Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Car, don't be thick. Potter'll never find out."

-Chapter 31



    Bree, you just made my night

  2. Ah, Carlotta. Never underestimate a Marauder's ability to find things out.


    (the L/J shipper voice in my head is doing cartwheels!!)

  4. holy jesus on a stick

    Though this could just be Jules tricking 'Car, don't be thick. Potter'll never find out that you had cereal instead of toast this morning'. Or 'Car, don't be thick. Potter'll never find out that you have fake tits'. etc.

  5. Whaaaaat??? I know I'm new here, but what the heck??? I smell some wicked intrigue.
    Oh, Car! You made my day. This is going to be legendary! Thank you for the excerpt.

  6. It's a sad day when i mistake the word car for an automobile and not Carlotta...

  7. I wake up and find this. a;sldfjakl;jfwioejfeldfaf SO FREAKIN EXCITED!

    But Kayla is probably right. It's a cruel, cruel fake out.

  8. I never thought I'd jump with joy at someone getting cheated on. If that is the case here

  9. I'm desperately hoping that it's not a cop-out and yet at the same time incredulous that I'm this shit-eating-grin happy....


  10. 'Car, don't be thick. Potter'll never find out that you have fake tits'
    Oh god, I hope that's what it is!

  11. nah, carlotta's not cheating yet. it's probably an ex-lover she wants to keep a secret. like the ravenclaw prefect or that other dude she did dirty things to for potions hw.

  12. I agree with Potato. Even though I would love to think that Carlotta is cheating and that the puppy killing is going to end soon, I just don't see that happening. Besides, that seems almost too easy. I think James just needs to realize that he's being an idiot by denying his feelings for Lily rather than having Carlotta do anything...Carlotta-y. Haha. But still, the excerpt made me smile regardless!

  13. LOL Jenn, that's a good one.

  14. Yeah, don't think this is Carlotta cheating. I think this is part of the whole Carlotta being a human being and not an evil, soulless skank thing.

    Although I hardly call it an act of redemption to NOT cheat on your boyfriend just because the opportunity arises.

  15. "Car, don't be thick. Potter'll never find out if we form a pregnancy pact."


  16. "Car, don't be think. Potter'll never find out you're actually an alien from another universe trying to impregnate him."

  17. "Car, don't be thick. Potter'll never find out you had syphilis. Penicillin is a miracle drug."

  18. "Arthur Weasley's Ford Anglia, don't be thick. Potter'll never find out that you can fly."

  19. @KK-LMAO

    I can't think of anything. I'm not that clever. And the only thing that popped into my head when I read "Car" was Dane Cook's "The Friend that Nobody likes." Hey, Kaaaaaar, what's up Kaaaaaaaaaaaaar? It's completely appropriate.

  20. what about "Car don't be thick, Potter'll never find out Lily changed her mind and likes him" ^^

    I have a question, which isn't related to the excerpt but since you guys are harrypotter specialists : in several fanfics Sirius is really angry/sad/disgusted he didn't come to the Potter's house on THE night because he was running/angry/with Remus (argh). But since Peter was the one to do the Fidelius Charm, could Sirius know where the house was ? was he able to visit or did James had to live without him ? thaks

  21. Frenchie- If the Secret Keeper (Peter) told him where the house was, he would be able to go there. Like when Dumbledore's note informed Harry of the location of Grimmauld Place.

  22. On another completely different note, I just want to say thanks to Jules for not purring in glaringly obvious American slang in her fanfic.

    Honest to Blog it is THE thing that annoys me most about HP fictions...

    So, yea... Thanks, again...

  23. Frenchie--I like you "Car, don't be thick" Theory. That is the one that makes the most sense to me. (:

    Also, @9:39--I agree completely! Jules you are a fabulous inspiration in everything that has to do with writing. <3

  24. @Kayla and 939, aww thanks.

