Saturday, April 2, 2011

The following is a rant

about how much I fucking hate everything right now.

So, I don't like this chapter at all. It just doesn't suit me the way I want it to, and part of that is because I'm transitioning back to /everyday/ life, which has a different feel than /summer/ life, but part of it is that I just don't like it. So, I uploaded and started editing. This occurred around midnight. It took me about an hour and a half to get all the way through, and I made a lot of really big changes that improved the chapter enough that I didn't hate it.

And then fucking screws me over and doesn't load the page when I save it, so all of my editing is lost.
It's 1:30 at this point.
So, fun, fun fun, I get to go back, try and redo everything I've already done, and, try and do it in some kind of timely manner. I KNOW I didn't fix everything that I wanted to... I didn't make all of the changes or adds that I wanted to, but, frankly, I have no idea where I would go to do that. But, I owe you guys a chapter, so here's my shitty fucked up Chapter 31.

Aaand I work in four and a half hours.

And I'm being a total bitch right now, for which I feel awful. Like, if Jules were the Doctor, Jules right now would be the sixth Doctor... basically just a total asshole. Usually I'm kind of 4/5/10-ish (curmudgeony and melancholy but ultimately awesome), but right now, I'm just being Fucking Six. And that's awful. My apologies.

Jules at the moment.

But, you guys are all just making me gushy and melty and non-raging-monsterish. And even though tomorrow you'll probably be running me out of town on a rail--which doesn't make sense because we live in different towns--at the moment your appreciation is just the sweetest thing in the world. 

Oh, AND I have a deleted scene that I rather like. It's from the first counseling session, just a little bit of Donna and Adam's exchange as they attempt to "interview" one another.
“So what’s your favorite color?” 
“Really, McKinnon? My favorite color? That’s where we’re at?” 
“Well, you won’t answer any of my other questions,” Adam pointed out. “Except the ones I already know the answers to, and not even all of those.” 
“Well,” replied Donna coolly, “I hope you never work for The Prophet, because you’re a rubbish interviewer.” 
“Hey, you were the one who asked to be my partner.” 
“Well I didn’t want to talk to someone I don’t know.” 
“That’s the whole point of this exercise.” 
Donna sent him a look. “Do I look like I care about the point of this exercise?” 
“Good. I like to be very upfront about my feelings of hatred.” 
“I’ve noticed that.” 
Donna rolled her eyes. “Actually, I’m a little surprised you’re not partnered up with your little girlfriend.” 
“My girlfriend?” Adam echoed, confused. “My girlfriend’s a sixth year. She’s not even here.”  
Bewildered, Donna frowned. “Wait a minute—isn’t that your girlfriend?” She pointed to a petite Hufflepuff girl across the room. Adam snorted and shook his head. 
No. I’m dating Prudence Daly.” 
“And that’s not Prudence Bl... Daly.”  
“Er... no.”  
“Oh.” Donna shrugged. 
“You’ve met Prudence...” 
“Tiny, brunette... that’s all that really springs to mind...” 
“Maybe it’s a good thing you’re interviewing me,” said Adam. “I don’t actually think you know anything about me.” 
“You’re a Ravenclaw, right?” Adam blinked disbelievingly. Joking.”  
“Well I can never be sure with you. You walk the fine line between intelligent and completely ignorant.” 
 “Proudly. Anyway, I think that covers my portion of the interview,” Donna concluded cheerfully. 
“How do you figure that? All you’ve established is that I’m a Gryffindor and not dating that girl.” 
“You reckon Keepdown will want more than that?” 
“Probably a bit.” 
“Alright. What’s your favorite color?”

I probably have more to say. IDK. I'm half dead right now. I could be accidentally typing this in Latin, in which case, props to me because I did not know my Latin was this good, but also, sorry, you have no fucking  clue what I'm on about.

At any rate, once I get home from work tomorrow, assuming I'm not actually dead at that point, I will speak to you all again, and hopefully I'll be more of an 11th Doctor than a 6th. 

