Tuesday, October 19, 2010

To quote Han Solo, it's not my fault!

And it really isn't. I sort of had an unexpected health problem today, and things only got worse from there. Ugh, I'll post the chapter tomorrow, though it probably won't be until the evening, because I have class all freakin day. Unless I die, in which case, SPOILERS Lily ends up with James, Snape kills Dumbledore, and Bruce Willis is already dead.

Guys, I truly am sorry, and if I weren't in excruciating agony right now, I would just edit the damn thing and post it already. Have a better night than I.



  1. Seriously, totally understandable! I hope you feel better! (also, enjoyed the "spoilers" list--made me laugh) ;)

  2. I'm looking very forward to ch. 26! If you're still sick though and don't release it tonight it's allright, just as long as the chapter is as fantastic as the others I'll be pleased =)

  3. Not gonna lie, it's 1:40 here and I am kinda staying up just to read this... but if it doesn't come thats okay, cause I just rememberd I have homework due tomorrow.

  4. @Lindsay M, me too...I'm suppose to be working on my education presentation, reading my anthropology source and writing a response to the first three cantos in the Inferno...but here I am checking this blog every half hour hoping for the next chapter! It's kind of pathetic

  5. I hope you're doing okay! Please get better!

  6. You are starting to scaring me, please tell me you are still alive!

  7. Hey, are you okay? I hope you're feeling better!

  8. I really hope you're okay :) And hopefully haven't been stressing about the story, because really, no one is expecting you to put it up at the cost of everything else in your life. Feel better!
