Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So she may or may not (but definitely did) have feelings for James Sodding Potter, and he may or may not (but definitely did) have a girlfriend, who may or may not have been (but definitely was) the loveliest girl in the entire school. So what? Worst things had happened. Much worse things. She would survive. She would thrive. She would be Hogwarts’ best Head Girl since ever.
 She would be taking forty-five minute showers all year, without having Donna bitch at her to hurry up. 
Life was okay. 


  1. you're alive!!

    yay innermonologue!lily. my favourite kind.

  2. kicking it in the front seat or sitting in the back seat?

  3. I got this, you got this. My friend is by my right, ay.

  4. Fun, fun, think about fun
    you know what it is

  5. "who may or may not have been (but definitely was) the loveliest girl in the entire school."

    i beg to differ. damn puppy killer.

  6. I don't want this weekend to end.

  7. I just want to give Lily a hug and some milky bar chocolate. :(
    I think Carlotta is Rebecca Black and Shelley is the friend who is really good at dancing and looking good.

  8. The time is goin', tickin' on and on.

    Re: 3/15 Excerpt: I may or may not (but definitely do) love this excerpt. Oh Lily, life will be more than okay.

    @Kayla: lol who are the other girls/guys in the car? Not the other Gryffindors!


  9. "who may or may not have been (but definitely was) the loveliest girl in the entire school."

    My heart sunk.

  10. @Kayla: Nah, Rebecca Black isn't Carlotta 'cause Carlotta would TOTALLY choose the back seat ;) If you catch my drift...

    p.s. the single (if you can call that vid music) was released on a thursday. epic fail? I think yes.

  11. Hey there, please update. I'm following your story for a long time now and I'm so excited for a new update? Do you have an idea when you'll update again? I love your story and your plot. Especially the love-conflict that's arising now with Lily's newly found admiration for a certain Potter. :-)

    (I'm from Germany, so I hope you understand what I wanted to say :))

  12. I really don't have a good time frame for when I'll update. Sorry. =(

    Thanks for commenting though!

  13. reason #4859202848 l/j belong together: only 2 people at hogwarts who don't think of carlotta as a hobag.

  14. even more so in the next chapter.

  15. i dont think you told us what charlie plex looks like, even though you had a pic of clancy.
    i was thinking luke from the oc, since he's the quintessential douche.
    but i might be way off.

  16. @chubbypotato

    Nailed it!

  17. Is it bad that when I read the excerpt, the first thing to pop into my head was: 'We so excited"...?

    @Jules, as long as you finish the chapter by the end of April we're cool. I mean it'll be my 20th birthday and if you haven't updated by then, I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!

    ....too much?



  18. Hopefully before the end of April. That is a looonng time away.

  19. Oh Lily dear. Don't worry thing's will get better. That we can promise.

    Though reading that excerpt was heart wrenching.

    Oh, and Carlotta is not THAT pretty. No puppy killer can be THAT pretty.

  20. Jules,
    Are the () some kind of author note?

  21. Aww, Lily, I think you're prettier than Carlotta! And I'm sure James does too!!

    Even though Carlotta is becoming more bearable lately, I hate her more than ever because of the pain Lily is going through :(

    Chubbypotato- for some reason I always imagined Charlie Plex with ginger hair. Idek why... did it never say that anywhere?

  22. Yes, I agree with the end of March... do you think you will be done by then, Jules? Of course, no pressure if you're not. We'll wait :)

  23. Okay, I've got to ask... has anyone here been following Mischief Managed? If you haven't, then look at this for an adorable fanart :)

  24. I'm sorry... Carlotta is a lot more bearable? UGH! I was rereading the chapter after the wedding. I had to stop at "Enter Carlotta" because the thought of what happened after made me want to puke. It really needs to be over soon.

    Side note: I hope that what you replied "even more so in the next chapter." it means that Carlotta dies. I know that it doesn't, but I wish it did.

    Also, here is a link I hope you all enjoy because it seriously made me laugh.

    Remember, there's no cure for ugly, but you can make yourself into a human optical illusion!
    Does Carlotta use a lot of black? I feel like she does...

