Friday, March 25, 2011

Non-Spoilers, Chapter 31

There are a lot of new people on the blog, so for those of you not familiar with the concept of Non-Spoilers, I shall endeavor to explain. Once upon a time--like, Chapter 28, I think?--I was a spoiler ho, and someone was like, "Srsly, Jules?" Can't you just post not MAJORLY IMPORTANT THINGS?! And I was like: K. So I started posting random true things about the chapter that are either not important at all or have no immediately obvious importance: non-spoiler spoilers. And here we go:

There is a recurring couch.

Lily takes a shower.

Sirius trips on a step.

Remus and Peter study in the library.

Patronus forms are discussed.

Mulciber is psychotic.

Lily is....

Lol, not really, but she'll have one of those moments, where if she had any concept of that particular meme, she would use it.

Oh, and tentative song title:
“Everybody’s Trying to Be My Baby”

All the prizes to Kayla for making this. All of them.


  1. Couldn't help it

  2. Kayla: five thousand billion hundred points. <3

    yayyy I'm getting more and more excited. xD

  3. There are no words, Kayla. No fucking words to express the lulz.

  4. I hope the recurring couch is for the Madam Keepdown sessions a la Muggle psychiatrist style...and not for anything else.

    @Kayla: Bahahahaha so much win.

  5. Bahahaha priceless

    Update in the next week Jules?

  6. AKLSJDKSA. Kayla, you need to stop winning the internet.

  7. How I interpret these so-called Non-Spoilers:

    There is a recurring couch...on which Lily kisses James.
    Lily takes a shower...with James
    Sirius trips on a step...when he sees Lily kissing James.
    Remus and Peter study in the library...and are distracted by Lily kissing James (again).
    Patronus forms are discussed...and then Lily kisses James.
    Mulciber is psychotic...after seeing Lily kissing James
    Lily is....kissing James.


  8. Do you want me to say "maybe" or should I just crush your dreams now?

  9. LOL E.J. You win the internet too! :)

  10. ....oh...Right.
    Well, no need to say it I suppose. I am sufficiently crushed but the implications of that statement.


    (On a more serious note, I speculate that Sirius trips on a step because he discovers a certain bit of information about a certain Head Girl's feelings about a certain Head Boy).

  11. @E.J.: Perhaps Sirius overhears Lily talking to Remus. ;) btw your interpretation = very very very awesome.

  12. THE SHOWER ONE MIGHT BE TRUE! Jules made "shower" larger than any of the words in the rest of the sentence, SO OBVIOUSLY THAT CAN ONLY MEAN DIRTY AND LUSTFUL THINGS HAPPEN.

  13. absolutely "lustful" is a word, I mean.

  14. *like* EJ's interpretation x1000000000000

  15. I can't stop laughing at the picture Kayla made :) The amazingness is quite evident.

    Oh, and one thing: I wonder what Carlotta's patronus would be? The patronus form thing got me thinking...

  16. Psh, pretend all you want. We know you meant "absolutely James and Lily shower together and it is very /steamy/."

  17. I am keen for some LAT. If we are completely honest with ourselves I am keen for the entire story in my hands. That would be sheer brilliance, I do not actually expect this though.

    Patronus forms being discussed, I have this image in my mind of the classic fan fiction scene, they do patronusses in DADA and bam! Lily and James have matching patronus forms and everyone is all zomfg, destined to be together! :) and then they go and make out. Am I right?

  18. Damn! You had me there, Jules! You sly fox, you. And as for Carlotta's patronus, I have a guess...

  19. @were-rhino: Definitely. :)


    can't stop laughing at forever alone lily either, i made her my background.

  21. LOL, that is def carlotta's patronus.

  22. @rhino lololololol. Either that or a shrew or a..chihuahua or something.

    Cho Changs patronus is a swan. *cries*

  23. Ya, but her animagus was a whiny brat.


  24. or a..chihuahua or something.

    I am crying.

