Saturday, October 23, 2010

2 more read thrus and then I'll post..

I suck completely, but, to be fair, I went to three different doctors this week and a pharmacy. And now I'm medicated!

Okay, I sound like the Joker from the Dark Knight, but I'm not insane--really--just plagued by a God of Old Testament proportions. And, since I don't have any sons--first born or otherwise--and the whole toad thing would just be weird, Old Testament God decided to make me really, really awfully sick. Aaaand I'm done with Old Testament references. On a side note, how cool is Egypt?

Okay, as the title of this post says, I'm doing my last two read-throughs tonight, and then I'll get that thing up there in that there website. I'm still tweaking the last couple scenes, but that won't take long. Anyway, thank you for all your well-wishes; not dead, sire, but wounded (yes, I know I've got it wrong), and thank you for bearing with me. You are all wonderful, wonderful people.


1 comment:

  1. You have just made my night as well as my best friend's :) We were worried about you! Glad you are feeling better and not dead!