  25. Lol no I meant that she's becoming human. Before she was a really unrealateable character - like super-gorgeous and uber-bitch, y'know, but know she's acting like a normal girl (I'm not talking about when they get together FYI;I'm talking about 1st September). The insecurity and paranoia and worrying that she's going through is more normal than her previous attitude, so I get her more now. But I hate her more as well. Not just because of James, but more because of how it'll be making Lily feel. I think I'd be okay with her going out with James if Lily hadn't started liking him yet. Y'know?

  26. 'becoming human' --LOL! I thought you were referencing the tv show... I totally didn't get what you were sayig the first 5 reads...

    3:44- Incredibly cute!!

  27. who else just watched glee- regionals?

  28. ^ I DID. OMG Rachel and Kurt/Blaine, this is all. <3

  29. Aside from all the Rachel and Klaine wonderfulness, my favorite part was "It's called Big Ass...Heart."

  30. lol big ass heart and trouty lips were my fav part of the episode too.

  31. I personally thought the Jesus song was hilarious.

    And also: KURT AND BLAINE!!!! My roommate walked in on my freaking out over it...and she was just like, "Glee?"

  32. I don't know if I ever said Charlie was a ginger, but I imagine him with reddish brown hair, so there's that.

    I imagine I will have updated before the end of March.

  33. Hmm...

    Well, I agree with the opinion that the "loveliest girl in the entire school" can't be the cause of puppy killing....

    I think to be the "loveliest" you have to have a lovely personality, no? And that's definitely not Carlotta.

    An update before the end of March is totally fantastic to me :)

  34. Yeah, I've always had the idea of Charlie as a ginger in my head... Maybe you did put it in somewhere, Jules, because I don't know where I got it from.

  35. I definitely picture charlie as a ginger too, I think it was mentioned somewhere...

    also, OMG GLEE. I JUMPED UP AND DOWN SCREAMING. My family was not amused.

  36. charlie was definitely mentioned to be ginger at some point

  37. Unless we are all psychically linked somehow, which would be way better.

  38. If that's the case Jules....well, I keep having this secret feeling that you're going to end LAT with..

    I know...crazy, but if it's true then I think there is DEFINITELY something psychic going on.

  39. shit, son! SPOILERS!!

    lol jk lily ends up with snape.


    And here I've been hoping that Lily gets together with Prudence Bloody Daly

  41. Even though it's DESTINY that Lily and James are going to get together. My heart always have mini panic attacks when they are with other people :(

    *cough cough* LUKE *cough cough* PUPPY KILLER!

    --sorry, something in my throat.

  42. Can someone clue me into the references in the early comments?

    Charlie was described as having auburn hair, and reddish brown hair

    Also, does everybody (esp Adam who's sister is in MFP) hate November bc the Week of Demands (Of course, in November of that year, they would all be painfully reminded of the Week and what was promised in each of the Dark Lord's messages)? Though it is fiction, I'm having an ominous feeling

  43. Which references? The "we we we so excited" ones? or the Glee ones?

    Also, interesting theories are interesting.

  44. There was this terrible music video that came out last week called "Friday" by Rebecca Black. The lyrics are the most simple, pointless (to the point of hilarity), things ever.

  45. Lol, okay, I just found this:

    Clevver TV's evaluation of "Friday." I've never seen anything so stupid, and I've watched the "Friday" video. Do they just NOT get the internet?Like, at all?

  46. omg what's worse is not the fact i wasted about 4 minutes watching that but the fact that i can't erase it from my mind.

    thanks for the excerpt, jules! it did wonders for my bruised brain.

  47. i think i lost millions of valuable brain cells watching that video. and now the shit if replaying in my head...i might go find a bridge to jump off

  48. Jules, you should totally update on a Friday. FUN FUN FUN

  49. i'm so behind on internet memes T_T
    probably not the worst thing in the world.

  50. I'm convinced it's secretly fried eggs.
    Also the clevver tv recap is even more annoying than the video...how is this possible? >.<

    Also GLEEEEEE :"D
    sorry, I needed to squee somewhere

  51. Why have a bowl of cereal when you could have fried egg?

  52. I don't even think the girl was actually serious when she made the video. I mean, come one, we teenagers aren't as stupid as some people might think. This girl is probably doing a parody of Bieber which people didn't quite catch on, I'm sure she's cleverer than you give her credit for.