Love and cookies and sleep,

P.S. I'm probably overstating how much I hate the chapter. Honestly, it's 4 a.m. I'm overstating everything. Except how much I love and adore ye all, of course. You're amazing and glorious.


  1. Awwww Jules. I'm so sorry about your internet troubles. Get rest, and feel better tomorrow!



  2. <3

    thank you for your excellent work, jules. you are de bestesttestesttestestestt.

  3. You are so very loved Jules! And if it makes you feel better i loved the chapter.
    I even made a list of some of my favourite things, which i never do because i am an awful reviewer and just state my intense love for the author instead of anything constructive but anyway.
    - I love the marauders friendship and their loyalty to eachother. Remus getting all huffy when he finds out about Mulciber made me all gooey.
    - Carlotta the whore. Everytime someone said something horrid about/to her it made my night. I think all the negativity towards her in this chapter may have actually saved a few puppies lives.
    - The cat fight was uh-mazing. My god.
    - I love so much that James and Lily were the only ones to complain about Keepdown. Can't wait to see their sessions together :D :D
    - Oh Shelley. You trouble making little minx.
    - I loved Sirius in this chapter. I love him all the time but especially here.
    - I love all of your dialogue. It's brilliant. Your conversations make me die of joy. You're amazing seriously!!

    Here are a few of my favourite lines:

    "Did you just call me a 'Quaffle?'

    "Yeah, but they're Hufflepuffs. What else have they got to do?"

    "Are you joking? Every time I come up with a new adjective or title for Stebbins and the Slut, my mood improves at least three percent."

    And i also loved this line - What the hell were Hufflepuffs again?

    Anyway thank you so much again for staying up late and for writing and for being wonderful in general even though the world was definitely against you tonight.

    I shall remain in my LAT induced high for a while now. And dream of live puppies tonight.

  4. @Kayla: I did the same thing, haha - I opened up a Word doc to list things.

    A few favorite bits:
    "I like barriers," replied James. "Barriers are nice. Like distance. Big fan of distance. Speaking of which, can I go?"
    -- Eleven, is that you? Have you replaced your love of hats with barriers?

    "That's cool." She tried to think of something else to say. "Hufflepuffs are very..." (What the hell were Hufflepuffs again?) "...loyal."
    -- lolol forever.

    - Sirius!!! Sirius and Lily bonding a bit.

    - Remus's moments of awesome e.g. quieting the class and defending Sirius.

    - L/J somehow being the only two not to like Keepdown's sessions; hey, at least they agree on something.

    - Dumbledore's shipping of L/J. Hope for the puppies!

    - D'awww at the Marauders hanging out with Lily.

    - And your A/N of "Reviews are puppies alive."

    Thank you, again, Jules. YOU ARE MARVELOUS.

  5. @Kayla 2.7, Marie - I agree !!! This chapter was wonderfully amzing :D

    - I love Sirius/Lily bonding,

    - serenity of Madame Keepdown was something that really annoyed, quite agree with Lily & James that she needs to go,

    - Remus! Clancy! need I say more <3

    - Marauders (sans James) with Lily in her room; that's just classic,

    - Donna and her Potions essay lol,

    - catfight (it makes me laugh like a maniac),

    - Awww, Jumbledore, mate, you're un-killed so many puppies in one moment...

    And I also think you're MARVELOUS. Sometimes shit just happen ;)

    Thank you, thank you for chapter (now I'm coming back to my TLAT high again, woopey)!

  6. Oh god forgot to mention the most important part! Lily admitting her feelings to Remus, Sirius and Peter!!!!!! Ahhhhh!!

  7. i<3you Jules!!!!

  8. And this:
    ""Yeah, but..." He further ruffled his hair. "Yesterday was yesterday, and today is today, and what's the point in worrying about the past?" Again, James's expression erred on the side of defiance.

    Lily arched her eyebrows.

    "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

    -- Hahahaha.

    - Can't wait to read more of the Keepdown meetings, esp. James's and Lily's. And to see what Donna does next.

    - Curious about Remus's and Clancy's newfound friendship.

    - I did feel a bit sorry for Carlotta in this chapter. However, there were some puppy-killing moments...agh.