  25. I bet Carlotta's patronus is a dead puppy.

  26. Do you think that maybe it's bad that we love james and lily so much ? When we know that we probably won't find such a great relathionship in real life ?

  27. @6:06: I don't think it's unrealistic to think we won't find a relationship like that. (: I really believe there are millions of people out there that I'd be perfectly happy settling down with someday- I just have to find one. I like to stay optimistic about the whole thing.

  28. Oh dear, I am sooo looking forward to this chapter... The more I read on this blog the more I can't wait for the end of the month =) Hopefully you get the chapter done soon...

  29. silver_thunderbirdMarch 26, 2011 at 7:18 AM

    I kind of like that James is with Carlotta now. We get to see Lily feeling the same way that James felt for years :) It's kind of refreshing.

  30. @silver_thunderbird, I guess thats true. Carlotta is like James's Luke. Most fanfictions make Lily have a boyfriend, and James lonely without love.

  31. OMG KAYLA. I am so pleased to share your name right now. That picture is full of so much win.

  32. Is it only me, or does the end of the month never seem to arrive?

  33. @901 It's really not just you. Really.

  34. Okay, I've just had a completely bizarre thought but it's really stuck in my head so bear with me here. You know how anon's get referred to by their time? Yeah, if we're all in different time zones then how come it's always PST when I'm looking through the comments?

    No, seriously, this is bothering me. Why?

  35. Because Jules is in PST and this blog exists according to Jules, so it is in PST as well.

  36. *facepalm* Logic!fail (n): when the rational answer is staring one in the face but one looks for the most obscure reasoning instead. Example: "Todd experienced a logic!fail when she asked why Jules' PST blog was in PST."

  37. Bwaha I find the 'forever alone Lily' entirely too hilarious xD

  38. Haha Todd, don't worry. We still love you and your Dunedin long regardless of how many logic!fails you make :)

  39. Alright, several unrelated things:

    Jules: maybe this has already been asked, I can't remember -- did you always plan on having James and Carlotta get together, or was it something that developed as you were writing? I was just wondering -- I think it's a great plot point/character development thing -- Although (or maybe because) I'm surprised at how much I find myself obsessing about how the fact that Carlotta and James had a relationship might change the tone of James and Lily's relationship once that finally gets off the ground.

    Thing 2: Okay, I realize that the whole "what/whom do the characters look like" thing happened quite a bit back...but I was watching RENT last night, and I realized that although people can say that James looks like this person or that person, and at the time I think, "yeah, I can see that," whenever I'm reading something about James, the person he is in my mind is actually Anthony Rapp, only with black hair and hazel eyes. Is anybody else with me/terribly against me on this?
    And speaking of looking like characters, I have green eyes and dark red curly/wavy hair, and I will secretly admit to you that I have this really strong, unfulfilled desire to be randomly told by someone, "hey, you look exactly how I picture Lily Evans!" sigh. It still might happen someday, right?

    Thing 3: I don't know if this is just in my town or not, but March is Harry Potter month here... earlier this week I went to a lecture my college hosted called "To the Well-Organized Mind: J K Rowling and the Archetypal Imagination," and can I just say that she is even more amazing than I previously realized? Yes, I will say that she is even more amazing than I previously realized. Today, I am going to a Quidditch match, and then the Central Ohio Symphony's performance of the Harry Potter soundtrack. ::excitement::

  40. WHAT? HP MONTH????? Jealous....

  41. oh chapter 31, I am waiting for you.

  42. users:

    Is anyone else unable to update/edit stories on their account? Or publish new ones? I don't know if it's just me or not.

  43. @10:12- do you live in Ohio (I'm assuming so) Also, what school do you go to? I would have loved to attend such a lecture. I have a friend who founded "Potter Watch" at his school in NC.

  44. also, forever alone Lily= loveliness. pure loveliness.

  45. lol, I agree with Chandler Bing. and I love Chandler Bing too much. I own all 10 seasons of F.R.I.E.N.D.S

  46. Chandler Bing was my favourite character! Siriusly <3 He was the main reason I watched Friends. Is it Joey out there? I want him on Jules' blog!

