Saturday, April 2, 2011

And music

Lol, my playlist for this chapter cracks me up. It's divided very clearly into two parts: sad and happy.

"Come Around" by Rosi Golan

"Honest" by Band of Skulls

"Helplessness Blues" by Fleet Foxes.

And then the fun music.

"Keaseby Nights" by Catch 22

"Kick Some Ass" by Stroke 9 
(lol, I have no excuse for this song. I don't even have words for this song. It's just pure lol for me)

"A Good Idea at the Time" by OK Go


  1. Ah, thank you, once more. Quite good choices, I think. Love Kick some ass. Lol.

  2. Ok, I'm only part way through and can I just say, Carlotta is pretty much a terrible person bc of this "if I was the one with the opportunity to—to cheat. I never thought about it, but I think, deep down, I assumed that I would do it if I wanted to. I wouldn't... hesitate."

    James was watching her carefully, and he looked vaguely worried now.

    "But the funny thing is," Carlotta continued. "I don't want to. At all. No desire, whatsoever. I like being with you... which is funny, because the last few days have been... completely awful. Everyone hates me, and...""

    She's not cheating because to do so is wrong, but just because she doesn't feel like it at the moment....what happens when she wants to??

    Entirely separate from Shelley-business, that line is just a horrible thing to say (or think)

  3. I have to admit (looks down with shame)that I ended asleep before the update. Maybe one day you'll be able to forgive me, would it come sooner if I write you a positive review?

  4. Ok finished reading (was 10:02)

    Jules LOVED it! you're being overly critical of yourself in that rant

    loved sirius and remus (remus was a bamf in this chapter) and them showing up at lily's door and they KNOW! I hope one of them asks why she didn't kiss him after the wedding and she can realize that's why he's dating Carlotta and he didn't get over her! (heartbreaking last line)

    You had me feeling kind of bad for Carlotta until her conversation with James about cheating (see above)..what a bitch!...also I hope James isn't sending his soldier into battle without his helmet...though I would think a hazmat suit might be preferred

    Can't wait for James/Lily counseling sessions! Are those going to last all year? How awkward will that be when they first start dating (or between the breakup and puppy-loving-get-together)

  5. Forgot to add...LOVE Stroke9...though my favorite is "Do it again"

    and because it needs to be said again...

    Remus is a BAMF

  6. I actually love Carlotta for the "not feeling like cheating part". It was like she was still her. So what? She feels like there's nothing wrong in doing what you feel like doing. She doesn't feel like cheating on James, which means she's taking the relationship seriously. When she feels like cheating, then the rekationship is over, because she's not taking it seriously anymore, so, the point in having a relationship is over.
    I think it makes perfect sense.
    I wouldn't want my boyfriend to want to cheat on me but abstain of doing so. I would want him not to want to cheat.
    If that makes any kind of sense...
    Am I starting a cat-fight? I don't mean to, honest.

  7. Jules why the self hate? I loved the chapter. Worth waiting up for. Forgot to mention before thank you for Julian Morris. Yum. Of to sleep. so very sleepy.

  8. No, I liked that part of the chapter, because that is so Carlotta, but I still think its bitchy to simply not cheat because you don't want to (I agree, it's good to not want to cheat) but i think she also needs to acknowledge there is something wrong with cheating...and if you want to, break up first then go fuck anyone you want

    no catfights necessary, wouldn't want Remus to have to blow up the blog

  9. Dear Jules,
    I am friggin' in love with your story. I think I suffer from a tLAT high every time you update. Love, love, love the character development and the banter. Keep it up. :)

  10. "Is it still considered wrong to tell girls to shut the fuck up?" asked James.
    "I don't know whose fault it was," Peter added. "But before today, I would have imagined that a cat fight would be a lot more..."

    "Hot?" suggested Sirius.

    Peter nodded.

    With a sigh, they all reflected on the sad truth of this for several seconds.
    But I didn't know!" James protested for what felt like the hundredth time, and he scooted closer to the edge of Madam Keepdown's sofa. If he moved any further, he would be sitting on the ground. "I didn't know I was going to start the next Wizarding War just by dating Carlotta Meloni!"

    "So you have snogged a girl?"

    "Yes... just not Leslie Fairview."

    "Maya DeMarco?"

    Carlotta's eyebrows shot up. "How could you possibly know that?"

    "Never mind," said James, with a highly self satisfied grin on his face. "Sirius owes me five galleons though. Sorry. Go on—you were saying?"

    Some of my favorite lines.

  11. Kelsey, can you post the answers to your absolutely amazing crossword puzzle?

  12. agree with anon 10:53

    Remus is a total BAMF! Gotta love me some Remus! and oh, i so had a feeling he was gonna like Clancy. and remus hates charlie plex! haha priceless.

    i just LOVED this chapter! you should be proud, jules. it was perfect.

  13. You shouldn't worry so much. It was a great chapter, even coming off the high that was Chapter 30. It had great character insight and--holy crap--some completely awesome Remus moments. I can't wait to see what happens next.

  14. 1: I love Remus. Can't wait to see the "Operation Getting Remus Laid" in action. lol (and he sure was a BAMF in this chapter omgomgomgom)
    2: UGH Charlie Plex is an idiot AND a cockblocker now.
    3: The fact that Sirius calls Carlotta a "Quaffle" amuses me to no end.
    4: I don't hate Carlotta, but I don't feel sorry for her at all. She should have seen it coming.
    5: The fact that almost everyone at Hogwarts wants James to date Shelley: srsl every1?!!!!1
    6: OMG LOL'ED: only James and Lily found the sessions boring trolololol
    7: the ending was so sad.

