Thursday, March 31, 2011


Potato will gloat, but I'm really feeling like the update will probably be tomorrow instead of today. I have to go to work now, and so... yeah. HOWEVER, you can now be distracted from your rage with me by a shiny excerpt!

“She said I was impolite!”

“She said I was stringing someone along!”

“She jumps on every little thing you say and doesn’t let you explain it!”

“She attacks you!”

“Without warning!”

“Completely unjustly!”

“And it smells like dying rodents in that office!”


  1. I'm desperate to know who's talking and who they're talking about.

  2. i'm guessing talking about the psychologist?? i think they're all starting their sessions in this chapter

  3. :D oh jules. you wouldn't be you if you didn't procrastinate and then give us something AMAZING.

    tlat musical?
    she climbs a tree and scrapes her knee her dress has got a tear!
    she waltzes on her way to mass and whistles on the stair!
    and underneath her wimple she has curlers in her hair!

  4. I'm secretly glad that it's getting postponed. I've got this bitch of a paper to write tonight, and if Chapter 31 was posted I'd be screwed.

    I'm pretty sure giving up smoking is easier than giving up LAT

    (And @chubby-

  5. -rage sufficiently quelled-

  6. 2:53 - You're not alone! I have work tomorrow and my time zone works against me. Also, I'm not quite finished re-reading yet!

    By the way...1023 pages. That's how long LAT is in a word document. I've been taking it to work on a jump drive to read during my study hall supervision period (the internet is monitored so nothing scandalous can happen.)

    Shiny excerpts certainly do distract me, though! Hmmm...I wonder does everyone hate Madame Keepdown (I'm assuming it's her office that smells like dying rodents), or just the sensible people? Can't wait!

  7. WHY? My heart just broke a little :[ I need an update for my poor lonely self. Don't go to work Jules. I'll pay you to finish and update. Sure I only have monopoly money but that counts, right?

  8. "Dying rodents" brings to mind...Wormtail. Alas, he lives for a couple decades more.

    @311: Damn, 1023 pages (and counting!) of LAT?! :O I have trouble writing 15-page papers. Lol at the thought of reading LAT as ~ scandalous ~

  9. I love how you promise to update on April Fool's Day. There's a certain poetry to it. But, you know, Fred and George love beats back major disappointment. It's their birthday tomorrow (RIP Fred).

    @chubby I'd thought LAT was more of a sonnet, at least according to Kayla.

  10. 253 and 311 - I'm with you guys.. I know I wouldn't have done anything of this paper if LAT would have been updated... But tomorrow's Friday (fun fun fun fun) aaand, it means a whole weekend of LAT. Yay!

  11. it's definitely about that psychiatrist person.

  12. Ah, the irony of updating on April's Fool is poetic. And the excerpts are certainly intriguing. Poor Madame Keepdown. Alas, it's always tough dealing with bunch of teenagers. Especially Marauders. Wonder what they're going to do with her???? I sense trouble :)

  13. I'm not sure whether to be not totally devastated because now I can make cookies or absolutely crushed because it would have been the highpoint of my month

  14. @418- Cookies are always delightful. Be delighted. The cookies can highlight your month. :)

  15. I can't believe you are putting work before fan fiction!

    I'm so excited for the chapter!!! Wormtail sprung to my mind too Anon. I hope it means he is dying in the office. But that's wishful thinking.

  16. This actually works out well for me. It would work out even better for me if the update was postponed to Monday.

    ... Just sayin' =P

  17. I just finished the last of my many assignments that are due for this semester. I think an update tomorrow would be fantastic! It'll be a nice break before I start studying for finals! I can't wait :D

  18. Chubby that is my FAVORITE movie! I'll need to watch it this weekend! Perhaps while enjoying a fabulous new LAT chapter!

  19. For the Doctor Who fans, something else to procrastinate with:
    "Well, I think you're a 945 year old time lord!"
    "Do you fancy Billie Piper, sir?"
    Catherine Tate is hilarious.

  20. @todd, yeah sonnet makes more sense.
    i just read the lines in the same tune as "maria" though.
    esp the last line.
    “it smells like dying rodents in that office!” quite close to
    "i even heard her singing in the abbey!"

    @will write
    mine too!!!!

  21. oh, chubby, that's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I pity any girl who isn't me today.

