Sunday, November 14, 2010

Excuses, excuses

I know I always have excuses for why I am taking forever to update, but they're legit. I am, after all, a very important person.

Okay, not really, but I am super busy, and even though I write every day, I never get as much done as I want. But I'm buckling down, and, with a very odd combination of the Pogues, Elvis Presley, and Ingrid Michaelson pulsing through my iPod, here's to hoping that I'll be done with the next chapter quite soon.

Update: AND, fuck my life, because I definitely just deleted a whole bunch of REALLY good stuff. God, that was probably the stupidest thing I've done in quite some time. I had all the different plots in different document, but my stupid computer needed to restart, so I threw them all onto the main chapter 27, saved it, closed the other unsaved files, and restarted the computer. But, lo and behold, I skipped one of the documents and  copied another one twice. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I'm going to go shoot a puppy.


  1. I have been dying!!!! Update super soon please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Please don't shoot any puppies. You will end up on youtube like that other crazed puppy girl, and then - BOOM - life and times will pretty much cease to exist when you're paying crazy fines. Do please, shoot a rabbit instead or something, we have far too many of them here.
    Or Justin Bieber. As a Canadian, I can fully say, we will not miss him.
    Best of luck to Chapter 27 soon!

  3. will we read this before harry potter 7 part one comes out??????

  4. duuuude , i love your story & i'm unashamed to say that i have literally been stalking your page waiting for an update (; haha , i know , im pathetic .

  5. Lindsay: that'd be a no, unfortunately. Speaking of which - seeing that in.. 6 and a half hours :-))

  6. update please!!! i'm dying. if not LAT, your blog to tell us when to expect something :-)

  7. Ah! I hate it when that happens. Your computer doesn't offer you emergency recovery? Sometimes, when my computer shuts down unexpectedly (it's those darn Windows Updates *shakes fist*), the next time I open Word, it asks me if I want it to recover my last document. I have become so paranoid that I save every three minutes (seriously). Anyway, good luck!

    Oh, before I forget, some time ago I posted a link to my Tumblr blog where I posted a reaction post about the last chapter (which I do all the time). Haha, a few of your readers must have seen it and started following me! This is EXCITING for me because I never really had anyone to talk about your story! Every time I posted about your story on Tumblr absolutely NO ONE knew what the heck I was talking about.

    Anyway, I am done geeking out.

    Hoping you recovered your data,

  8. @Bree--so I totally checked out your tumblr, and pretty much everything there just makes me giggle--ESPECIALLY HP related stuff. And the fact that your current pic is Lily-and-James just makes me geekily warm and fuzzy on the inside.
    With regards to the recovering of lost writing, the problem wasn't really with my computer... Mostly, I was just being an idiot. 99 times out of 100 the "Recover" function works on my computer, but this was a case of me legitimately closing the documents and opting not to save, because I THOUGHT I had copied both sections onto another document, when in reality, I had just copied one section twice, and the second one was lost.

    Alas, alack, I'm a flake.