  47. I picture Carlotta as a scorpion or something. It seems like a selfish animal. lol
    Also, Friends = LOVE

  48. Todd-- I've been having issues too. :/

  49. Todd,
    The update thing is a problem that lots of folks have been having recently. Here's a solution that has been floating around:
    Author from here to tell you a solution that I found while browsing through Yahoo!answers.

    When you get to the error page, go to the URL and try deleting the word "property" and replacing it with "content". This worked like a charm for me(obviously, as I wouldn't be posting this if it had failed). Of course, this only works for the "Type 2" error. I actually haven't run into anything else.

    Just in case any one else who reads this blog ::cough:: should find this useful. ;-)

  50. @Kimmie thanks, I'll give that a shot :D

  51. Lol, thanks Kimmie. I hope I don't run into that problem.
    @1012: James and Carlotta were always in the plan. Carlotta was invented--if not designed--for that reason, and she was one of the first OCs I came up with. Technically, Adam was the very first. I got the idea for him while finishing ITISNS, when I had this idea for an Eddie Bones plot that I didn't have any time to fit in (I was on the last chapter by then). So Adam started out in TLAT as Edgar Bones ("Eddie") to be paired off with one Jeanie McAlister. An abundance of OCs led to Jeanie becoming Marlene and the creation of Adam. Tangent, sorry.
    Red hair/green eyes = epic combination. And I'm SO jealous you have Harry Potter month. That should be a world-wide deal.

    And Chandler is my favorite Friend too!

  52. K, hold up, what if the URL doesn't say "property"? Answer: tough luck, Todd. Go back to watching Vampire Diaries and eating bon bons.

  53. I also love Chandler!

    And thanks, Kimmie--that fix totally worked!
    Todd--are you sure there isn't a 'property'? Is ffnet giving you a 'type 2' error?

  54. It's for a new story, not a current one. The current ones work for that. *sigh* I suppose my outstanding genius will just have to wait for the site to fix itself. Whatevs. Not a big deal. I wouldn't have even asked, but I was wondering if my computer was about to kamikaze and I wanted reassurance that I was not alone.

    Oh, and I'm a Joey girl, though Chandler does make me smile.

  55. So I'm re-reading TLAT and at the bottom of chapter 12 you apologized to "Carlotta fans" for not putting her in the chapter. When has anyone really been a fan of Carlotta? The only way someone can be a fan of her (and still have a soul) is if they enjoy the way she adds a bit of drama to the story. Just sayin'.

  56. Lol, yeah Carlotta had fans. I think she still does. Maybe fewer =P

  57. I heart everyone who loves Chandler. He's such great character. But I would really like to know... What's up with Mulciber, I wonder? Oh, and will Snape's Patronus form be discussed?

    And thnak you Jules for explanation about non-spoilers. Obviously, I was curious when I first saw it and didn't have clue what's that all about. Now it makes me smile (especially Sirius tripping!).

  58. So...Jules. What are the chances of getting the update tomorrow for James' birthday?

  59. Chanandaler Bong.

  60. I'm a Carlotta fan... sort of. I don't like her with James but I think she's a wonderfully conceived OC and I always enjoy the chapters where she has a lot of presence.

    *ducks shoes and rotten fruit*

  61. That's Miss Chanandler Bong to you!

    I'm okay with Carlotta, too.

  62. @EJ, I'm going to say slim. If I don't go out tonight AND if I pull another fanfiction all-nighter, I might be able to, but I'm planning on going out tonight, which means Ill be too tired for an all-nighter. Still, there's like a 1 in 10 chance...

  63. mean you're one of those weirdos with a life outside of fanfiction/harry potter/the internet?
    Huh. Interesting. I've never met one of your kind before.

    LOLJK. I totally understand, I'm just being hopeful. And I will continue to be hopeful and hold out for that 1/10.