    - More on Marauders/Lily bonding: I like that she told them first about her crush on James. :)

    - Nervous about what Mulciber and the other Slytherins are planning next.

    Anyway, I hope that you get some sleep and have a good weekend!

  9. Jules, this chapter was absolutely fantastic. I would be more gushy and in depth, but it is almost 6am and I am no longer drunk and I just really need to go to bed. Basically, you are amazing and so was this chapter. Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend.

  10. Hey Jules,
    Sorry about those Internet troubles, and we wouldn't get angry at you for any reason, because you're writing TLAT which is amazing. We all love you too!
    btw, I love the excerpt/deleted scene, and I hope you feel better.
    I'm off to read the chapter now! (:

  11. P.S, I love the new bubbly background. (:

  12. Jules! I love it! Absolutely. I love that Dumbledore's conniving to get Lily and James into therapy (which I'm going to imagine like Bones and Booth in Bones, for any fans out there). And I loved the cat fight, and the Marauders hanging out with Lily! And they know!!!! Aaaahhhh!

  13. My favourite line:

    "Just when it was getting good," remarked Sirius Black.

    I really liked the catfight, it was so much fun =) Then again, I really liked the whole chapter. I can only repeat what most of you have said, I love that Lily and James were the only ones to complain about Keepdown, I love that Dumbledore made them take the sessions together; Donna was just hilarious like always, reading out that potion essay... =)
    Then there are these L/J moments that make me really happy, and the fact that Lily confessed her crush on James to Remus, Sirius and Peter. I do still feel bad for Shelley though, even when she apparantly knows how to play this game... Yet still, I kind of like Carlotta and the fact that James seems to be so sincere about their relationship... =)

    And, I like the new background, I really don't like pink ;-)

  14. I just remembered that I forgot to review about Remus! (I'm sorry that I always leave stupid sounding reviews, I suck at reviewing.)
    Charlie Plex ruins everything! Does he really have to be dating Clancy?! My heart is broken. Due to Charlie Plex dating Clancy, and the las line of that chapter.

  15. I also thought you should know that I've been listening to Everybody loves me on repeat for the last couple days. (:

  16. Jules!
    Don't be hating because that was AH-FREAKING-AMAZING.
    I agree with Kayla and Marie, those parts were awesome. I also loved this:

    "Good morning, everyone," gushed Madam Keepdown, once the floor in the center of the room was clear, except for her own, viscose clad figure. "I'm Fiona Keepdown, but you may all call me Fiona, of course."

    "Because she's cool like that," muttered Donna sarcastically, and Lily smiled behind a concealing hand.

    AND arghh Lily admitting her feelings. I have been following this story for years and seriously I have waited so long for her to like James, and the fact that she actually admits it to his friends is just marvelous. Simply marvelous.
    The Sirius/Lily friendship is simply wonderful and the Remus standing up for Sirius is simply awesome bromance.

    Thanks so much for making my night awesome Jules! I can't wait for the next chapter. Hopefully it involves more Carlotta slander. Or you know James realizing that he has been a complete ignoramus and dumps Carlotta. Please?

  17. Okay here goes:

    Lily heard the footsteps in the corridor outside the Head Office; someone was jogging closer, but the likelihood that it was James seemed extremely slim. It could be anyone... in a second, their footsteps would pass by the open door, and she really needed to stop fretting over every little...
    I HATE WHEN THIS HAPPENS. You’re trying to avoid them and you become so paranoid that you’ll run into that person at any given moment. And then when it actually is them you just feel as if the universe is laughing at you enjoy your pain. Bitch.

    "Did you just call me a 'Quaffle?'" AND ” and why did you call me a snitch?"
    Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but I like the fact that Carlotta asked if, but Lily asked why. Which is why Sirius had an answer for Carlotta but not one for Lily.

    "Are you joking? Every time I come up with a new adjective or title for Stebbins and the Slut, my mood improves at least three percent."
    I firmly agree with Mary on this. It’s like a scale, the more horrible the name the better the mood


    Remus saves the day TWICE. Four for you Remus Lupin, you go Remus Lupin.