    @everything else, lol

  25. @9:39 In complete agreement with you about the slang :S

    Though I'm agrreing with you and Kayla about Jules' writing :)

    As for the he'll find out eventually. He's a Marauder for heavens sake.

  26. The fake tits thing nearly made me die laughing.

    On another note, Jules why must you torment me with excerpts? I'm having fanfic withdrawal...

  27. "Car, don't be thick. Potter'll never find out that you're actually a man."

  28. jules, will james give carlotta a nickname since she's his gf?
    hopefully something better than "car".

  29. It has to be Quaffle! Haha. Even though that's just what Sirius calls her, I think that it is so so so perfect. But yeah, will he give her a real one? I vaguely remember him possibly saying that he had one for her but wouldn't say what it was. I could be completely mistaken though. Lol.

  30. It was Tglo (the good looking one).... that would be weird if he called her that though

  31. Oh rightttt. Hahaha. But yeah, that would be a little strange, though he could call her that and tell her that it simply means she glows. XD

  32. I really don't want him to have a cute nick name for her, the puppy population is already dangerously low!!!!

  33. "don't be thick Car, Potter'll never find out you gave handjobs for homework"

  34. @Linday--Hahahah. You are absolutely right.

  35. "Car don't be thick. Potter'll never found out you are one of my spies mwahahahaha"

  36. Hush, Voldemort! You'll give it all away!

  37. Oops I did it again

  38. Don't worry, Voldemort--I'm not that innocent ;)

  39. Yeah,you are toxic !

  40. Gosh,you're my new hero Voldie - for quoting Britney S. Can we establish Voldemort's Corner of Wisdom, pleeeease? It would be epic!

  41. @lindsay
    only if it's something sickening like pookie or cupcake.

  42. No because if it's something cool and original like Snaps then we know he really likes her. So that would almost be more sickening because he would have had to put thought into it.

    and Voldemort you drive me CRAZY!

  43. I thought I'd never see the day where I'm happy about someone cheating on their boyfriend.
    Unless it's, "Car, don't be thick. Potter'll never find out that Lily has feelings for him." That would just kill all the puppies in the world, if he doesn't. :(

  44. This made me smile... I wonder what her nickname will be?

  45. question completely unrelated to the juicy, mysterious excerpt above: so, a lot of you are in college/university, yeah? would admissions completely hate me and/or not let me in if I were to defer for, say... two years (or rather, 27 months)?

  46. I know you can defer for one year, I have never heard of deferring 2 years. I guess it depends on the college/what you are doing. For some colleges it might be better to just apply for the semester you want to attend.

    Why do you want to defer 2 years?

  47. aaaaaaaahhhhhhh
    cant wait for the new chapter.

  48. Okeydoke, thanks! I'm planning on doing some peace corps loveliness :) I'll probably just end up applying later, depending whether I'm accepted to volunteer or not. Again, much thanks!

  49. @136- It would depend on what you were doing during that time, what college, and what you wanted to go for. If you were, to say, join the Peace Corps, they'd probably love you. Granted, you generally need a degree to join the Peace Corps... If you're doing something like "finding yourself" or "working on your music," they'd probably be slightly annoyed. But I doubt it'd be to the point where'd they reject you strictly because of that.

  50. hahaha, I posted that before I saw your new comment, 126.

  51. They probably would let you defer for the peace corps. If you call the admissions offices of where you want to go there are always people happy to answer your questions :)

  52. @133 - Hopefully they'll love me :) And yeah, I've seen that degrees are "highly encouraged" (coughcough pretty much required coughcough), but I suppose I'm kind of going for a mix of Peace Corps/finding myself, because I have no idea what I want to do, and feel bad about being clueless on my parents' dime.

    I'll definitely call! I was just starting to get worried :) Thanks again!

  53. wait do you get paid to be in the peacecorps?

  54. @126/now138- College is a time to find yourself. I wouldn't worry about being clueless, because everyone in college is clueless. And it's pretty much the only time you're allowed to be. I'd recommend going and soul searching there, and then do the Peace Corps thing to lead you along.