  64. LOL, @E.J. I hope it's up tomorrow, because first of all, it's James' birthday, and second of all, it's Sunday, and I have time to read. :) However, if you don't get a chance to finish the chapter, that's alright because I'm currently rereading TLAT from the start. (It makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE.)

    I'm a Chandler girl, he's too funny. and the best part is, Matthew Perry is from Ottawa, Canada(capital of Canada) and I live there. :)

    I would also say I'm a fan of Carlotta's character, but the puppy killing has got to stop. She needs to stop sleeping with James.

    Donna is my favourite OC though. She's totally awesome. :)

  65. Ross is my favourite, closely followed by Chandler. Then Rachel and Phoebe also very close behind. Then lovely Joey. Then Monica a fair bit back.

  66. Ughhh Rachel Blowssssssssssss

  67. Rachel Seasons 1 -4 is ehh but later seasons Rachel is great.

  68. I think Rachel is kind of underrated. Jen has significant comedic talent.

  69. I always liked Rachel. She's the most normal person out of the whole bunch so whenever something crazy happens to her it's even funnier to me than if it happened to, say, Phoebe or something.

  70. I may or may not have sported the Rachel hair cut in HS. Just sayin...

  71. Will you all throw things at me if I say I don't like Friends...? I've tried, I swear. I just don't find it that funny. Most of it seems forced to me, like they're all trying to hard to get a laugh. Ugh I dunno.
    I'm just being depressed. Stupid itunes put on Godric's Hollow from the DH soundtrack. Which reminded me that our beloved characters are dead. Damn you itunes!

  72. Monica has always been my favorite!

  73. Does any one else cry like a baby during the Monica and Chandler get engaged episode? And I don't mean the cute, shed-a-tear, sniffle crying. I mean the gross, snotty, husband-looks-at-you-funny crying.

    Then he asks you "What in the world is wrong?!!" and all you're just like "IT'S SO AWESOME!"

    God! I have it on dvd. BBL

  74. *throws desk at Jenn*

    Na everyone likes different things :D

    It's James's birthday and thus i am feeling very depressed about the whole JL being dead and not real thing too.

  75. Woah. I forgot that I said people were going to throw things at me and therefore was really scared and confused when you threw that desk at me. But I"m okay now. Phew...
    Also, I give you a cyberhug in attempt to relieve our depression. *squeeze*

  76. Hopefully there is a nice 'Happy Birthday James' excerpt tomorrow :)

  77. you know a james and lily excerpt would be nice but a marauder excerpt would be just as good. i feel that a marauder excerpt is needed. =]


  79. I wrote a poem for James on this special occasion.

    Ode to James Potter

    Quidditch toned sex god (lol)
    You and Lily are peas in a pod
    Chaser and a keeper (quoted from Bree <3)
    Taken too early from the grim reaper (my cries)
    You ruffle your hair
    And leave Snape in despair
    You turn into a stag
    You'd be a great shag
    A more loyal and funny friend there is notter
    Than one James 'Prongs' Potter.

    The End.

  80. Hahaha Kayla your poem is wonderful especially You ruffle your haire and leave Snape in despair and You'd be a great shag ^^

    I really imagine Sirius writing your poem !

  81. Beautiful! I love especially the bits about sex god and Snape's despair . You have bright future in the Poems for special occasions department ;-)

  82. ^ohmygod Kayla lhfklahklshgklahgkln

  83. KAYLA! haha
    I reminded me of the poem Ginny sends to Harry in CoS. "His eyes are as green as a fresh picked toad"...
    I think you should make one for all the characters. Especially Carlotta, I think you could make that one positively hilarious :)


    So pretty. *__*


    Actually, Bonnie can make a nice Lily.

  86. hey jules how did you come up with donna?

  87. I love that picture of her!

    Also, I think that we should declare today an international itatemyhand holiday.

  88. Kayla, best poem ever!!!! Happy Birthday, James!

  89. I agree with you!


    Felt the need to cry when she said "You didn't lost your mother that night, I lost a sister." Why did they delete it? WHY?