  22. I'm probably the only one... but does anybody else think Matt Smith makes a great doctor?


    635- I absolutely adore Matt Smith. David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston too!

  24. I'm actually okay with there not being an update tonight, especially since we get a mysterious excerpt. I've had a surprisingly stressful week and as soon as I finish this Shakespeare homework I'm going to bed. 'Night, all.

  25. I'm grounded for the rest of my spring break, and it's been raining non stop. So an update tomorrow would be much needed and wonderful ;D
    thanks anyways Jules (:

  26. Noooooooooooooooo!!

    Am devastated.

  27. Any chance we'll get it the chapter late tonight or tomorrow morning? I'm in the mood for some LAT :)

  28. ^ I think all of us are always in the mood for some LAT :)

  29. That's awesome! No works for this weekend, exam week is finally over and LAT is coming.
    By the way, isn't Prudence Daly the same Prudence crusing on Frank in chapter 18? And a prefect?
    I've had nothing to do all afternoon and I've been re-reading...

    Oh... please, please don't be so mean to Carlotta!

  30. So who's doing the talking? Lots of students or is it a conversation between 2 people?

  31. @Lilamedusa, yep, it's the same Prudence.

    @Sara, hmmm... prolly not... I might end up pulling another fanfiction all-nighter, actually. just had coffee, not very sleepy, and I'm psyched to finish this chapter, so... *shrug*

  32. @949, two people are speaking in the above, but they're talking TO a third person.

  33. Happy Birthday Fred and George!!!!

  34. You can do it if you B&Q it!

  35. Donna and Mary talking to Lily?

  36. Nope. One of the speakers is James.

  37. Is it James and Lily's first report to Dumbledore on what's her face - the new Psychwitch? Cause that would be amusing.

  38. Damn it, Jules.

  39. You cannot answer like that it's just cruel!

  40. It is the way of Jumbledore. Know all but not tell all. >.>

  41. Hmm, I'm pretty sure it's Sirius and James. I doubt Lily and James would be very friendly after what happened in the last chapter.

  42. rhino I think it's James and Sirius too, it certainly sounds like them with Sirius probably being the impolite one. On another note and I know it's been done many times before but I found my perfect Sirius:

    The handsome, dark and elegant features are simply perfect for him.

  43. James and Sirius could be ranting to Remus.

  44. Kat he is beeeeautiful. I think i like him as James but.

  45. Kayla, I was thinking he would be perfect as James at first but then he may be a little too handsome for James. Here in Quebec we have a kind of a talk show named "Tout le monde en parle", when he appeared, every woman in the room was devouring him with her eyes. And you changed the swan(sad frown).

  46. im guessing its James & Lily reporting to Dumbledore. Am I right, Jules??

    AHH update quick! I don't think I can take any more absence of TLAT in my life!

    BTW, am i the only one who actually enjoys Carlotta's character? I don't hate her or anything and I find her VERY fascinating. Please tell me im not the only one : (

  47. @dreamer: You're not the only one who likes Carlotta's character. Read the Donna/Carlotta debate in the previous post. :)

  48. @Kat yeah, Sirius is meant to be the more handsome one but i always like my ideal James to be extremely handsome (you know, because i love him) lol so he's perfect for me :D And i thought i'd be Beyonce picture wise for a while to match my new name, but i'll be a swan again one day.

    @Randomdreamer i love Carlottas character! I mean i hate her guts but i love reading about her, she's very interesting. Even though she kills a puppy with every step she takes..i will like her better when she's Jamesless of course.

  49. @Anon 3:45 Hahaha i just did! im glad im not the only one then : ) I love Donna. I think she's amazing and so well written. I still find Carlotta fascinating and I don't dislike her at all. Shelly, on the other hand, I can't bring myself to like pre-chap.30.

  50. I like Carlotta's character only because I love hating on her. I love giving her nicknames (puppy killing slag, puppy killer, selfish poptart, carlotta macaroni, carlotta pepperoni), punching her repeatedly in my head, imagining her get eaten by a troll, etc. ;p
    And I'll like her more if she leaves James (and those puppies) alone.

  51. “She said I was stringing someone along!”
    I imagine James saying that, referring to Carlotta as the one who he is stringing along... *pensative face*

  52. @Cariza: lol at all your Carlotta nicknames. I think we'll all like her more when puppies stop dying.