  55. Yep, something around $7000 to readjust and such!

  56. @ 126: Is there a community college near where you live? I ask because, at least where I live, education is a lot cheaper in local schools instead of state or private universities. Also, considering California's economic crisis, a lot of universities are down-sizing professors and community schools take them so you're really getting a better education. If your state is the same/similar/actually California, perhaps that'd be something to consider.

  57. (continued...)

    Community schools tend to have lots of volunteer and work programs since their attendants are not always well off or aren't fresh out of high school so there's a lot of room for personal fulfillment. I'm doing a mentorig program right now which is really fun and helps out these kids a lot, and I got hooked up through my school.

  58. My brother deferred for a year, it was fine. He's in second year university now.

  59. Jules, you are my life. <3


  61. Legit just squealed in my office. My boss is giving me the stink eye... :) Can't wait for the chapter Jules!!

  62. ....I totally thought you literally meant a car.... fail

    Good luck with the peace corps! I hope you get in!

  63. @Anon wondering about deferring--I'm a year out of college and I'm still clueless ;) So don't worry about it.

    (This makes me wonder--am I one of the oldest people posting here? hmmm)

  64. I feel very young at the measly age of 16.


  65. Question - I'm really interested in who is saying that to Carlotta, since Shelley is not her friend anymore... Who could be the one advising her about James? Who calls her Car? Who can Calotta trust enough to tell him/her her worries about James? Why is the sky blue? Theories, anyone? :)

  66. thanks everyone! and akt5us, I hope I get in, too :)
    -122 or 126 or... I can't even remember

  67. No worries Sara, I'm 15. Can't even drive yet... whoopie.

  68. oct '90! Scorpio. Female. I've got to say, I was kiiiind of depressed about turning 20 last year. I mean, I feel so old (which is weird.. and worring)

  69. Kelsey, you're probably not the oldest. It sounds like we're about the same age because I'm in the exact same situation as you :)

  70. Oh, and by the way, in my country you can't drive until you're 17, and that only if your parents approve it. If not, you have to wait until you're 18.

  71. Caroline- Okay I feel better :) I can't drive either! I still have to wait a few months because you have to have your permit for nine months. AND I have to get 50 hours of driving... fun stuff.


  72. Bree--high fives for 80s babies!

  73. i remember the only appoint for my 8-hr driving class for a month was the day deathly hallows came out. i was terrified i would get spoiled on the train there or back.

  74. kelsey, what's it like having seen 4 different decades?
    jk. i'm so hungry.

  75. 50? Oh my goodness gracious!! We have 35 (30 daytime, 5 nighttime) hours where I am! I don't think I'd be able to handle 50 hours of pre-license driving

  76. I feel lucky because my parents made my brothers do 100, which would be IMPOSSIBLE.


  77. chubby--wow, that makes me feel reeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyy old. And I guess that means it hasn't made much of an impression on me, haha

  78. That sounds horrible!! My parents would love to have me wait a billion years to get my license, but then I just mention driving to preseason triple sessions, and they're okay with it. Well, as okay as they could be :)

  79. Kelsey, yeah *high five*! I thought I was the only one here born in the 80s.

    Chubby, four decades makes me feel so old...

  80. 18! Woot woot! Haha. High school senior, college bound.

  81. lol, i'm the fourth child, so for me it was like, the sooner I was capable of transporting myself the better. Their safety concerns wore away over the children/years

  82. Caroline-- I think I'm the youngest person here. I'm 14.

    Anon 404, Now that you bring it up, I am now wondering who is saying that to Carlotta as well, as she doesn't have Shelley anymore. Who calls her Car? Who does Carlotta trust enough to tell them her problems about James? Who's advising her?


  83. Hahaa, I feel like that's what it'll be like for my brother and sister. Sadly, I'm the oldest, so the parental unit has to put up the biggest front with me.

  84. yeah i bring up 4 decades to 80ers when i feel irritable.
    i'm eating a sub now so i feel nicer.