  15. for the music choices, i can't seem do put to place where ""Keaseby Nights" by Catch 22
    " would go in this Chapter. SCan someone point it out to me please? :/

  16. Lol, I totally rocked out to Keaseby Nights during the catfight. But the music is really just--idk, suggestive of my moods when writing. Sometimes it's really fitting (i.e. Chapter 30's music) and sometimes it's just random.

  17. Jules, im warning you, this is a VERY very VERY long review! Probably the longest EVER. First of all, I just want to say ive been reading TLAT for ages. I've reviewed on and here as anons multiple times. Finally, I made an account and so i can comment with an identity : )

    AHHHh....your story is SO awesome! best fic ive ever read! I check your blog EVERYDAY for updates and I feel like the weeks without an TLAT update are almost completely meaningless. I love this chapter. I love every chapter. This one might not be up there with my previous favourite chapters, but you being you, and TLAT being TLAT, this chapter is still amazingly awesome! You are incredibly talented. comes the lists...


    "Yesterday was yesterday, and today is today, and what's the point in worrying about the past?"
    "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."
    "Wait,Who are you? We were introduced in the past, and apparently what happened before has on bearing on what's happening now, so..."
    "Very funny."
    "Bitter, much?"

    "Think about it. Carlotta, Shel... sorry, Mary—She Who Must Not Be Named, James, this one, Steb—sorry: that Cheating Lying Shite, to say nothing of Snape and you and the Marauders, and Mulciber... Charlie Plex and Donna... all together. How could that not be interesting?"

    "Are you joking? Every time I come up with a new adjective or title for Stebbins and the Slut, my mood improves at least three percent."

    "My Zen, if you will."
    "You have Zen?"
    "I am Zen."
    "Do you know what 'Zen' is?"
    "Not anymore, I don't. Carlotta disrupted it all away."
    "Do you know what 'disrupted' is?"
    "Your nit-picking is doing a number on the little Zen I have left, Snitch."
    "I thought Carlotta 'disrupted it all away,' and why did you call me a snitch?

    "Yeah, but they're Hufflepuffs. What else have they got to do?"

    She beamed at him, but James scarcely noticed. Across the room, Lily Evans was shooting him a highly skeptical look. He shook his head dramatically, and she averted her eyes in an attempt to defer a smile.

    "Don't speak to Carlotta that way," countered James, also joining the group.

    "Is it still considered wrong to tell girls to shut the fuck up?" asked James.
    "You had sex with her? And Derrix Pomfrey?"
    "I didn't! I have absolutely no recollection of..."
    "You told them we shagged? We didn't shag! I think I would remember if..."
    "Would you stay out of this, Stimpson?"
    "Shut up, Potter!"

    "You know...The... the meeting with the... the... you know..."
    "Prefects?" Remus substituted, amused.
    Sirius smirked. "Can we take another moment now to mock the fact that James is Head Boy?"

    "I don't think so," the Head Boy bit back. "I think I'm just going to storm away now, so that you can really grasp how unfathomably furious I am with you at the moment."
    "Have fun with that."
    He turned and did as he had said he would.

    "I like barriers," replied James. "Barriers are nice. Like distance. Big fan of distance. Speaking of which, can I go?"

    "You're Head Boy, aren't you? How are things with the Head Girl?"
    James frowned.
    "Okay, bad example..."

    Nothing could faze this damn woman.

    "So—do we... give him detention?" asked Clancy.
    "Dock points?" suggested Remus. "Or are we allowed to dock points? I can never actually remember."
    "Me neither!"
    "Can I go?" demanded Donovan.
    "I suppose this one time."
    "But if we catch you again..."
    "You'll be in for it."
    "Big time."

  18. "I'll see you tomorrow, James."

    It ought to have been a shocking question. It ought to have stunned Lily, but it didn't. She'd been expecting it—all along, she'd thought that even though she hadn't told a soul, hadn't said a word, someone must notice. And she'd known that that was why Remus was concerned for her, and why Sirius had wanted to have a chat, and all of it.

    The simple, awful question that she had so expertly avoided all week in the face of Carlotta and Shelley chaos now appeared again: silly and insignificant and awful and painful as before.

    Lily shook her head. "About ten seconds earlier." She smiled unconvincingly. "Fitting, right?"
    "It is, though," she interrupted, nodding forcefully and turning to face them at last. "It really is. Anyway..." Another shaky smile, "I'll get over it."

    "I'll get over it. I mean..." An awful, chilling thought occurred to her, "He did. Right?"

    - Lily/Remus
    - Lily/Sirius
    - Lily/James: I feel so bad for Lily.
    - James/Carlotta: yes, i might get attacked by puppy lovers for this, but i assure you, I'm all for L/J. I know they're endgame so why cant I find J/C interesting? Its refreshing to see James interact with a girlfriend who's actually a real, complicated human being and not an airhead bimbo (borderline inhuman) like in other stories.
    - Lily admitting her feelings to the Marauders
    - Carlotta saying no to Donovan and telling James about it. I was super proud of her
    - Valerie is a big fat bitch
    - I can't stand Shelley. I'm totally on Carlotta's side in this. I really hate Shelley's im-a-weak-girl-who's-been-victimize attitude.
    - Lily looking for snape in the keepdown session
    - Donna reading her essay to Keepdown. Pure gold
    - L/J in Dumbledore's office
    - James standing up for Carlotta!! I have a feeling the one who's gonna end their relationship is Carlotta. Have a feeling she's gonna realize for herself how James loves Lily. I don't want Carlotta to cheat on James cause that will be too easy and kinda disappointing.
    - THE FIGHT!
    - Remus/Clancy
    - Remus defending Sirius
    - Keepdown sessions
    - Lily's question to Reg. It reminds me so much of me! I'm not saying im like Lily, I'm saying it makes us relate to her more. Makes her more likeable. I can't stand the Lilys in other stories. Your Lily is just funny, kind, smart. I'm so glad you didn't make her go down the 'Jealousy' part.