  90. *stands up*
    *begins dramatic slow clap*

    Bravo Kayla! Thank you for brightening my morning on this, otherwise, dreary day:)

    And Frenchie is right, I can totally see Sirius reciting this poem to the Great Hall on this day (34 years ago:'<)

  91. this should be a pod cast. I would so subscribe.

  92. I think Jules should work Kayla's poem into a future chapter (: Just sayin'.

  93. I know it's James' birthday, but I just read a short one-shot about Sirius and Remus seeing each other in the Shrieking Shack in PoA. It's very short, yet poignant. Plus it has a good ending line, and I'm a sucker for those. So for those interested: here you go.

  94. The thing about Bonnie for me, is that in some photos, she looks absolutely beautiful. Like, drop dead gorgeous. And there are other times when I just see her as a normal looking girl.
    I believe in OoTP she looked really pretty, and then in HBP she just looked a liiiitle bit boring. Maybe it's her hair in HBP. Too bloody long and straight.
    Anyway, I love her hair. Wish I had it!

  95. @738 - You're kidding, right? Bonnie would make a nice Lily? Please. I think she's pretty awful, and if I'm irritated at her poor portrayal of one of my least favourite characters in the books, I can't even begin to imagine how pissed off I'd be if she played Lily.

    I think Karen Gillan would have been amazing. If only she were a couple of years younger, she would have been perfect for Lily.

  96. * Ginny. I meant, Karen would have been perfect for Ginny.

  97. ^ Agree that Karen would have been perfect--in fact, she's the closest thing to my mental image of Ginny. And while Bonnie hasn't exactly given a spectacular performance as Ginny, I would say it's going too far calling her awful. She isn't given much to work with (I mean, some of the lines she was given in HBP were just... Idk, there aren't even words), but she does alright with it.

  98. 953--Agree, Bonnie looks gorgeous in pictures. But she has never, ever looked pretty in the movies. Until recently (before I had actually seen any pictures of her, other than on Harry Potter posters), I thought she was really ugly. (I guess I'm sounding pretty bitchy saying that? But I can't actually bring myself to care lol.) And most of my friends don't think she's good-looking enough to play Ginny either. Case in point: I told my sister that Bonnie Wright is engaged to Jamie Campbell Bower (guy who plays Grindlewald), and my sister said "He's actually really fit. How on earth did she land someone like him?" And my ex-boyfriend, who I was dating when OotP came out, called her 'dog-ugly'.

    But somehow, she looks stunning in loads of pictures I've seen. Am I the only person who thinks some of the pictures have been air-brushed?

  99. Um, of course they've been airbrushed, but you can see her on the redcarpet and she's fucking llovely. They don't do anything with her in the movies, though. She's cute in OotP, but they either make no effort with her in HBP or their intense love of Emma Watson makes them incapable of allowing any other female character to look pretty.

    No, I don't have strong feelings about this at all. why do you ask?

  100. @1138 - I thought the same thing! I just couldn't believe she was actually that pretty, when in HBP she was just... blah. Maybe it was the make up.. but, come on! Emma looks gorgeous even wearing Hermione's clothes, which are plain and boring, and almost no make up at all. Why couldn't they make Ginny look as good as Hermione (or better), considering that Ginny is supposed to be really attractive?
    I don't know... maybe Bonnie is really that beautiful, but was never given a chance to actually look half as good portraying Ginny.
    Now that I think about it, it is kind of unfair..

  101. I mean, she look lovely here, and she looks like she has just woken up:

    When has Ginny ever looked this cute?

  102. LOL I just saw a post on Tumblr that said, "JKR must really hate Harry. Killed his parents, killed his godfather, killed one of his best friends, killed one of his favorite teachers, and the worst of all... He ended up with Ginny."

    I'm sorry but I LOL'd.