  85. It's the total opposite for me Jules. i'm the third child so my parents consider me their baby and try to protect me as much as possible *sigh* but i still love 'em :)


  86. Lucky people. I can drive but I don't have a license yet, just a permit, because whenever I get behind the wheel I'm terrified I might kill someone. *swallows anxiety pills* After being bike in car-on-bike action, my fears aren't entirely unfounded, but I still envy people who can just... drive.

  87. This is completely random, but when 413 said "in my country", I started reading the rest of the post in the voice of Fez. Oh man, I miss That 70s Show.

  88. jules, older brothers? sisters?
    weren't you also a live-in nanny?
    you fascinate me.

  89. driving used to make me anxious too, todd. its gets easier with experience

  90. Todd--Wow, that sounds terrifying! I sometimes still get nervous when I'm driving, but that's probably just my over-anxious personality.... ;)

  91. Yeah, I'm the same. I'm totally crazy when I drive. I'm one of those anal people who can't have people talk while I'm at the wheel (with a parent by my side, of course, as per my permit requirements!) because I'm so freaked out.
    @437, me too, man. Me too.

  92. bike in car-on-bike action?!

  93. *high fives Jules for also being the fourth child!* are you the youngest too?

    *high fives other 80s babies!!!*

    born in Dec '86..... *that awkward moment when you look around and realize that you are the oldest one in the room:/*

  94. Oooh, yes you win so far, Justine! But it's not awkward....we must all bow down to your infinite wisdom now :)

  95. same boat as you, jules. i'm the fourth child as well, and the baby. by the time i came along, my sisters and brother had already worn down my parents enough that i had more freedom then them.

    @justanotherdork, i don't know if it is Marlene. Although, if she is talking to any of the gryffindor girls, i would have to agree that the most likely would me marlene. but i just can't see it. just cuz i do think the excerpt sounds as if someone is telling carlotta that james wont find out about lily's feelings. i just can't see Marlene trying to reassure carlotta about it when IMO i think marlene suspects lily's feelings for james. and those two are friends and marlene doesn't much like carlotta.

  96. LOL Justine! I was born less than two years later so you're not that much older!

  97. If it's Marlene, then its probably that Carlotta is cheating or something.
    Maybe it's one of those new characters Jules was talking about, somebody Ramsay?

  98. "infinite wisdom"? Hahaha- ah, I feel like George O'Malley- the second year intern.

    My car is almost as old as some in here. Gotta love Toyota

  99. @whoever, I am the fourth, but not the last. I have a little brother as well.

  100. I love Toyota cars. I drive one and it's the most fuel efficient bastard on the road, especially because it's stick shift.

  101. *knock knuckles* for being "The Third Born"

    born in May of '90 so only starting the 3rd decade. 3 Presidential Names to choose from in that time. Nothing against Her Sec of Stateness but it could have been only 2...

  102. justine, you were in elementary school when hp came out. that definitely puts you in our age group.

  103. @410 I felt the same way when I turned 20. I'm dec '90. I feel extremely old when I'm talking to my little cousins and they're completely clueless about all the old cartoons I used to watch.

  104. Everyone is in there twenties, I feel like I really don't belong here.

  105. 5:03, Welcome mid 80's baby! *slow-motion running to hug you*

  106. your true age depends on your love for harry potter, not the yr you came out of your mom.

  107. March '88! I'd say being a kid during the 90s was awesome. :D Eh I wish I were still an undergrad. :P

  108. Ah, I'm so young! 14. :P

  109. @justanotherdork, me too, bud. The last few texts between my friend and I:
    "is not!
    "is too!
    "is too times ever!
    "infinity beats ever. so there."
    ...I'm clearly mature.

  110. @441 To clarify, said action wasn't anything life-threatening or even more than a few scrapes. The whole thing was actually rather funny now that I look back on it.