    - L/J Keepdown sessions
    - Shelley defeated
    - Carlotta character development (which is awesome)
    - More of Dumbledore as an L/J shipper? I REALLY want to know what he thinks about them.
    - Remus/Clancy
    - Donna/Lathe: They're one of my fav couples
    - Who says the line: "Hey, leave James out of this, he didn't do anything to you!" Is it Marlene? Carlotta?
    - The significance of Lily's vision/dream
    - Who's the little girl at the feast in chapter 30? the one's sitting at the staff table?
    - Lily's pen pal?

    Phewww...those were long lists! I just really want you to know how much I love your story and how much I can't wait for the update!

    BTW, love your taste in music. Thanks for the Rosi Golan song and Diane Birch!

  19. Hmm... I also would like to know who said that bit about James in the catfight scene...

    To be honest, I don't hate Carlotta. I kinda like her actually (Puppy lovers please don't kill me!)... I mean I like her straight up attitude. We all know she's a slut and all, but I don't think she's a bitch. I think she just knows what she wants and goes for it. I admire her for that. PLUS, think about this, if James doesn't seriously date another girl, he won't realize just how perfect Lily is for him! And we all know they're going to end up together anyways, so might as well have some fun on the way right?

    Anyway, I just have to say this. I really, really HATE Shelley!!! That whole I'm-the-innocent-victim shit she's pulling is just so damn fake! And trying to trick James?! She's the real bitch in this story. Ugh, stupid, plastic, wannabe...

    Well now that that's out of my system... Love the music choices Jules!




    1. So much love for Sirius, siriusly (: He's just...amazing.
    2. "Quaffle" and "Snitch." Best new nicknames. ever.
    3. I really hate Carlotta, so I was glad to see that she's finally getting some of the hate she deserves...although I'll admit I even started to feel for her by the end of the chapter.
    4. CLANCY/REMUS EEEEE....charlie plex, just gtfo.
    5. Remus in general, actually, he was just amazing.
    6. The ending was so cute! 3/4 of the marauders + lily bonding=major adorablefest.
    7. Mary's constant eating made me laugh.
    8. Dumbledore's L/J shipping! I also can't wait to see those two in joint counseling sessions...
    9. Speaking of which, I hate madame keepdown...she's so annoying/fake.

  21. I'm going to read the chapter again simply because I was very sleepy the first time around. I will say that I loved Remus, I think you're really developing his personality and that makes me happy. I don't think this chapter was terrible but maybe it wasn't your greatest *cowers in fear from angry Jules fans* After rereading the chapter thoroughly I shall pass true judgement.

  22. This chapter is AMAZING !! I loved the cat fight ! and Lily with Mrs.K. !
    but i kinda hate and love at the same time the ending ! I was so surprised that Lily admitted liking James in front of Peter , he seems like the type to tell James

  23. ^ Nah, I like the fact that you're not ignoring Peter. So often in fanfics Lily becomes really close friends with Sirius and Remus, but Peter is totally ignored. They must have been close to Peter to trust him with their lives.

    Btw Jules, are you going to include Peter's move to the Dark Side? Or do you believe all of that happened post-Hogwarts?

  24. 806 : I only meant that Peter could not keep Sirius secret from Remus even though Sirius asked him not to, and Sirius is a closer friend than Lily. So, if he thinks it's good for James to know about Lily, I think his loyalty will go to James.
    Of cours I'm pretty sure Remus could make him shut up with a nice spell ^^

  25. OR!!! MAYBE Peter (or even Remus or Sirius) get so tired of Carlotta and tell James about Lily's feelings for him, and maybe THAT'S what breaks the puppy killers up? And that's how Lily and James get together?

  26. Who says the line: "Hey, leave James out of this, he didn't do anything to you!"
    Without going back to check, I think Marlene.

    Is Peter's descent into evil going to be in LAT?
    Not really... I mean, there are going to be very, very, very early indications that his betrayal could be within the realm of possibility, but he won't be "sneaking around with some Slytherins," as fanfic!Peter often does.

    Is Peter going to tell?
    Lily and James are going to get together exactly when they're supposed to. IDK if that makes sense... they're going to get together when they're both at the place they have to be (psychologically, emotionally, grammatically...). So, I don't see Peter telling James and James being like, "Later, Bitch" to Carlotta to hook up with Lily. Lily prolly wouldn't have too much respect for that, either.
    HOWEVER, the fact that Peter is told this secret in the chapter where he totally spills the proverbial beans on Sirius is no coincidence.

  27. That's not going to happen. That's a SUPER cheap way to get them together. Plus I don't think James would break up with Carlotta because Lily FINALLY came around. I mean he has to have some dignity, come on. And I was talking about how I loved that Peter isn't just the creepy tag along/occasionally mentioned as going off to the library friend. He is an actual character and a real friend to the Marauders and to Lily.

  28. I should refresh the page before I start typing... :) so I'll just be over here, ignore me.

  29. Can i just...

    I haven't READ this, but the summary absolutely KILLED me!

  30. oh, also
    - Who's the little girl at the feast in chapter 30? the one's sitting at the staff table?

    We'll meet her next chapter.

    - Lily's pen pal?
    Yeah, that storyline got delayed until Chapter 32, too. There was just too much going on already.

  31. Maybe James and Lily will get together after a hot discussion with Mrs K. But that would mean in at least 1 month ...