    I love this excerpt but it's like my heart gets run over by a car every time I read about Carlotta being the loveliest girl in school and being James girlfriend.

  53. I don't know Kat..

    Her "best fraaand" on her right is on tumblr and is saying that it's for reals.

  54. I remember my uncle banging his head on the desk when he saw the video saying :"And they're supposed to be our futur leaders!" I was very funny but I have(or need) to believe this girl was just joking when she did this video. Like I said, teenagers aren't dumb but they are willing to do very stupid things when they get recognition. I just hope that's not the case here. Where are parents when we need them anyway? Can't they just stop this mass spreading of brain shrinking music?

  55. People here in the UK barely even know who Rebecca Black is, and yet I've still had 10 people come up to me telling me I look like her!!! Argh super insult!

  56. "who may or may not have been (but definitely was) the loveliest girl in the entire school."

    My heart is broken. I'm sure Lily is lovelier than Carlotta, and that James thinks so as well.

    Now that Lily has FINALLY realised her feelings for James why does Carlotta have to steal him away?! Update soon, please!

  57. Not sure if anyone's posted this yet, but here's a great story from MWPP Mischief that I just found. It's 2 parts and you'll love it-promise!


  58. Here's the deal with Rebecca Black:


    If you don't read and watch the whole thing, at LEAST watch the last one (the "Ark Music Factory Launch" vid). It's... beyond words.

  59. Oh man I've seen the Music Factory Launch!
    Among favourites is definitely Lil Nay Nay. And may I say, how much I enjoy the lyrics "I'm gonna breathe down your neck, you can guess what's next." From A Man Can Dream. Anyone else being in a dark alleyway with a goon holding a knife...?

  60. Or how armour is a play on words... except it's not. haha

  61. "How ready are you tonight?" Honestly, does this woman have any other questions??

  62. LOL. I've just watched the Friday video. I haven't seen something so bad in a very long time. I couldn't help but laugh at the FUN FUN FUN part.. she says it like a robot almost. And we we we so excited.. that was too much! This defintely cheered me up! I can't believe I used to like fridays! LOL

  63. 7 AM waking up in the morning, gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs. Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal, seein' everything the time is goin'...
    Get to the bus stop, gotta catch my bus. I see my frieeeendss.

    Rebecca Black is CLEARLY the most inspiring lyricist of ever.

  64. What I don't understand is why she's waiting for the bus if her friends are picking her up....Or maybe she's not expecting them to drive by, hence the existential crisis of where to sit!

  65. Now I feel bad for the girl. She got into this thinking she was going to get famous and ended being the laughing stock of the world. Once something gets on the internet it never go away and she is really going to regret this so much in ten years.

  66. ^nah, people have short-term memories. they'll forget in 3 months, let alone 10yrs.

  67. What happened to the bus, Rebecca? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BUS?!

    I was really excited to to hear where she would take the rest of her cd: "A,B,C,D,E"
    "One, Two, Three, Four....and Fiiiiiivve"
    "Red, Blue, and Yellow make Purple, Green, and Orange"
    And on and on-

    Then I saw Jenna Rose's "my jeans" where she used "abc" AND "1,2,3" (very ambitious) so those song choices are out:/ (side note: the video also features 11-year-olds-driving and the lyric "hahahaha, jag my swag". Check. It. Out.)

    @1:08. Sorry but I don't have sympathy for rich parents who try to buy their kid's way into the music industry to stroke their already overblown egos. Hopefully this embarrassment will shock her (and the rest of those Ark Music Factory morons) out of this stupid, vain silliness and she'll have a shot of becoming a person of substance....well that's optimistic...


  68. Anon 3:34 pm (yesterday) and Anon 8:15 am - If you rec something specific from the fest, you have to let the mods of mwpp_mischief know. Inform them either by email or PM. It's important because one of the criteria they use to assess the quality of submitted fics is by how often they have been recced. So it's not fair (on the mods or the authors) if you rec something without letting them know.

