Saturday, April 16, 2011


But before I depart, here's a teeny tiny excerpt.
"Who are you?”  
“Who am I? Who are you?” 
“I’m Valentina.”  
“I’m James.”   
She continued to stare at him with her large black eyes, and James continued to regard her with the utmost suspicion.   
Which was ridiculous, he realized, because she was about ten.


  1. valentina
    such a purdy name

    and james you are as sexy as always

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. INTRIGUING. Excited for next chapter. xD

  5. Wheeeee an encounter with mystery girl/Professor Ramsay's daughter at long last!!!

  6. What does this girl bring to the story? Is she going to ship Lily and James too? Is she going to fight death eaters? Is she going to cause trouble?

  7. Aw, she could be a little Marauder-in-training! lol

  8. Oh so we're finally going to find out about the little girl? But I disagree... I think Valentina is a very odd name. It feels like a name that died down hundreds of years ago...

  9. are posting more excerpt, Jules :D Cant wait for the next chapter!

  10. Why do I get the feeling this girl is going to be one of those wise-beyond-her-years-makes-weird-prophesies-is-kind-of-creepy types? (if that made any sense)

  11. @Kelsey Yup, i totally have that vibe about her too :D

  12. or maybe she's just going to be horribly annoying, borderline stalkerish :P

  13. I suppose we'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out... When will we have it?

  14. I feel she's going to be quite creepy too haha ..

    And this is not related to the excerpt whatsoever but I just woke up and I dreamed about Sirius. I study criminology at university and he was giving a conference about what it was like to be in prison.. and I screamed that he was innocent.
    I think I'm becoming too addicted.

  15. Is James afraid of being hit on by a ten year old girl? Hilarity.

  16. Oh, God.. I don't have good memories concerning girls named Valentina *sigh* I hope she doesn't end up like the ones I know...

  17. I like the name Valentina! I think she's gonna be funny and cute! and maybe give James a run for his money regarding cleverness.

  18. I think it's be cute if she was a Marauder in training like Sirius hired her out to do pranks... But no this is gonna be cute.

  19. I am keen for an annoying intuitive but not creepy little girl who pisses james off (cough she calls him out on his lily bullshit cough) what a ten year old

  20. 11:85 I AGREE. someone needs to call him out on his Lily bullshit
    like, in 500daysofsummer. :) favourite movie.

  21. I second (third?) the whole call-him-on-his-bullshit

  22. Calling James on his bullshit has been moved and seconded (and so on, etc).

    All in favor...

  23. Here's what I want:
    For her to ship J/L.
    To team up with Sirius.
    And have Sirius and Valentina bring James and Lily together.
    Think of all the amazingness of Sirius acting like a nicer older brother (sorry Regulus)

    That's not too much to ask for is it?

  24. I wish you had named her Ebnoby.

  25. As long as she's not like the little girl in Orphan 0_0

  26. I will never forgive Orphan. That little girl made my name into a travesty (There's something wrong with Esther? Really? Thanks, guys. I needed that.). Hence why I go by Todd everywhere that I can.

  27. WOAH.
    You'll always be Todd to me.

  28. ESTHER....whoa whoa whoa....well, don't worry, I haven't seen Orphan b/c I cannot watch horror movies without sending myself into a panic attack, so the name remains untainted for me ;)

  29. Todd don't let these people bring you down. Esther is among the names I might give my future daughter, right next to Georgianna. Think Esther Merman.

    And the girl really seems cute. I can really imagine her as a min-maraudette with Sirius as a mentor. Am I the only one picturing Abigail Breslin as Valentina?

  30. Valentina is darker and more waif-life.

  31. Esther is a brill name Todd. Don't let that old woman little girl dad wanting murdering creeper bring you down!

    Orphan isn't really scary Kelsey, a little bit disturbing though sure.

  32. @Kayla: Doesn't matter. I will find some way to completely freak myself out is a gift and a curse ;)

  33. I meant physically dark. Dark hair, eyes, etc; not Abigail Breslin-y.
    Although, come to think of it, she's not a spunky sunshiny little thing either.

  34. P.S. Esther is a beautiful name, Todd.
    Biblical names are very in right now, y'know =P
    And at least your name doesn't sound like an evil PTA mom (or a bitchy cheerleader from the 70s) i.e. Julie. (moi)

    Although, some of my favorite people are bitchy cheerleaders from the 70s.
    Jackie Burkhart is my spirit animal.

  35. I saw Valentina as physically dark, as well. I feel a little bad for in a castle full of teenage witches and wizards, geez. =/

  36. Reactions: did not expect. And Jules, lighten up - Julie is my sister's name and she's first chair violinist at U of Georgia. No PTA there!

  37. Feel sorry for her? I would have killed to live in hogwarts with a bunch of teenage witches and wizards when I was ten. And if it was marauder era. Oh lord help me now I would die. Also I am 11:58 and I am so glad people seconded and thirded and whatever else my notion of sorts :)