    @515: I was thinking the same thing! Unfortunately, James doesn't quite realize that he's stringing Carlotta along trying to "get over" Lily...meh. Ooooh maybe he'll come to a realization during one of the Keepdown (?) sessions.

    @Jules: Will we see the DADA professor in this chapter or the young girl at the professors' table?

  53. @Marie: Let's hope so! *crossses fingers* James needs to see the truth.. although I imagine Keepdown's (?) sessions being more of a nuisance, than of realization to James... *another puppie puts sad face, kowing his destiny*

    And now that Marie mentions it, what's up with that little girl? Weird...

  54. Carlotta Pepperoni! LOL I imagine that being like a pizza special, or something...

  55. carlotta macaroni, carlotta pepperoni LLLLLOOOLLL

  56. i could see lily and james more than james and sirius saying this because lily would get angry if someone called her impolite, sirius would just shrug it off.

  57. Kayla, I'm just saying if you're jonesing for some meme-making ideas...Carlotta Zamboni.

  58. i want the chapter.... reaally bad.

  59. I agree with Lindsay M.

  60. I want to say it's james and lily because I like that idea, but i could also see james and sirius
    and with that stringing someone along comment I could imagine James' saying that incredulously not realizing that it's actually true...though it's kind of shocking that Madame Keepdown could actually figure that out, I get the idea that she's kind of a hack.

  61. The person he is supposedly stringing along is not Carlotta.

  62. James stringing along Lily? Maybe Keepdown somehow figured out that Lily likes him? Maybe? And thinks that James purposely encourages her?

  63. Jules will you be posting American time Friday? Or, y'know, possibly also Brit-time Friday?

  64. Maybe it's Shelley? She seems the type to pour out her heart to a stranger.

  65. I'm accusing Jules of stringing us along... Teasing us with snippets of the chapter and not delivering the goods.
    :] I know the wait is going to be worth it so I won't give you too much heck Jules. Just ya know sometime before midnight on the east coast would be great (hint hint).

  66. Jules you update tease! please be an update whore!! (the only type of whoring I will promote and encourage)

  67. The impolite one could be Donna... then after, she will invent creative ways to avoid Madam Keepdown... lol

  68. @2:12 haha Donna will definitely not be a fan of Madame Keepdown, but Jules said that it's either James and Sirius or James and Lily

  69. Besides, if Donna creatively avoids Madam Keepdown, how will Keepdown have told her she was impolite

    I think it sounds more like Sirius and James talking to Remus....I agree Lily is more likely to be offended by being called impolite, but I doubt she would rant about it to Dumbledore (she would probably consider it impolite to do so...)

  70. Update today...pssh. What a cruel April Fool's joke.

  71. update pretty please? :)

  72. @335

  73. If Jules said she will update today, she will. Jumbledore is never wrong.

  74. Jules do you think you might update in the next couple of hours? It is nearly midnight here... I should probably go to bed, but I don't want to miss the update if its' coming soon...

  75. If it's nearly midnight, go to bed. I'll post an excerpt for you to go to bed to, though =P

  76. Ok totally unrelated, but has anyone ever read Pinky Brown's stuff? They are made of so much WIN. They're amazing. Ron/Hermione, totally the best I've ever read, and so painfully funny.

  77. Jules no don't!! I'm the one that hates spoilers!


  78. Ok lol I'm too late, you've already posted the excerpt =P I'll just not read it =P

  79. SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  80. Sam I remember you! The one who likes to read about porridge!

    @352-Yes, the only non L/J stories I've ever read have been Pinky Brown's :) But, Idk, she's kinda rude though. I thought her tone was really offensive in her 'Guide for Non-Brits Writing Harry Potter Fics'. No?

    ~ Nia

  81. Nia: Er yes I think so. It was definitely something to do with breakfast =P

    Jules: Lol don't worry, I'll just do what I always do and look away until I've scrolled away from the excerpt. This method usually works, unless a really interesting word catches my eye. Like 'quaffle'. But no, still not looking.


  82. Nia yeah she is kinda... but I'm american and I didn't get too offended at anything she was saying. And her fics are really good! Best R/Hr I've ever read (and I've read a lot!) :)

  83. Carlotta Zamboni LOLLLL. :D These are too good.