  32. Refresh: ok quick.

    Maybe... but I think that it will be on New Years still. Just because if it isn't on New Years eve then that means the kiss happens and they don't get together right away. "In 1976, Lily Evans would kiss James Potter. Or was it the other way around?" So they don't know who started the kiss in 1976.. and it kinda makes it seem as if that is the only kiss in 1976.

    Or maybe Jules is just being tricky and they'll get together next chapter. And hey, I wouldn't complain.

  33. Lindsay: I personally think that Carlotta and James will (unfortunately) be together for a while at least. And James and Lily definitely won't be getting tigether yet as Jules said it was while it was cold. That makes me think November at the earliest. And I remember a discussion about James needing a reason to stop hating November. Or something.

    But I'm with you on the theory of there only being one kiss is 1976. We've definitely had this discussion before on this blog and I was convinced of it then.

  34. I know we've had this conversation before but I have this complex where I feel the need to convert everyone on the planet to think like I do. It's one of my major flaws, but what can you do?

  35. ^ LOL. Well you don't need to convert me :)

  36. I thought I read somewhere that James is supposed to have a New Years date that isn't Carlotta or Lily?


  37. god i hope it's not Shelley, I would be sooo disappointed by James

  38. what? really? I tottally missed that. Either way New Years Eve kiss will be Lily/James. Even if they both have other dates at that point otherwise all of the puppies on the earth's surface will simultaneously drop dead.

  39. *totally I can't type quickly and accurately

  40. It can NOT be Shelley. That would piss me off to absolutely no end. Shelley is just a manipulative bitch, and if James can't see through that I will cry so much it will flood the world, and God already said he will never make the whole world flood again so there. Point proven

  41. Jules have you heard the song "Rumor has it" by Adele? I loved listening to it during the cat fight scene.

  42. Shelley shall be destroyed

  43. Lol God be trollin'

    (@1216, I love that song!)

  44. Aww Jules I'm only trying to please the readers

  45. So I guess I'm now morally obliged to do destroy Shelley, huh?

  46. Good girl
    PS: You should also feel morally obliged to write some scenes with James and Sirius without a shirt on, you know for the Greater Good


  48. You heard God, Jules. Get to it ;)

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Praise god, Jules, you have to do it now....

  51. LOL at Lindsay's point proven. And God is in the house! I feel like I'm meeting every single famous/super important person here...

    Jules, how much can you tell us about Lily's pen pal? And is she and Reg going to talk more over the year?

    I don't know why, but I kind of want James to feel a liiiitle jealous about something Lily does, or someone she talks to/about. God, I'm such a slutty member of Team Puppy *sigh*

  52. Haha I think I reached a new level of faith ^^

  53. I want more Reg too! He only made a cameo in this chapter, which upset me greatly :(

  54. Well I've seen Peter without a shirt ! Aha ! What you say about that God

  55. Lol, guys... I'm hesitant to spoil this, but I will anyway. There's a Reg chapter coming.

    Okay, not a REG chapter, but in my brain, I call it the Reg Chapter because his is really the A-Storyline in that chapter. I I I so excited.

    What can I tell you about Lily's penpal? lol, I really don't even know why I'm not spoiling the identity at this point. It's been guessed already by many, though.

  56. Well, Voldemort
    1) you should have asked for Snape without a shirt
    2)you are highly disturbing

  57. OMG! REG CHAPTER? I sense some sirious Mary/Reg/Lily...

    OMG! Sam? Is it Sam? I love him! *bright eyes*

  58. I hope Reg will show some personality, he doesn't very interesting for Mary, maybe he will woo her with compassion and kindness

  59. "... I think it's written in... dried blood"


  60. Well Lily's pen pal will be someone outside of Hogwarts right? I'm guessing Sam.

  61. Dose anyone else find it incredibly sexy that James goes running every morning?

  62. Yeah. He must go shirtless.


  64. I'm guessing Lily's pen pal is Sam.

    @God Snape without a shirt might extinguish all the kittens on the planet.

    Shelley may be a deceptive bitch but she makes Carlotta's life miserable and that almost makes me love her. I'm just happy she's not my enemy.

  65. @ the person who doesn't think Reg is very interesting-- Er, what? HOW can you not like him? He is my favourite OC! He's so adorable, I want to hug him <33

    Y'know, I wouldn't actually mind if Reg and Lily went out for a bit. Cos I imagine that Lily wouldn't be shallow enough to say no to him when he's obviously such a nice guy. And if it makes Mary realise her feelings, and if it helps James ditch Carlotta, then I'm definitely all for it :)

    But, sadly, I don't think it will actually happen :(

    BUT am I the only one hoping that it will?

  66. ^ No. I love Reg and am super excited about this Reg chapter :)

    And I do want Lily to go out with Reg... but maybe because he doesn't seem like so much of a threat. But hopefully if it ever does happen, it will kick-start the Mary/Reg storyline, which I'm mighty hoping will happen sometime soon because they will just make the most adorable couple.

    Also, if Lily does agree to go out with Reg, I would be interested in seeing James reaction as well.

    But I also don't think that will actually happen, because while Lily obviously isn't shallow, and yes, she'll appreciate that he's such a lovely bloke, I don't think it's her style to lead someone on like that.

    But whatevs. I love Reg.

  67. I would actually like for Lily and Reg to go out once or twice. I guess that's the only way I see Reg realistically getting over Lily and moving on, by realizing that it just wouldn't work out between them. And then they'd have a "peaceful divergent of paths" (copyright pending).

    Oh God, I feel like such an obsessive nerd for that reference.