    @potato So totally agree. What does that make me? An original HP fan, all the way back in 97 when my mom read them aloud to me (and then I read under the covers when she went to bed)?

  111. Ahaha, well, I was born '96. :)
    I read Harry Potter really late, and I think its one of my biggest regrets. I am so angry at my brother for not telling me to read Harry Potter. He started in '97 or '98 right when the came out! If I were him, I'd get me to read them as soon as I could read.

  112. @506 Have you come across kids that don't know Pinky and the Brain? Blasphemous.

  113. My mom used to read the books to me and my siblings when I was around four probably. I started reading them on my own in first grade though (2002 I think :/)

  114. We have to do 120 hours driving in australia!! 120!!

  115. @chubby, I know what you mean. I was 11 when I read SS and 20 when DH came out. I grew up with Harry and whenever I reread HP-whether it be Prisoner of Azkaban (favorite) or Order of the Phoenix, I feel like transported back to where I was when I first read it. I'm back to being that 12 year old or that 16 year old for short period of time.

    (I'm a sucker for nostalgia:)

  116. Are there less accidents in Australia, per chance?

  117. @Justine--PoA is my fav too! And I know what you mean about throw-backs when you re-read the books....sigh. I sometimes wish I could erase my memory and read them again for the first time, b/c I've forgotten what my reaction to everything was! Which sounds sort of weird, but you know what I mean?

  118. Sep '88, the youngest of four girls

    I was just thinking the other day of my first HP experience. The girl who sat next to me in fifth grade was reading the last few chapters of CoS and I peeked over her shoulder. Love at first sight? I immediately asked my mom to buy SS, and it's been heavenly ever since.

  119. @Kelsey you should totally read "Mark Reads Harry Potter" because it takes you back. It's like I've never read the series and at the same time I totally have. All the nostalgia with all the knowledge. Seriously, check it out.

  120. @kelsey
    i get what you mean. one of my friends has only read each book once, and i really envy her. the 2nd read of a book is usually the best.

  121. @Justine and Kelsey: PoA is my favorite, three!

    @Todd: Ahh I love Mark Reads (and Watches) Harry Potter -- it's so much fun to read! His commentary is hilarious.

  122. PoA is my favorite too!!!

  123. @Todd, 5:18, & Kelsey

    Thats funny because my mom didn't read HP to me but I read them to my niece every summer (she's now 11). It's really amazing to see her reactions to everything for first time. We didn't get a chance to PoA two summers ago, she finished it on her own and called me right afterwards, "PETER PETTIGREW! I want to kill him! And Snape too!" We're on HBP now:)

  124. I think mid80s through early 90s were the best years to be a kid. We had Harry, the Disney Renaissance, AND cartoons were worth getting up early on Saturdays for. I'm August '92 myself. :)

    Also, no way I'd want to experience my first time reading HP again. CoS and PoA both gave me nightmares. GoF probably did too, but I don't remember.

  125. @Todd--Yes, I've read Mark Reads as well! Soooo good. I loved all of his insights, and his reactions to things were so great to read. Plus, it was fun sitting back like, "oh, just wait until such-and-such a part, you are going to flip your shit!"

  126. Just checked out the handless reading corner--Bookmarked? Check.

    Also, I squealed a little when I saw my story on there.

    That blog is a really good idea, Jules!

  127. @Justine, Kelsey and Marie: PoA is my favorite, four!!!!! =D

    @KK wussup Sep 88' over here too!!

  128. Feels slightly better with sharing my birth year with the release of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean

    Also may have to do with the fact that huddled under three blankets I am still freezing and doped up on fever reducer.

    Alas, am an old fart.

  129. PoA is the favorite book of any Marauder Era fanfiction reader because that's the book where we were really exposed to James and Lily's life.

  130. @Kimmie: Get well soon!

    @626: Also, it was when we met Sirius and Remus. :D :D :D

  131. @Irene, Justine, Kelsey and Marie: POA is my favourite, five!

