Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Deathly Hallows

Deathly Hallows Movie Spoilers below!

So, I saw the move twice this weekend, which was very reasonable, because I could have seen it three times, but my friend and I opted to pretend we have lives and go to a party Saturday night instead.

So what did you all think of the movie?
I fucking loved it. I think it might actually be the most faithful adaptation, and when Nick Cave started playing, I almost died. On the other hand, it was difficult for me to see any scene with Fred or George, because that just breaks my heart. Ditto for Lupin and Moody. And Dobby. And Fucking Hedwig. I teared up when those last two died. God, JKR is cruel.

Is anyone else BEWILDERED by how JKR said she didn't have the heart to kill Mr. Weasley? Really?!?! MR. WEASLEY?!?!? I mean, sure, I like the guy, but honestly, I would rather Fred or Tonks or probably even Hedwig live. Lupin is in my Top 5 characters.... I would have LOVED for him to survive, but the scene with Lily, James, Sirius, and Lupin walking with Harry and the Resurrection Stone brings me to tears, so I forgive his death. But seriously. Fred. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get the symbolism--one of the twins dying, twin wands, blah blah blah.... GIVE ME MY FUCKING FRED BACK!

I clearly have no strong feelings on this.

Obviously, Deathly Hallows has made me a combination of super nostalgic and super HP-chatty, and I'm re-reading the series... which I haven't done in a while. So, anyway, Harry Potter has been occupying my life a lot lately, but not in any productive way. Ugh, I'll keep writing. Update when I update?

I suck, I know. Here's some spoiler-ific-ness for the next chapter. 

They hadn’t kissed.

If they had, this might be something worth thinking about right now, but they hadn’t, so... so it was fine. Well, not fine. Obviously, James would rather have preferred the whole thing if they had kissed, but [Lily] was drunk and so was he, and it would have been a bad idea, because she certainly would have regretted it, and that was even worse than the fact that she had deterred it. There were a million reasons not to kiss someone, but if you did kiss them and then regretted it... well, that meant you hadn’t changed your mind. And then there really was no hope.

So, it was a good thing that they hadn’t kissed.



All the same, Carlotta was annoyed with James and his sudden aloofness, and, more troublesome still, she couldn’t make out what she had done to cause it. That he had become annoyed was a certainty, but why was unfathomable.

As she did with all men who were displeased with her (and there were very few), Carlotta decided to put him out of her mind completely, and yet, even as she prepared for the night and climbed into bed much later that evening, she could not shake her nagging curiosity about the whole ordeal. She resolved that, should the opportunity arise (and she would certainly not seek it) she would discover James Potter’s reasoning, so as to make an amendment—not to her own actions, of course, but to his opinion.


Lily opened her eyes again in time to see him grin crookedly at her, and she couldn’t help it—she pulled his face down to hers, kissing him roughly, fingers now lost in his hair as she divided his lips. He kicked off his shoes.

And yes, the last one is undoubtedly a snippet from the famed make-out scene. Do with that what you will.


  1. Deathly Hallows WAS rather awesome. Definitely the most stuck-to-the book. I cried for Dobby during the film, but also during the graveyard-Godric's Hollow scene :-((
    The Dancing made me smile though. So badly. But they cut Vold- He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named's flashback, which bothered me extraordinarily.

    Those spoilers have made me more antsy then usual. I am hoping against hope that you will post the chapter soon :-))

    I can't find King's Cross station anywhere on my LONDON-UNDERGROUND-MUG I bought this summer. This is depressing, eh?

    Well, I'll let you get back to your life now. Thanks for the update.

  2. I thought DH was a great book-to-film as well, though I was depressed that they didn't put in Potterwatch. Loved that part. And they even hinted at it w/the radio thing....not fair.

    So, Carlotta's ruining summer vacation again, hmm? Seems to be a pattern with that girl.

