Sunday, September 19, 2010


Okay, so one of you lovely reviewers of LAT suggested this, and I thought it was a good idea, so here it is. This is just a place where I can tell anyone who cares why exactly I am taking so long to update at any given moment. But there might be other stuff here, too-- like, I don't know, things that make me giggle fiendishly as I write them, and tidbits about what's to come in the future of Life and Times.

For instance, right now, I am an awful person because I have only written TWO scenes for Chapter 26, "The Wedding." One of them is super adorable, though.

In case you did NOT guess, the chapter centers around Petunia's wedding. So, Lily will be dealing with that unhappy prospect, Marlene will be moping because of Prudence Bloody Daly, and the Marauders will be figuring things out. So that's always fun. Also, there will be chicanery and gallivanting, which is always fun. Okay, not so much with the chicanery, but I like the word.

Actually, Chapter 26 is kind of a hard chapter to spoil for, because it's all very broad and conceptual. Chapter 27 is more fun. There's a make out scene that earns the story its rating. And for all of you who cagily remember that I said Carlotta would be returning in Chapter 27... fear not. She is not involved in the make-out scene to which I refer. But she will be there, being all Carlotta-y. Alright, I'm rambling. I shouldn't be allowed to talk about myself.

1 comment:

  1. Hurry! Write more than just the two scenes! My friend Jenn and I live for when you update and, well... I really want to know how the boys are going to patch things up.

    (though there was nothing manlier and sexier about James than him fighting...)