  103. Lol Jules. You've gone on your rants about their neglect of Ginny enough for us all to know by now ;)

    But, um, I kinda agree with 11:38. I don't think she's even remotely pretty. 'Ugly' is too horrible a word, and maybe going a bit far, but I definitely think that she's... unfortunate looking. And tbh, she does look better on the red carpet, but only marginally... she still looks quite unattractive I think.

    Only recently have I seen pictures of her not only looking pretty, but drop-dead gorgeous (wasn't she on the cover of Grazia magazine), but never in live-action.

    I think it might have something to do with Emma Watson being in the frame a lot of the time. Anyone standing next to Emma would look awful by comparison.

  104. , "JKR must really hate Harry. Killed his parents, killed his godfather, killed one of his best friends, killed one of his favorite teachers, and the worst of all... He ended up with Ginny."

    LOL. thats so true.

    I think Bonnie Wright's acting was pretty terrible, and she's not very good looking, but in some pictures, she looks gorgeous.

  105. And Emma Watson, is just the prettiest girl on earth.

  106. Whoever said Karen Gillan should have played Ginny--YES! I have ALWAYS thought so! (At least, ever since I discovered who Karen Gillan was.)

    Bonnie Wright isn't ugly, but not attractive enough to play Ginny. I mean, Hermione isn't supposed to be stunningly pretty, but Emma is. And Ginny, who IS meant to be stunningly pretty, looks extremely plain in comparison.

    Nonetheless, I don't think Bonnie was really bad in the movies or anything. I mean, I rather dislike Ginny in the books, but I don't mind her so much in the movies, so... she must be doing something right if she's somehow portraying Ginny as someone who isn't extremely irritating.

  107. |Anon, 12:09PM
    totally agree. Hermione isn't supposed to be stunningly pretty, but she is, and Ginny, who is supposed to be stunningly pretty, isn't. Especially by comparison.

  108. 1209 "she must be doing something right if she's somehow portraying Ginny as someone who isn't extremely irritating"

    That's because she's not playing Ginny Weasley in the films. She plays a ginger girl who also happens to be called Ginny Weasley, but with none of her personality. Rest assured, if the producers had stuck closer to JKR's portrayal of Ginny, she would have been just as annoying =P

  109. I just hate Ginny. So I hate Bonnie by association as well.

  110. ^Why I hate when we have this conversation on my blog.

    New topic?

  111. Actually, I think that in general Ginny (and Bonnie Wright) in movies is even more neglected than in books. I got in many arguments with my friends over Bonnie. They are all still convinced that she is awful, boring and has some of the worst lines ever. I can't argue with last one, but I really hate that she gets so much negative comments. I mean, it's not her fault that screenwriters decided to focus more on Trio and almost completely cut out Ginny from movies.

    And yes, I've been always a fan of Ginny(Bonnie) and shipper of Harry/Ginny.And I'm still bitter over how they showed it on the screen.

  112. I agree with some of you guys... I didn't like Ginny in the books... but I don't mind her in the movies. I think Bonnie Wright is really quite beautiful.


  114. LOL at Bree's comment.

    But actually when I said that she would make nice Lily, I did because of the way she looked on the photo. Not because of her character.

    And we did talk about Bonnie, not Ginny. She is lovely.

  115. LOL@1212.

    Okay moving on... that Rupert Grint is looking very dishy lately isn't he? I saw an interview with him quite recently and spent the entire time drooling.

  116. Dammit Jules why doesn your tumblr hate me?

  117. Jules, what happened to to post about inventing Carlotta Meloni's history of promiscuity?

  118. lmao!!! bree, I'm eating salad right now! Can you see me?!

  119. @Charlene, it moved to tumblr, because I didn't want to interrupt the convo here.

  120. Kayla you should be in a poetic mood more often. I totally heart your poem.

    I'm surprised nobody nominated Rachelle Lefevre for Lily's part. She was the only good thing about Twilight:,r:6,s:94&biw=1090&bih=450

    Aand a more old fashioned choice but a young Ann Margaret totally looks the part.

    by the way, bree... there was a spoiler like 4 days ago or something that Jules posted and then deleted. is there any way to get that from you?