    Remus and Clancy are also quite cute and Charlie Plex is just gross. So he can just get out of that equation thank you very much.

    James deliberated patting her head or giving her a hug or something, but all of that seemed awfully misleading, so he ended up just patting her shoulder in the absolute most awkward fashion possible.
    I laughed really hard at the picture that came to mind. James’ face looked so worried yet scared. It was great.

    "Why, than meeting with Madam Keepdown together."
    Why Dumbledore, you are such a James/Lily shipper. You and Sirius should join forces.

    "I'll get over it. I mean..." An awful, chilling thought occurred to her, "He did. Right?"
    Firstly, Lily dear, James is obviously not over you. Just be patient.
    Secondly, so who’s going to spill the beans to James? I mean, they’re obviously going to try and keep it hidden, but that’s only going to cause some awkward moments for the Marauders and James is a pretty bright guy. If it gets too weird he’s gonna know something is up. However I do hope that now because of this, Lily and Sirius are going to have more scenes together. I adore those two.

    Okay, after pretty much pasting the entire story. I think I’m done. Phew. As always, the chapter was amazing Jules. You’re fantastic, darling!

  18. Ahhhhh Jules!
    Really really really wonderful chapter! I have already read it twice :)
    Loved it so much (except for James' determined defending of Carlotta. grrr. puppies.)
    oh and the Lily/Remus/Sirius/Peter ending! so so lovely!
    I actually almost started crying in Lily's first interaction with James.. poor poor poor girl :(
    One quick question, I've just been re-reading and in 29 James obviously still has existent feelings for Lily.. are they still there & will we see them?
    oh, and mulciber is a bitch. and remus is sweet. and his prefect friend was cah-ute.
    The fact that Lily and James were in complete agreement and will be in counselling together? love.
    Really subtle cliffhanging ending.. I'm afraid I think I'm already craving impatiently, but I will override that emotion with extreme gratitude and congratulations!
    I really felt for Lily :( I loved the rest of the Marauders. And I would like James to return to his ch29 self, for the sake of the puppies if not my wellbeing!
    Anywaaaaaay, SUCH A GOOD JOB JULES. you're a little shining star :)

  19. Aw, Jules. First of all, thank you so much for an amazing chapter! I really enjoyed it. The catfight was amazing (if I was a professor from Hogwarts, I'd give you an O) and the individual sessions! I'm looking forward to James and Lily's sessions with Keepdown. And Lily + the Marauders!!!! Sirius' nicknames! Remus and Clancy! There are lots of things that I absolutely loved. :)
    It was brilliant and you are all sorts of amazing and I hope you get plenty of rest and you feel better. You deserve all the wonderful things in the world and a freaking trophy for such a fantastic chapter. <3
    We love you, Jules. :)

  20. oh and also, I'm almost in love with Lily myself. WHY ISN'T HE? ah dear. Donna as well by the way? she is an amazing creation

  21. Oh, I almost forgot. My puppy loved the chapter too and he's glad that his fellow friends are still alive. Lol.
    The puppies also love you, Jules!

  22. So, I'm about halfway through but I had to stop by say ADJKIKSMNSKDJDN OMG!!!! about the Group Counseling scene *SPOILERS*

    "You have sex with her? And Derrix Pomfrey?"

    DEAD. Dead as a fucking doornail. I laughed like a madwoman on my way home from work when I read that.

    And I said (more like shouted) "YES!" when Remus pwn'd them all.

    Ugh, so fucking epic. That entire scene is jam packed with winning. That is all.

    K, going back to finish the chapter now:)

  23. Ah! Just reviewed, but forgot to say I LOVED Lilys' slight angsting. It was, like, I KNEW she was detroyed, and I KNEW she was hurt by those little slips, but I didn't have to stand a POV from her when she was.
    JAmes winning a bet against Sirius on what girl Carlotta kissed was pretty enjoyable too.