  132. PoA is my favourite for a because of the marauders. :) Deathly Hallows is second though. :) I love reading Snape's Worst Memory in OotP because of Lily and James as well.

    I think Marauder's Era fan fiction is the best because you know enough about them to know their characters and you have a brief description of what happened, ie. James liked Lily since fifth year, they started dating in seventh year, Snape and Lily were best friends until after the DADA OWL... However, there's the question of how James actually got Lily to fall for him, which is where all the fan fiction comes in. :)

  133. plus james and sirius are the 2 best male characters in the series.

  134. Anyone else hoping/wishing for a Marauders Era full-length novel?

  135. Marie, GOD YES!!! THAT WOULD MAKE MY LIFE 100000000000000 TIME OVER!!!!!!!!

  136. I am so hoping for a Marauder Era full length novel! My life would be complete.
    chubbypotato, yes they are I'm in love with James. Sirius is pretty awesome too.

  137. nah.
    jkr is a fantastic writer, but no way would her novel be better than every fanfic of the mwpp era.

  138. i'd rather read a sequel.
    post battle of hogwarts, pre birth of the next generation.

  139. I don't want a prequel. I think that the beauty of that era is in the mystery, you know? And yes, JKR is brilliant, but I think that LJ is something that the fans have taken and made their own, and I think it should stay that way.

  140. potato, that's true. I doubt JKR's will be better than every fan fic out there.

  141. I'm not really into fanfiction in general, I only read marauder era fics (mostly L/J to be honest) for the exact reason justanotherdork said. We know only the basic outline of their lives and I want to read more about them. They lived such a dramatic, tragic life in such a small amount of time.

    Which is why if JK actually ever does write a sequel/prequel and it's not about the Marauders, I will probably have temper tantrum. Like a legit on-the-floor-kicking-screaming-crying temper tantrum.

  142. Thats true. I think the mystery is part of why I love it so much. :)

  143. Hey Jules where is your ask box on tumblr, or did you disable it?

  144. alas, JKR has said that she won't write a prequel. she said so after that short 800 word short she did featuring james and sirius ditching some death eaters.

  145. Well, maybe a fan-written novel, then? Oh, wait, I'm sorry, Jules is already doing that ;)

  146. @Chubby: Ooh it would be interesting to see how everyone copes with the aftermath of the Second War/Battle of Hogwarts and rebuilds their lives e.g. Harry; George/Weasley family coping after Fred's death; Andromeda (I'd love to see more of her -- I think her story is pretty damn depressing) and baby Teddy!

  147. oohh! baby teddy!!

  148. I feel like I missed the party but high five 80s babies! (though I've been around for 4 differently named presidents)

    @Marie, I felt the same way about leaving undergrad, but I've got med school coming up and even though its school, I don't think its going to be the same....current fear, Jules won't have James and Lily together before I start (aka life as I know it ends and I can't constantly read this blog)....does it make y'all feel good that your future doctors are this awesome/mature?

  149. Hailee, I would be perfectly happy if all my doctors were L/J fans and read LaT ;)

  150. does it make us all feel good that our future doctors are harry potter fanatics? um. yes, yes it does. =p

  151. little0bird on does a really good series of fics about the year after and the next generation of kids

  152. Did you guys know that there's like... published novels about James Potter II? I googled James Potter yesterday and found them. My mind was blown.

  153. Yeah, but I don't want to read it, it's pretty much just published fan fiction.

  154. @katie i would so be lying if i said i was not intrigued by this but i agree with justanotherdork. i wouldn't read it either.

  155. More research tells me it's not even really published. It's just fancy. It's fancy fanfiction. But he did write 3 full length books, that's pretty impressive, whether or not you read it.

  156. Okay, after putting Self-Control (app for macs that disable certain websites) on for 12 hours, I am back. I'm April '91. Right around the same age as all of you wonderful people!