  68. ^ Lol no don't! I'm wishing I actually thought of that ;)

  69. This is probably a VERY unpopular opinion, but ... I kind of like Carlotta. Granted, she's made awful decisions and obviously Lily belongs with James, but ... I don't think she's a bad person. And I think if James is happy with her and she's finally willing to commit, there's nothing wrong with that.

    As long as it ends, of course.

  70. Disagree. I think she is a bad person--I mean, seriously, she has absolutely no morals whatsoever. BUT... I do feel myself sypmathizing with her slightly now that everyone has turned against her.

  71. @242- good use of reference lol. Did you do the LAT Crossword that Kelsey made?

  72. I LOVE Reg! Defs one of my favorites.

    I am on board with the whole Reg and Lily going out thing, even platonically. He's a nice guy and nice guys shouldn't finish last.

    I think it would jump start Reg/Mary in the same way James/Carlotta would kick off James/Lily.

    I remember reading... I don't know how far back... but Reg and Lily are supposed to discuss his fancy of her, aren't they?

    And, Lily doesn't really have that much of a reason to say no to him... I mean, sure she knows she fancies James, but he's with Carlotta and will be for at least a little while longer. It's not like she's going to be pining for him in the coming months. So, you know. Why not?

  73. @207 and 214: Please, stop. I can't concentrate on what I'm reading if I'm imagining James running shirtless *drools*

    And I'm up for a date between Reg and Lily :)

  74. Oooh yay, me too, I definitely want to see at least a date.

    Agree that Lily has no reason to say no. Yes, she fancies James but James also fancies her, and that didn't exactly stop him, did it, so why should it stop her?

    And hopefully it will give James something to think about. And maybe finally get Mary's feelings for him going.

    But, hm, I'm torn. I think Lily would see that he's a wonderful and just adorable guy... but then I also agree with Sian that Lily doesn't seem the sort to lead someone on if she's not actually interested.

    But I definitely think Reg needs to at least ask her, because he needs to get over her.

    I love Reg :)

  75. Can I say I want a shirtless James too? And I want a Reg/Lil date too.

    So, if we're voting... yeah, those are my votes.

  76. I think Lily and Reg should go on a date. I think towards the end of the date both will realize that they are both wonderful people but are just not meant for each other. They would part as friends and Reg/Mary and Lily/James can start.

  77. lily/reg? :S
    pity dates don't seem like lily's thing.

  78. Who says it has to be a pity date? Maybe one day Lily wakes up and realizes her mad attraction to Reg. Maybe they go on a date and Lily can't keep her hands off him. And she scares him off and that's how it ends.

  79. ^ I would actually pay to read that.

  80. I don't think it would be a pity date. I think she will get to know Reg and then it'll be like ok well lets see if this could happen thing. But I don't really see it going past one date. Just one Hogsmeade weekend. Plus I think that James would be a bit biter about it (even if this is pre puppy killer break up) because he actually likes Reg.

    I'm excited for a Reg centric chapter. Is is 32? or later on?

  81. LOL 453! And yes, I would pay to read that too ;) Lily being unable to keep her hands off Reg... that is just too funny!

  82. I don't want an actual "Date" between Reg and Lily....I don't think Lily is the type to lead Reg on if she is interested in someone else. And while she has no reason to say 'no' since James is with Carlotta, I also don't see Lily using Reg to try to get over someone..

    That being said, I'd LOVE for Reg/Lily to run into each other at Three Broomsticks and have an informal spur of the moment, yea have a seat and let's eat together kind of date....if that makes any sense whatsoever...

  83. I agree with the whole non-pity date thing. I think it would be more platonic with potential... like 2 friends going on a trial date, and realizing that they just aren't suited for each other. Then at the end of the date, they shake hands and simply just continue to be friends.

    Besides, isn't James supposed to tell Reg to "back off"?

  84. I would actually like them to properly go out. As in, not just one date. Because James' feelings of jealousy would be a lot more complex if Lily was going out with Reg than if it was any other guy (e.g. Luke).

  85. @sarah
    i agree.

    we saw bitter/jealous james for ages. i'm not eager to go back to that already.

  86. I don't think I want them to go on an actual date. If they did go on the date, then Reg might think she has real feelings for him when she would only be leading him on because of her feelings for James. And Reg is a nice guy and I don't want him to get hurt.

    If Lily and Reg did happen to go on a date, I'd want it to be platonic and for her to tell him from the beginning that she doesn't like him that way but she still likes him as a friend.

  87. I don't know if I want Lily and Reg to go out or not. I mean, if it happens, I'm sure I'll like it (definitely more than I like the Puppy killers), but if it doesn't happen, I doubt I'd mind.

    But! If Reg does ever ask Lily out... then I definitely want her to say yes. Because if she says no then that will just be too sad for Reg :( I'm getting sad just thinking about it :(

  88. chubby-I don't think James would be bitter. He has Carlotta after all. And if he does get jealous or bitter at seeing Lily with someone else, well he'll only have himself to blame.

  89. >.< "team puppy" indeed. i guess being against l/j dating other people only extends to james.

    OY, JULES. previews to chapter 32?

  90. LOL @ 453. I literally just choked on the coffee I was drinking when I read that :)

  91. @Chubby yeah I agree. Plus, him and Carlotta just got together. I kinda want their relationship to end for no other reason than he realizes he loves Lily. Like, he's been trying to convince himself that he doesn't have feelings for Lily because (he thinks) she doesn't have any for him. And I want him to get with Lily beacuse he knows that there's no one else for him, not because he just saw her with someone else. If that makes sense.

  92. He'll only have himself to blame? to be fair she was the one who constantly turned him down. His feelings were well known, Lily has only come to her conclusions (at this point)about a week ago.