  122. I think Lily is Karen Gillan. BUT, Emma Stone would be perfect aswell.

  123. ireallyreallylikeginny.

    Had to. Anyway, I do like Emma Stone as well. I feel like we have this conversation all the time. Haha.

  124. I really like Emma Stone for Lily as well

  125. Emma Stone for Lily would be nice, she fits the qualifications well.

  126. hmm never really thought about emma stone but she fits! i like joanna garcia for Lily as well.

  127. Also, Jules, this is for you XD

  128. kind of getting off topic here but

    (lol dolldivine is the most ridiculous website ever)

  129. ^^Hahahahahaha. That is fantastic.

  130. lololol what a lovely birthday present for James!

    @1253: Deja vu about the who-looks-like-who debate? It did happen haha.
    Gryffindor boys and other characters
    Gryffindor ladies

  131. Jules how'd you create Donna?

  132. @146: LOL, yes, deja vu about that one. It seems as if we'll never going to choose a look-a-like that we all agree on (not just referring to Lily).

  133. Jules, you got me obsessed with the song "All This Time". It always makes me think of James and Lily now.

  134. Psychotic Mulciber?

    Hehe, I love EJ's interpretation of the non-spoilers. Too funny!

  135. @234, I don't really remember to tell the truth. She was pretty early on... and she went through a phase where she was called "Dinah" in my head, but she was always a Shacklebolt, I know that. IDK, I think I just wanted a character who's general reaction was, "Fuck this," and who would loathe and despise everything about the type of Mary-Sue that Lily's best friend often is. Thus, Donna.

    @301, such a quality song!! =P

  136. To anonymous on tumblr: I'm sorry, Idk what's wrong... it's working alright for me. But um, I'm not sure what your question was, unless you were also the one to ask about the update, in which case, the answer is by the end of the month. Lol, I hope that's helpful.

  137. im a different anonymous, but your tumblr isnt working for me either, jules. your page comes up, but its blank- i cant see any posts even when i click on them in your archive. not sure if thats the same problem, but thats whats happening to me.

  138. Actually, no, I'm 1221 (and 1222). And also, I told you like a week or two ago that your tumblr was very glitchy whenever I used it. And there was much rejoicing when I realised you had reformatted it... until I realised that it works even less :/ for me anyhow... no-one else seems to ever had a problem with it except for me. Both times. *sigh* tumblr hates me.

  139. I think that's the same problem. I have no idea why it's happening, though.... I just signed out and visited the page, and it was fine.

  140. Oh yay I'm not the only one now. *happy face*

    (*but still sad face*)

  141. @417, well it was super glitchy for me in the old format, but I haven't had any glitches now...

  142. Archive, eh? Maybe I'll give that another go.

  143. No glitches, just blankness.

  144. Maybe it only doesn't work for some people, becaues Ive never experienced any problems on your tumblr.

  145. Never mind, I'm an idiot. I need food and sleep lol

  146. Bree, look one comment up :)


  147. Lol never mind you got it.


  148. "No glitches, just blankness." I read this as "No glitches, just bitches". Hahahha.

  149. "JKR must really hate Harry. Killed his parents, killed his godfather, killed one of his best friends, killed one of his favorite teachers, and the worst of all... He ended up with Ginny."

    DUDE! That's really funny!

    Someone asked on an earlier post when we started reading LAT, and I think I started at chapter 13. :)

    I'm rereading LAT because I've forgotten most of it. I just read Chapter 13 and it made me realize a lot of things have happened that we were told but a few still remain.

    "In 1976, Adam would give up. Almost." So will he and Marlene finally get together? I wonder what's going to happen at New Years...

    "In 1976, Remus Lupin would wake up alone" Is this something bigger or smaller than we think it is? Like will he wake up along in the Gryffindor tower.

    I had forgotten about James' father, so I'm excited to re-read what happens.

    "In 1976, Lily Evans would kiss James Potter. Or was it the other way around?" I WANT THEM TO KISS NOWWW!!!

