Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm not a lazy wench.

Wrote twelve pages of Chapter 26 and six pages of Chapter 27 today. YAY me.

The reason I'm even bothering to record this is to prove that I'm not a lazy wench, and also to motivate myself. And also to make me feel good about myself, because Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are my slave days... where I have lots of school and lots of work and not so lots of sleep, and I can guarantee I won't get much of anything done.

Fun fact--I'm working on Chapter 26 right now, and there were a total of 26 chapters in my last mammoth WIP, "Shaken, Not Stirred." And, because I enjoyed writing that story so much--flawed as it undoubtedly is--I'm putting little references to it in Chapter 26 of LAT. Cheese and rice, I'm conceited. =D.

Cheese and rice sound really gross together.


  1. Love it! I am very excited for both chapters :D

  2. Watch Your PhraseologyOctober 16, 2011 at 5:47 PM

    Cheese and rice are actually pretty good together :/
