Monday, September 27, 2010

Photobucket Link! for all as-of-now uploaded LAT pics.  ********
Password: lifeandtimes
Alice Griffiths picture! Perhaps its unnecessary to post it, but link and password to my photobucket up above nonetheless.

Alice hasn't been around much for the past two chapters, and she won't be in the next two either, but she returns triumphantly (lol) in Chapter 28. Frank, Kingsley, the mysterious Sam, and a whole lot of canon mini characters will show up there, too. 

I know, you probably want me to shut up and get writing, so I'll do that. Enjoy the picture, and remember to be nice, because drawing isn't my thing. Side note: roughly twenty five pages of Chapter 26 are finished =)  


  1. I love it, you are really a great drawer. Can't wait to read the next chapter!

  2. Hurry up and update your damn story dearie :-)) It's actually kind of pathetic how infatuated I am with it. Neil Young is singing, right now in my basement, how he's only waiting till the morning comes. I am agreeing with this. Hurry up :-))

    Oh crap, side 1's done. Excuse me while I flip it over.

    Don't even finish reading this, you should be writing!
