Sunday, November 28, 2010

All Things Chapter 27

So, first of all, a HUGE thank-you to everyone who reviewed Chapter 26!

ElvesCentaursWizardsOhmy, Lilypipo, readerrr, mcanonymous, coffeelove, lovenmyownedward, Star.Shinee, KMK25, Luisa L (I remember you! Awww, thanks for reviewing!), Through the Trapped Door, peacelovetruth, arelli-black, Flora, boppityboo, Anon, Akt5us, Sirius' Sweetheart, dncr4eva5678, mrs.stark, christina689 (understood just fine--thanks for the review!), tc100292, KneelBeforeTodd, anonymous, ess3sandra, SydtheKyd, desirable69, Meda Plaster Caster, uhhhhwellll, RagnarBlackmane, Alex, The Horcrux Hunter, Charlie'sDragon, Lucius Malloy, zooeypotter (my favorite line of the chapter, that was!), Kayla, OutsideJokes, softasthunder, BigBangMeteor8612, twilightadict323 (I seriously considered doing nanowrimo, but Novembers are just too insane for me!), I have a faerie ring, Malala94, Abarraine, no-name-with-a-word-doc, talyag, Miss92, White Camellia, thewandofdestiny, WeasleyWannabe, SucksRoyalHippogriff, walking-on-a-dream, whispered touches, Little Emily, popcorn, lillikitty, Off Dreaming, Fancyeyes, Anon, live4dance, Poltergeist7, CharlieShulz, Jess-siriusly, MariaaB, cANISmAJOR13, Eponymy91, PurpleMonkeyDishwashers (lol, we are all James/Me shippers), and bookwormofmassiveproportions (LOL!!)

Wow, that took me way too long. There actually weren't a lot of QUESTIONS per se, this time around, so I think we're all good with the Chapter 26 business.

Chapter 27: I hope you don't all hate me too much. Reasons not to hate me:
1. Even though I got really mad while writing the last chapter, I did not shoot a puppy.
2. My birthday is on Monday!
3. I ship Lily-and-James!

To the Lovely Bree, I literally read your comment an hour before I updated, and I felt so guilty. For a fleeting second, I was like--okay, maybe I can fix this. And then I realized, no, that's fucking crazy, because a whole chunk of the story relies--at least indirectly--on things happening the way they happened (including the fulfillment of Chapter 13 prophecies!). Seriously, James and Carlotta's summer incident has been in the plan since very, very early on. But that doesn't make me feel any less guilty! It really did have to be Carlotta, though. I can offer you THIS cheery bit of news: Carlotta is not in Chapter 28 or 29, and while Sam will be very interested in Lily for a number of reasons, they won't necessarily be romantic reasons. Lily is not, shall we say, Sam's type.
Also, dude, these next two chapters have Lily-and-James-ness in awkward, wonderful abundance.

AND Frank and Alice return! Kingsley, Lathe, and a handful of minor canon characters crop up, as well, and Moody may or may not make an appearance in Chapter 29. I'm super psyched to finish writing this stuff. Oh, and there's a fedora involved.

So, in the mean time, I'm going to go hide under a bed and wait for you to finish storming the front door. Love you all!


P.S. anonymous comments now accepted on this blog =)


  1. I loved the chapter, I get the whole Carlotta/James getting together and how it can help further the plot line. I am just interested to see how it goes over with Lily, especially because she is probably going to find out about it at the same time as his head boy-ship. Now Lily is going to be the Carlotta in the relationship. I'm going to leave a full review on the chapter but this will do for now.

    I am glad it wasn't Lily and Sam. That would have been awkward no matter what in the future. It's better that now Lily is available and James is not.
    I love the new pink profile. I Hope your Birthday is at least half as fabulous as you are. And I know I am selfish but please update again soon!

  2. First of all, Happy Early Birthday! Hope you have a good one!

    Second, I am so glad you did not change it though, no matter how hard I complained! I have to admit that I was really heart-broken and upset for the first few minutes after reading (LOL there's a post in my Tumblr. Just to be clear, I was upset at Carlotta NOT you. I could never hate you!) But then my friend told me to go on Pandora and play Disney songs and that helped! Now that I think about it, I fully trust you. I know you will bring them together eventually :D

    Yes! *fist pump* You know how much I love Lily-and-James-ness. And I have to admit it will be very interesting to see what happens between them given then new developments!

    Ah! I think I know what you mean about Sam! Now I'm intrigued as to which non-romantic ways he's interested in Lily...

    As always, I await your update! May you have a lovely birthday, my dear!

    All my best,