  150. "No glitches, just bitches"

  151. "In 1976, Remus Lupin would wake up alone"
    one night stand?

    "In 1976, Lily Evans would kiss James Potter. Or was it the other way around?"
    I hope they kiss when Jameas and Carlotta are still dating, and she sees.

    God, I feel like a bitch.

    I'm rereading too, but I just started rereading so I'm on chapter 4. I've forgotten too many details. The beginning makes more sense than the first time through, but I think I'll have to reread it again when the whole story is up. Too many fuzzy details. I totally forgot about the prologue scene until I started rereading.

  152. "No glitches, just blankness." I read this as "No glitches, just bitches"


  153. Here is a poem on Carlotta per request.

    Carlotta the Whore

    Carlotta you rotter
    you don't deserve James Potter
    a dirtier slag there is notter
    Lily Evans is hotter
    people see her, exclaim oh my what a
    filthy whore bag slutface mole..otter
    If someone got a gun and shot 'er
    Puppies would be free to totter
    Carlotta Meloni you've got a
    personality to match Hitlers.

    The End.

  154. Carlotta you rotter
    you don't deserve James Potter
    a dirtier slag there is notter
    Lily Evans is hotter
    people see her, exclaim oh my what a
    filthy whore bag slutface mole..otter
    If someone got a gun and shot 'er
    Puppies would be free to totter
    Carlotta Meloni you've got a
    personality to match Hitlers.

    LOL. I feel kind of bad for her now. I can't blame her for falling for James, because I've fallen for him too.


  155. "In 1976, Remus Lupin would wake up alone"

    I thought this had already happened? I thought it referred to the beginning of the Remus-centric chapter in the summer holidays?

  156. That's correct, 505
    Kayla, your poetry is masterful

  157. Thankyou. I'm considering publishing tbh.

  158. Jules 506- Really? *jumps and punches air* Yay, I love being right :) Even when James and Carlotta got freaky together, I was srsly considering punching my laptop, but a very small part of me was actually thrilled I was right as I had guessed it aaaages before :D

  159. Kayla, your poetry is EPIC. I love it. :)
    especially, You turn into a stag
    You'd be a great shag

  160. The Carlotta poem killed me. I laughed so hard that I fell from the chair. Can I sue her (Carlotta) for mental and physical damage to my backside? And btw Kayla 2.7: You've got talent. Siriously. Think about it - you could do poetic spin-off of TLAT

  161. Your poem about Carlotta caused endless, unhealthy laughter. Your poem about James made me smile for miles. :)

  162. Hey Jules, out of curiosity, will we be getting prophecies for 1977 in some future chapter like we did in chapter 13 for 1976?

  163. Kayla you are a master of poetry! Siriusly the most epic poem ever!

  164. "If someone got a gun and shot 'er
    Puppies would be free to totter"


  165. I was just thinking about Commentarius. I hate Orgo like Lily hates Transfiguration. However, she gets a completely gorgeous, amazing tutor who she gets to snog senselessly, while I'm sitting here pulling my hair out trying to understand this crap. Life is so unfair!

  166. Is the little girl sitting between the professors in chapter 31 going to be a major character? Not Donna-major, but like Charlie-major?

  167. KAYLA. I. LOVE. YOU.
    You're my favourite :)

  168. Will you give us an excerpt today, Jules? :) :)

  169. Lol, yes, it's already posted =)

  170. Just so you know, I LOVE Carlotta. I have loved her since the beggining. I think she's sweet I kind of like her free-love concept, and kind of like her mistakes. I love that she is a vegetarian, caz I am too, and I don't know. I love Carlotta.
    I almoost wish James for her.

  171. Is Prudence (Bloody) Daly calling Adam McKinnon "Boyfriend" as in "Hello, Boyfriend," a Gilmore Girls reference? Because I remember in season seven, Rory's friend Lucy would refer to Marty as such to his face.
    If so, you're awesome, ahem doubly awesome.
    - Rosy