    All I have to say about the last spoiler is Lily better be having a sexual fantasy about James (or a real-life fantasy), b/c the only other person I can think of who would "grin crookedly" is Sirius, and that would just be....no. So, there you go. Also, you should probably update yesterday. Just saying ;)

  3. Ok so I have been meaning to comment on this since about 10 minutes after it went up, but life is crazy as you know. Deathly Hallows Part 1 is probably HP adaption so far... I actually liked some of their changes better than I liked JK's writing. Especially Hedwig's death, she went out fighting instead of being dropped out of the motor car. I thought when Harry and Hermione danced it was just about the cutest thing ever. (not that I want them to get together, i just love their friendship)

    Now as to your AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT story. I just have to say I think that the make out scene is with Sam, James' cousin. In Chapter 23 the little hints to the future that you gave kinda hinted in my mind something to do with Lily and Sam. "Of course, she had no way of knowing exactly what the next few months would bring. She could not have known about the protest, or about Sam, or that she would be attending not one, but two weddings... She could not have known that before she boarded the Hogwarts Express again for her seventh year, she would experience the strangest thirty-six hour period of her life to date, which would end in James Potter's arms." My other reasons for thinking this. Who else would have a crooked smile besides someone related to James or James himself, and I don't think that Lily and James will kiss this chapter soo..... Sam. And then there is the fact that you (Jewels) keep saying how this chapter is going to make us want to hunt you down with pitchforks and such. So that means not only no L/J but an L/J betrayal. That is my reasoning and if i'm right I deserve a cookie. If i'm wrong you can all laugh at the ranting of a crazy person.

    Carlotta is just a slut, a slut who wants to be with James. Maybe ends up stealing Sam, setting up Lily and James. James' thoughts were cute. I just can't wait to read everything in context.

    UPDATE SOON!!! We Love you!

  4. @Lindsay M: Oh man, totally forgot about Sam--yes, I have to say I think you may be right....and I'm kind of hoping you are! Haha, maybe weird to say for an L/J fan, but I sort of like when they have drama and don't get together really easily...Also kind of hoping for some Carlotta/James, just because I think that would be funny.

  5. Regarding Deathly Hallows, I loved it so much I have seen it more times than I am comfortable admitting. The only thing that PISSED ME OFF was that Wormtail didn't DIE. That rat bastard! If he doesn't die in part 2 I will...I will..I don't know what I'll do but I'll be very mad.

    About the teasers, let me comment on them respectively.

    1) Aw, golly. I feel so bad for James but at the same time I am proud of him in a way. It must have been heart-breaking to have almost kissed the person one loves. I admire that he is not really sulking but rather thinking clearly.

    2) I... I don't want Carlotta/James. No. I was just telling my friend, who had recently caught up, how I have this weird hunch something might happen there and how positively terrifying that was for me. I mean, I am aware that James is going to date girls before he ends up with Lily. Sure, I accept that. But not Carlotta. Anyone but Carlotta. It's ridiculous how much I dislike her, so much so that I am fighting everything in me not to sound desperate when I say, "Anyone but Carlotta." Methinks my dislike for her stems out of what she did with Frank and how that hurt Alice. In simpler terms, I was an Alice once and I suffered because of a girl like Carlotta. So again, ANYONE but Carlotta :-\

    3) Wait...I am so confused about my life. Is this a snippet from the scenes you said you wrote about last chapter? You know, when your shipper keyboard had them make out instead? Or did I miss an announcement where you said there was going to be a make-out scene in this next chapter? I am hoping the answer is the former... Because she could only be kissing one of two boys: James or (for some reason) Sam. If she was kissing James, I don't think you'd give the moment away in a teaser, right? So that leaves us with Sam... UNLESS, she IS kissing James...in a dream.

    I dunno.

    I give up.

    I'll just wait to read it myself.

    Actually, now I am dreading the next chapter.

  6. Did she really say she didn't have the heart to kill Mr. Weasley? Seriously, he's not even that major a character, I like him and everthing but she couldn't kill him but she could kill Tonks? and Lupin? And Fred? And Sirius? I mean why not say that you're crazy that would make more sense!

    No offense