  24. Oh Jules, that was fantastic. And you know how I know it was fantastic? You made me feel sorry for Carlotta.

    Like, I've always loved her character, because she's interesting. But I still hated her (duh. she kills puppies). And while I still don't like her, I just kind of wanted to give her a hug after the cat fight and rumors and such. Really, she didn't deserve that much. It was still fantastic, because Shelley is a Magnificent Bastard now, but...

    I could write a novel about all may favorite parts, but I will resort to a list instead.

    - Lily and Sirius bonding!
    - Lily and Remus bonding!
    - The Keepdown Sessions
    - J/L being the only two to complain about the sessions
    - Dumbledore being such a L/J shipper
    - Git. Prig.
    - Quaffle. Snitch.
    - Remus defending Sirius
    - Lily telling the rest of the Marauders about her feeling for James!
    - "Are you joking? Every time I come up with a new adjective or title for Stebbins and the Slut, my mood improves at least three percent."

    This is why I resorted to list. There was just so much. I'm sure I'm forgetting other favorite parts.

    And alkjsdlfje. I can't believe that's how you ended the chapter! Tease! No, Lily, James still loves you!

    I know we probably won't see it, but I want to know how the Marauders respond to it. Because I'm pretty sure they still know James likes Lily, but would they tell Lily about their suspicions?

    Amazing chapter, Jules! (and awesome deleted scene. I love Adam and Donna interactions.)

    - Kim

  25. Many things were awesome about this chapter--see everything listed above ;)

    I'll leave a real review later when I have time.

    But I love Remus. And Sirius. And Lily. And everyone. Except Carlotta. I can't fucking stand her. (no, not really true, but I couldn't resist the chance for an AVPS ref)

  26. Firstly, @Jenn's "Four for you Remus Lupin, you go Remus Lupin."

    And none for Carlotta Meloni, bye.

    Secondly, my two absolute favorite parts of the chapter were Remus (everything about him. No way I'm narrowing it down.) and Donna reading her potion's essay in her Keepdown session. Both made me smile immensely.

    I basically just adored it. The update combined with a Doctor Who marathon and Phineas and Ferb shapes macaroni makes this a lovely, productive Saturday.

  27. Also:

    "I like barriers," replied James. "Barriers are nice. Like distance. Big fan of distance. Speaking of which, can I go?"
    -- Eleven, is that you? Have you replaced your love of hats with barriers?

    ^ My exact thought, Marie. It sounds so much like Eleven.

    - Kim

  28. Loved the deleted scene! Got any more for us please? :)

  29. Whoever said the four for you remus lupin thing, nice mean girls reference! haha

  30. What is the whole "killing puppies" reference, by chance?

  31. James/Carlotta sometimes inspires a lot of anger in people, so much so, that at some point, circa the Chapter of Doom (Chapter 27), when they got together, someone on this blog feared their anger would lead them to "shoot a puppy." Thus, the J/C ship became known The Puppy Killers, and all romantic interactions between them are said to cause the tragic deaths of innocent, adorable puppies. More recently, the J/L ship has become Team Puppy (as in, the James/Lily ship directly supports, saves, and advocates for the puppies).

  32. For the actual thread, go here:

    and scroll about 2/3rds the way down. Lindsay's reaction still makes me LOL. And chubby's reaction makes me LOL even more.

  33. ^ Lol ok just read it :)

    And yes I loled so hard at Lindsay's reaction.

    "oh shit." <--- Really, so eloquent! No-one could put it better =P

  34. Awesome excerpt. Donna is so funny, LOL.
    The chapter was great! I've already left a very long review on Someone else couldn't help but laugh whenever Mary was mentioned eating in the chapter?

  35. @448: I hope one of Mary's friends mentions her eating habits in the next chapter...and Mary responds by whipping out a bucket of ice cream.

  36. Another great chapter! I actually started rereading LaT (again) this morning and then realized that there was an update.

    Favorite Parts:

    1) Sirius. I love his interaction with Carlotta and Lily, hilarious. Also, I love that he was resisting Mulciber's taunts. He's growing up!

    2) Donna. I burst out laughing at her reading the Potions essay out loud.

    My heart goes out to Lily. That poor girl. I can't wait for her joint sessions with James.

