stubborn)

  98. Define "suckiness", please? :)

  99. I've got this theory but it's totally unreasonable so I'm really not sure. By the end of the year once James and Lily would have been dating for a few months, he or she would have proposed and the other would have refused and they would have this huge fight and break up. That's why James think Lily doesn't love him anymore. You know how couples fights get, horrors are screamed at each other and you sometime get the impression they really mean it.

    Of course I don't expect being right, just one of my LaT theory.

  100. Yeah, no way it's James and Lily who kiss. I doubt Jules would spoil it, but also, I doubt neither Lily nor James would actually allow it. They're too.. I dunno, honest, in their way. I don't think they'd do that to Carlotta. They might *almost*, but they wouldn't *actually*. I think. I hope. That would ruin my look on those two, and I'd be seriously dissapointed in them.

    Alright, I'm ranting. Someone shut me up.

  101. Then again... And I quote: "In 1976, Lily Evans would kiss James Potter. Or was it the other way around?"

  102. What sucks is that it takes forever for the new chapters to be written and uploaded (don't take it personally, I'm just impatient), and in FOUR more chapters James and Carlotta will STILL be together.

    That blows.