  93. Lol no chubby. But as James IS dating Carlotta, why shouldn't Lily date someone else? If James wasn't dating her, I definitely wouldn't want to see Lily with anyone else either. But I'd rather not see her sit around pining.

  94. Lindsay- I mean, he would have to see that he can't complain as he gave away any of chance of getting together with her himself after he started going out with Carlotta.

  95. @Lindsay: He gave up on Lily as soon as he was getting somehwere with her.

    If I was Lily, I'd probably be thinking that it was all 'thrill of the chase' kind of thing. Because as soon as she starts showing interest, he loses interest. I'd be pretty angry if I was Lily. (Or at least, angrier.)

  96. Yeah but Nia that's still double standards.

  97. It's cause Reg is not viewed as a threat where as Carlotta is

  98. 5:19 He gave up because he WASN'T getting anywhere with her.

  99. Anon 5:18: I get that, but I mean, I'd still be kinda bitter if I were James and I chased Lily for years and she started to go out with one of my friends... I mean yeah he IS with Carlotta. And I don't think he could act on it, but he would still be hurt.

    Anon 5:19 I don't know because you say that because we have a different view of the story than the characters.

    The almost kiss: LILY pulled away. And yes we know her reasons, but James didn't. At that point they were almost there and he got rejected (in his mind) and this time it was real, because he had a legit chance, they were friends, they had a spark, and then she rejected him.

    I think Lily can say he only liked her for the thrill of the chase because, well it was awkward the next time they saw each other. And it was because of the almost kiss, (and Carlotta, but she didn't know that at that point) and she acknowledged thats why he would be awkward. Even then she didn't come to the conclusion that she liked him. She knows she is the one who blew that. She knows that they were almost something, and she backed off. So she can't be angry. Well she can but not at James, but at herself.
    IMO at least.

  100. 523: No it's not really. As someone above said, Reg is a non-threatening factor. He doesn't actually pose any... danger to James and Lily getting together (does that make sense?), because we know that even if Lily and Reg do go out together, it won't be for very long and it won't be very serious. And hopefully it would result in Reg seeing that he and Lily aren't meant to be.

    If anything, it's more because it could be a catalyst for Reg and Mary getting together rather than whatever possible affect it might have on James.

  101. Nia: :) yep. I agree. Reg/Lily would fuel Reg/Mary. It would probably just be a James was extra irritable. But the day Mary sees how much good Reg would do her.

  102. @nia
    why is carlotta a threat more than reg? we all know l/j will only ever love each other and get together before the year ends.

  103. Lindsay 529: I'm still completely perplexed at James getting together with Carlotta, even though it happened several chapters ago. I just don't buy the whole 'he took the almost kiss as a rejection' thing. *shrugs* It just doesn't make sense to me.

    I think I would get James getting with Carlotta more if the almost kiss hadn't happened. But seeing as it did happen, and he got with Carlotta within a few days of it, I just don't get it. Because, no matter how much I think about it, or how many times I put myself into James' shoes, I can't understand him seeing things that way, so much so that without even talking to Lily about it, he goes and jumps into bed with carlotta.

    *shrugs* All I can see it as, really, is that James fancied Carlotta and that's that.

    And I do feel sorry for Lily. Far more than I ever felt sorry for James while Luke was still around (even though at the time I really did feel sorry for James), because Lily at least had more reason to hope.

    chubby: Do you really want me to spell it out? Fine: it's cos it's highly unlikely that Lily and Reg will have sex. Okay? Lol.

  104. Because Carlotta and James make sense in theory. (if we didn't know L/J was endgame) They are both kind of rebellious (in different ways) and they are on an equal playing field. (that sounds shallow, but it's true) Reg/Lily makes Reg more of the Cinderella of the story if you get what I'm trying to say. They don't have as much in common besides being genuinely good people, which isn't enough. Plus relationships where one person idolizes the other more than is reciprocated are doomed to fail. Which is also why Carlotta/James is good for Lily/James.

    :) I feel like I am talking a lot.

  105. @nia LOL

    *sigh* another month before chapter 32. i should've read the chapter slower.

  106. "Reg/Lily makes Reg more of the Cinderella of the story"--This made me simulataneously lol and 'awww'.

    And yes, I do see that James/Carlotta is good for Lily in that it will help Lily see James in the way he has been seeing her-unattainable and it'll give her a chance to do some pining. But I just wish it happened without the almost kiss, because that's the only thing I don't understand.

  107. OK so you are standing there at the guy/girl's house that you have been in love with forever. You are getting a long great, you helped them through a rough night, a few nights before you went on platonic/non planned date and had a great time, you are starring into their eyes, and have your arms around them. You both lean in for the kiss, then out of no where they pull back. And announce that you are both drunk, she had a really emotional day, and then kept saying sorry.

    Rejection. Painful, drawn out rejection. there is no other way to describe it. (and sorry if that made no sense... it did to me)

  108. lol @ Nia 5:43

    Comments like that and anon 4:53 are the reason I love this blog :)

  109. And the not talking to her thing. Well would you go back over and say soooo about that time we almost kissed. NO. at least I wouldn't I would haul up in my room and hope to never see them again because I was so embarrassed. but that's me.

  110. I feel like I have a lot of emotional attachment to this story... I don't know if it's healthy. Hmm. I should work on that.

  111. @lindsay m

    i really like reading your comments :)

  112. I agree with Nia. The 'date', becoming friends, ahving fun together and almost kissing - that sounds a lot like progress to me. And there has to me *some* attraction for an almost-kiss to happen

    If James leaned in for a kiss and she pulled back, then that would be a rejection for James. But she leaned in too, so James should know that at the very least, on some level, Lily feels some attraction for him.