  69. Jules is there something wrong with your tumblr?

  70. It's fine for me @321

  71. 321 - It's fine for me also, but I did have issues when I was going on a few weeks ago. It would start by going really reeeaaally slow, and then freeze altogether. Is that what's happening with you?

  72. ya, I need a new layout. I think that one is just really glitchy. It's glitchy for me too sometimes.

  73. Glitchy! That's the word! Lol.

  74. @236 - Yeah I know... I planned on letting them know as soon as I made the rec, but you can't comment anywhere on the community if you don;t have an LJ account, so I couldn't.

  75. Hey, Jules

    I think you should surprise us all with a new background layout on your blog! :) Just a kind suggestion.

  76. how do you access the MWPP_Mischief site? When I open the links, my computer says "Adult Content Notice". :/

  77. ^ just hit "yes, I am 14 years old." It's rated pg-13 so it's not vulgar or anything


  78. @528, lol, you don't like this one? At any rate, I typically change the backgrounds with chapter updates.

  79. Holy crap Jules! I read your comment above when it was still the flower BG, then all of a sudden it changed!

    I got my hopes all up and rushed to your profile thinking you were being sneaky.

    Darn you and your St. Patrick's Day tease.

  80. OH LOL! I didn't even mean to trick you! Sorry!!!

  81. Haha love the new background. Fun Fact: More people buy cell phones on March 18th than any other day in the year. So try and keep track of your cell phone tonight!!

  82. Oh cute background!

  83. lol, weirdly after reading all this post and the comments, my friends were talking about it at lunch today and one of them said "One of life's great questions. Which seat will Rebecca Black take?? The front or the back??"

  84. @ bree - where the rest of us are. ireland.

  85. ^I wish I could "like" this. I'll just have to settle for telling you. I like it.

  86. Today my friends and I were eating outside on campus, and one of the fraternities were playing music in the lawn...AND FRIDAY CAME ON.

    i danced

  87. jules, do you watch lost??
    in case, you don't, i'll explain it. lost usually followed 2 different timelines every season.
    so at first, they had flashbacks (obvious). then they had flashforwards where we were shown clips of the future, and we wondered how that would happen. then the last season, there were flashsideways. bascially it was the same characters in a "alternate universe" where their plane didn't crash. but in the season finale, it turns out that all the characters in that au were actually dead (died at different times). the au was purgatory where they could "live out" their lives the way they originally intended while righting some wrongs in their actual lives. and purgatory was spent with the people who had the most significant impact on their lives. the au ended when all the characters realised they were dead/in purgatory, remembered their original/real lives and then happily moved on to heaven together.
    my point.
    is there even a teensy chance that you could make tlat au like lost? which isn't really au since it happens after their canon deaths. i just wanna read one good l/j fic where they get a chance to "live" past 22. *sigh* prob not. i just feel super melancholic today.
    love the background btw.

  88. Lol, I LOVED Lost. But I can't just steal that =P

  89. I've watched the first few episodes of Lost, but i just can't get into it... does it get better? I don't know if i'm gonna keep watching or not :/


  90. My advice would be to watch the whole first season. If you don't like it then, and if you're not absolutely dying to find out the conclusion of one of the most brilliant cliffhangers in TV history, then it's probably just not your thing. Which is fine.

  91. whoops, spoiler alert.
    yeah, i thought lost was really boring the first 15 or so episodes. but seasons 2-4 are super addicting. 5 is meh. 6 is good again.

  92. EVERYONE!!!


  93. Could you post a link? Still not finding it. . .

  94. Potato, you crack me up.

    My estimation of LOST:
    Season 1= epic.
    Season 2= uggghhh
    Seasons 3-4= tolerable, but way too much trekking through the jungle
    Season 6= pretty good

    We're basically the opposite.

  95. LOL
    season 5 is better than season 2...according to crazy people!

    but we def are quite opposite.
    confession: i hate the beatles.

  96. Love, I can't handle this right now. I've got James-hate on my mind from tumblr and Bailey's Irish Cream in my system, so I'm gonna ignore that and focus on happier things and defending James.

    Just reread that sentence. It doesn't make sense. Whatevs.

  97. underage drinking!

    cheers to james fun.

  98. are you serious chubbypotato? that's blasphemous.

  99. @Potato, it's what St. Patrick wants.