  37. @531: LOL. That's something I can definetely see her doing.


  39. YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! A blue background, just as I requested!!! :D

  40. The fact that 2 people like what I say from a few months ago enough to comment on it now makes me embarrassingly happy. I am proud of that comment still to this day. And just to change the topic slightly... did anyone else think my letter three theory had any weight?

    Any who back to chapter 31:it was GLORIOUS!!!! I loved it. Loved it, loved it, loved it. I am starting a 2nd read through reaction post because I am to impatient to read the chapter to simultaneously make a reaction post.

    So in conclusion: Jules you are one of the most talented human beings ever, and I love you. A lot. It's kinda pathetic actually...

  41. Just a question, in a post you said that in this chapter Lily would be getting a pen pal. We didn't see it in chapter 31, so what happened with that idea? It would have been interesting!

  42. good call anon... I forgot about that.

  43. What's the three letter theory, Lindsay? I can't seem to recall ever having read it.

  44. oh it was in the post with the orginal puppy shootings. here it is
    (Letter Three)
    Lily had her second strangest dream that week on Friday morning. In it, she was attending one of the Slug Club parties, wearing a silver dress that had not fit her since fifth year. She moved through a crowd of nondescript faces, struggling against an invisible force that thickened the air and made movement difficult.
    Music played, echoing separately from the chatter of the party, but it was not the sort that Slughorn would usually pick. There was no band; rather, a melancholy, vaguely jazzy tune sounded out. No one danced, but everyone—indeed, everything in the hall—seemed to sway.
    Lily stopped when she reached Sirius Black, who stood in the corner of the room—the room, which was no longer Slughorn's chambers, but the Entrance Hall at Hogwarts. The two of them were now alone, but the music continued.
    There was something that Lily felt she needed to say to Sirius—something she was desperate to tell him, but couldn't. She knew that when she told him, he would be furious—he would never speak to her again. Even now, he seemed to guess. His expression was grim.
    "I'm so sorry," he apologized, but Sirius's eyes were directed away from Lily, over her shoulder. Lily turned instinctively to see what her friend looked at, but he was staring at the empty space across the hall. Lily turned back to Sirius, but he was no longer Sirius. Reginald Cattermole stood in his place. "So sorry," Reginald repeated.
    Lily frowned. "What are you talking about?"
    "He's dead," said Reginald. At first, Lily thought he meant Sirius, but something corrected itself in her brain, and she knew whom he meant.
    "No, he's not. He'll wake up," the witch heard herself reply.
    "He's dead," insisted Reginald.
    "No, he's not. He can't be."
    "I'm so sorry," repeated the Hufflepuff, but there was little emotion in his voice. "So sorry."
    "Stop saying that!"
    "The letter. Read the letter. You know who wrote it."
    "I didn't know," Lily argued, panicking. "How could I have known?"
    "He's dead."
    Lily's own shout seemed to jerk her from slumber, and she woke in her own bedroom, sitting up quickly and still feeling vaguely uneasy. She had no idea why this was—indeed, she hadn't even known what made her feel so desperate in the dream itself—and breathed deeply several times to calm herself.
    "Lily," called her mother's voice then called from the other side of the bedroom door. "Please tell me that you're awake. Your friend is here!"

    ^^^ from the last chapter (27)
    I think this the third letter. of which you speak above and Lily having a little premonition. Because I don't think you would just name this dream the 3rd letter just because she was the 3rd one to get her Hogwarts letter. I think that is there to throw us off the trail.... :) Just a thought.

  45. I wonder if Luke wrote the letter to lure James somewhere to set up the prologue scene...

  46. @822, you were really adamant about a blue background... it was the last I could do =P

  47. Awwww! Just finished and I didn't want it to end! ( I was scrolling slowly, loL) Poor Lily. I feel for the girl... Sigh. Can I just say that I abolutely LOVE the Quaffle/Snitch thing? Not just all the amazing dailogue that has to do with it, but just the saying in general. Ah Jules, you are a genius. Now with that said, off to go re-read ;)