    Nonethelss, even disregarding the almost-kiss, everything else- her spending so much time with him over the summer holidays voluntarily, simply because she wanted to, becoming friends, shating stuff with one another etc. - it's really hard to see it as anything other than progress, which is why it makes James and Carlotta so confusing.

    Agree with Nia- I simply see it as he was attracted to Carlotta and wanted to pursue that and lost interest in Lily.

  113. He smiled a little at the recollection of Lily Evans—hammering away at the hinge pins—and met her eyes. But only for a moment, because—quite suddenly—she was hugging him.

    And, for the first time since he had gone to the coast, James questioned his assumption.

    They hadn't kissed.

    She had said that she couldn't.

    She didn't want him.

    He had known this. He'd been so convinced. But was there any chance that he was wrong? And, if he had been wrong, would it make a difference?

    Because Carlotta was in a lot of ways, quite fantastic. He did enjoy being with her. And as much of a gamble she might be, Carlotta Meloni did not pose half the risk that waiting for Lily Evans did.

    Lily really did look beautiful, though, so he pulled back.

    "You weren't kidding about the perfume," he said, hoping she wouldn't notice how his voice didn't sound right at all.

    "And you weren't kidding about the shower," she replied lightly. James's doubts vanished. This was too easy for her. Friends. Just friends. Like she'd told The Daily Prophet reporter.

  114. We already know that James has a very high threshold for embarrassment ( I believe it was discussed in 'To End A Year'), so he could confront Lily about it without feeling awkward or embarrassed.

    It seems like an un-James thing to do - would James actually avoid it and pretend it never happened? And James (especially LaT James who is a lot more, er, dramatic and aggressive) would not shy away from confrontation.

  115. What I personally am pondering in my little brain is that Reg and James have a heart to heart about Ms. Evans. Perhaps perhaps he'll tell James all the reasons why he and Lily wouldn't work as a couple. James listens to him and gets all defensive of Lily in his head and thus realizes that he is far far far from over her. Maybe it'll serve as a wake up call from the Carlotta distraction.

  116. thank you chubby. i was trying to think of where we saw james' thoughts about it, while 'writing my paper on marie antoinette'

  117. "He had known this. He'd been so convinced. But was there any chance that he was wrong? And, if he had been wrong, would it make a difference?

    Because Carlotta was in a lot of ways, quite fantastic. He did enjoy being with her. And as much of a gamble she might be, Carlotta Meloni did not pose half the risk that waiting for Lily Evans did."

    That's what I mean when I say that it was simply because James fancied Carlotta more than he was interested in Lily. Like in that very passage, Lily's hugging him and he thinks that Lily does have feelings with him, but he's just like: 'Oh well, I don't care 'cos I'm banging Carlotta Meloni.'

    (I'm also 6:06)

  118. Lol. James is actually my fave character in the HP books, but I don't like him in this. And this exact discussion sums up why I don't like LaT James. (Oh and the fact that LaT James is kind of whiny).

  119. It would be really funny if James accidentally called out Lily's name while he's with Carlotta lol

  120. Really? That's what you got from that? We just think on different planes then. I got something totally different out of that.

  121. Really? Then what did you get out of it? I genuinely thought I was reading into it exactly how it was meant to be read.

    Ok, maybe not with that wording, but basically he fancies Carlotta and wants her more than he wants to explore the possibility that Lily might have feelings for him.

  122. @6:16
    are you also 6:19, 6:20, and 6:22?

  123. Ok I really really have to go to bed. But I just have to say - totally agree 6:22. That passage highlights that it isn't so much to do with James', er, feelings of rejection, but more to do with the fact that he fancies Carlotta.

    I just think James is a bit of a knob. And kinda fickle.

    And now I really have to go to bed. It's 2:30 am here!!

  124. chubby- No. I am 6:06 (my first comment of the night), 6:16 and 6:22. And now.

    Do I detect mockery? Or do you find it hard to believe that there are so many people who don't really get James' actions?

  125. no. just trying not to mix your comments with others.

  126. ^^6:16

    I disagree, I think it's quite the opposite. He's saying that Carlotta poses a smaller risk *to his heart* than waiting for Lily would. As in it's unlikely that dating Carlotta will lead to his heart getting broken but waiting for Lily, hoping for something more and finding out she sees him as only a friend would crush him....again. That's the gamble he's talking about.

    He also says later in 29 that requited fancy is better that unrequited love.

  127. 'Knob'? Is this Brit slang?

  128. @622 and Nia- I think James means that it's much easier dating Carlotta than it is dealing with the possibility of Lily. "Maybe requited fancy was better than unrequited love" (or however it went). He fancies Carlotta, he loves Lily. She has the power to break his heart, another rejection might do it. He's waited for Lily for ages, and if he didn't try to get over her, he might very well be waiting for her forever.

    Meh. I don't know if that made sense.

  129. I feel like James was really let down by the rejection and instead of going after what he wants he settles for what he can easily have. He probably does have feelings for Carlotta, but not as deep as his obvious feelings for Lily. We know they're still there.
    I happen to really like LaT James. He's a lot more "real" than other fics I've read. We know that he's going to end up with Lily... but, there has to be some storyline in between. It's interesting to read. I get excited to see what's going to happen next. It's not predictable.