    @Chubby you kill me.
    your true age depends on your love for harry potter, not the yr you came out of your mom.
    Seriously. I laughed so hard. Thanks for that :)

  157. So does anyone else follow the girl on tumblr who is live blogging her first reading of LAT? It makes me super happy :)


    but tumblr is being screwy so good luck :)

  159. welcome back, jenn! pc's don't have any such apps.

    question for you guys.
    how soon before they reboot the harry potter movies?

  160. It hasn't been that bad for me... and thanks!

  161. NO CHUBBY NO.
    I feel if they reboot them it'll be worse. Cause they'll wait for a bit. So they won't be nearly as faithful. And my heart will just die.

  162. @Irene, that door was nudged back open when during the Oprah interview. She won't rule out doing another book, she just won't commit to doing one. Just give her another 5 years:)

    There is plenty of material for prequels:

    Dumbledore/Grindelwald (Brokeback Hogwarts- my wand can't quit you)

    Tom Riddle (English Psycho- instead of business cards, they compare wands "holly, dragon heartstring, 11")

    Marauders ( Wizard Wars- episode I- The Greasy Menace *hopefully it won't suck like star wars ep1-3*)

  163. I don't think it'll be that far away. I mean the last spiderman movie came out 4 or 5 years ago and they've already decided to make a new spiderman movie. I think it might be a while thought because 7/8 movies is a lot to take on. That is if they decide they want to do all of them separate...

  164. lmfao justine. i'd watch those movies.

  165. What about a Harry Potter T.V. series sometime in the far future?

    @Justine: LOL. Love those titles.

  166. No TV series!! please no! but those other movies sound great!

  167. "my wand can't quit you"--dead

    I'd watch that shit.

  168. @Justine

    DEAD. oh my damn! you just made my night. may i suggest you write JKR with these wonderful suggestions. =]

  169. @Justine: LMAOOOOO I JUST DIED!!!

  170. @irene I did! I keep sending her ideas and I keep getting these "cease and desist" letters back.


    It's fine long as I stay 200 yards away from her ;p

  171. @Justine- OMR. Golden.

    @Everyone else- BBC MINISERIES. Books verbatim. I'd spend eighty hours watching them.

  172. It's okay Justine, JKR apparently lurks on this blog. She'll read about your suggestions

  173. @Anon404, you're right. Since she lost Shelley, Carlotta doesn't have any girl friends or anyone to confide in (see her having to confide in Marlene)

    But, I can see this being a guy trying to convince Carlotta to cheat....something along the lines of:

    "Hey, Robbie, can you help me with my homework again?"

    "Sure, but my price has gone up from last year"

    "I'm dating James"

    ""Car, don't be thick. Potter'll never find out."

    as you can all see why I'm not a writer, that is my theory

  174. i wonder whether guys at hogwarts think james is a stud for dating the hottest girl in school or pathetic for dating the sluttiest girl in school.

  175. @833- That's kind of an awesome theory.

  176. @Chubby- I think it's more of a James is a stud because he'd kick their asses, than he's dating the hottest girl in school.

  177. @833- ooo i can see that. temptation for the shrew

  178. So, first to the person who asked about my ASK on tumblr... sorry I didn't answer this on the other thread. I was gonna, but then I forgot.
    Apparently my current design, while not so glitchy as the last, doesn't have an ask box. However, if you type /ask after the tumblr url, you are brought to my ask box.

    SECONDLY, regarding James/Carlotta: reactions are going to be mixed. James might get some metaphoric high-fives, but Carlotta won't. Ah, life.

  179. I think the students will all be more impressed with James when he and Lily finally start going out, just sayin.

  180. so about this pen pal Lily is getting.... who's it gonna be?

  181. @Lindsey - so i have totally been lurking the girl live blogging her first reading of LAT, and THANK YOU! haha! i just love her recaps. i think at some point we have all had those reactions to Jules writing.

  182. Can my mom be in TLAT too?!

    also, 200 in 24 hrs?
    all in a days work.

  183. This comment has been removed by the author.

  184. She's a very interesting character to write.