  130. Basically, I meant what 638 said. But she (he?) said it better. lol

  131. Also, LAT James is second only to Month of Sundays James on the super-mega-awesome-foxy-hot scale IMO;)

  132. Hold the phone.

    Of course James likes Carlotta. He does have legit feelings for, and he's not JUST dating her to get some.
    But that excerpt isn't about James "choosing" Carlotta over Lily, or liking Carlotta more than Lily. That would be WAY more important if it were. All that is is James BRIEFLY thinking he might have to confront that issue. He's considering if he misinterpreted Lily's rejection, and, honestly, he's thinking about what he DOES like about Carlotta, and whether it might not just be better for him to stick with her.
    But he DOESNT ARRIVE AT A CONCLUSION, because he quickly "realizes" that Lily's not into him like that and it's all safe.

  133. What's the LAT crossword? I didn't know there was such a thing!

  134. Ok yay finally who thinks like me I agree with Justine.

    He was questioning whether or not Lily did have feelings for him.

    "She didn't want him. He had known this. He'd been so convinced. But was there any chance that he was wrong? And, if he had been wrong, would it make a difference?"

    SO what I got from this was he had decieded after the almost kiss Lily didn't 'like-like' (forgive the middle school phrase) him. But the protest confused him. She was still acting as if she might like him, so his mind was trying to process it. So then coupled with:

    "And as much of a gamble she might be, Carlotta Meloni did not pose half the risk that waiting for Lily Evans did."

    Waiting for Lily to potentially realize that she was in love with him would hurt him a lot more than Carlotta ever could. So why not have a go at a realationship with Carlotta.

    Tada my thought processes...ish.

  135. LoL Katie we are muy simpatico

    and I just checked and yes, I'm female;)

  136. God, aka Jules, has spoken.

  137. @Justine- Oops, totally did not notice the name. But it's always good to check, yeah? lol Also, I have no idea but muy simpatico means but okay! :)

    Golly, it's so nice to have an author present to clear things up. That sounds kind of sarcastic, but it's not.

  138. @ Lindsay agreed. it's hard to read all these comments with all the jumping back and forth and this and that and omg i'm getting all mixed up now. but YES! i agree with you! summed up quite nicely once and for all.

  139. @katie muy simpatico means very nice

  140. @Katie, no worries, I was just joshing:) The gender thing is a common problem when you have an obscure, feminine version of the name "justin".

    and muy simpatico means we are "in agreement".

  141. In the words of Lily: New Topic- because I saw this, nearly had a heartattack, and had to get y'all's reaction.

    "JK Rowling told David Thewlis, the actor of Remus Lupin in the Harry Potter films, that Lupin was gay in Prisoner of Azkaban, but changed over the years and married Tonks."

    W T F

    I thought Remus being a werewolf was JK's equivalent to being gay in today's (or rather, the 70's-90's)society. Not that he was, literally, a gay werewolf. And he "changed over the years and married Tonks"?! Boom, I'm not gay anymore! Yay! It was just a phase....a 15 year phase....

    Again w t f?

  142. Rowling didn't say that. I heard Alfonso Cuaron (PoA director) said that, but I'm pretty sure that Rowling did not.

    Regarding everything else:
    I had to rush out when I posted the last, so I didn't get to comment on everything I wanted to.

    I agree, I don't want to see Lily sit around and pine. But I don't necessarily associate "not dating anyone else" with pining. Frankly, she's going to have a bit too much on her plate to be spending much time sitting around and moping about a boy.

    Also, I'm not sure that she would be particularly eager to date anyone right now. Sure, she realized that she'd like to kiss James, but she found out ten seconds later that he was dating someone else. The possibility of James was quickly dashed, so she didn't have to deal with the question of "Do I want to date anyone right now?" This doesn't mean she won't want to date James when the opportunity arises, but that--combined with the fact that the boy she actually likes has a girlfriend--will certainly deter her from jumping at date offers.

    Regarding James being fickle: seriously. After 27 chapters, he decides to get a girlfriend. That boy is all over the place. /sarcasm

  143. Jules: I like your response to James' fickleness. 6 years + 27 chapters.

    But I get that she probably won't date anyone else I was just saying that I wouldn't really care one way or the other if Lily went on one date with Reg.

  144. Regarding Gay Remus thing again, from what I can gather, Alfonso Cuaron told David Thewlis that Remus was gay for directorial purposes. This was BEFORE HBP, and Remus/Tonks.

  145. Oh and Yeah that was NOT JK. And I refuse to believe that is true. I feel like he was just very guarded with his heart because he felt inferior to everyone else because of his furry problem. He felt bad enough 'burdening' his friends with his problem and did not want to rope someone he loved into having to deal with his disease for life. And he was terrified of having a child (as exhibited in DH) so all of that meant he avoided romantic relationships. Then there is the fact that until book 3 he thought 3 of his closest friends were either killed or had their death caused by his fourth close friend. That must have deterred from getting close to anyone else because he had a lot of pain in his life already. so yeah.
    thats what i have to say on that topic

  146. i capitalize weird things. hmm. ok.

  147. @7:37 yeah, I think Alfonso said that too. The idea that JK said that seems to be a tumblr/twitter rumor. But there is this movieline article saying it was JK:

    serious LOL at the picture they chose to use. LOfuckingL.

    @Jules- I know! So fickle. I mean, I can't keep with all the girls he's slept with. All 3 of them.

  148. @Justine Oh my god, that picture is so...accurate? Ahahaa. I seriously can't stop laughing right now.

    so much lol!


  151. is "jules" short for something

  152. Well her friends call her George

  153. LOL

    Julie. But actually Julianna.

  154. The rumour of Remus being gay only exists because some fans want him and Sirius to be together ! There are soooo many fanfictions about it

  155. I've just got to say, I'm glad to see Rosi Golan on here...when I had about 30 seconds left to read of Ch. 30 the first time, her song "Been A Long Day" came on my shuffle, and it was eerily perfect.

  156. Ooooh, that is really fitting! She has such a lovely voice.
