Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Anyone not on tumblr may or may not be aware of SOPA (no one on Facebook except my journalist older sister knew what it was about) so I thought I'd post something here, just in case.

This is the quick summary of why I oppose it, from the petition to stop it on the White House website.

This Bill would allow A Great Firewall of America and would be a shameful desecration of free speech and any sort of reasonable copyright law. The new Law would allow copyright holders to force websites which have any copyrighted material to be blocked by ISP companies around the country, without requiring that the websites be given time to take the offending material down. It would also put pressure on ISP companies to monitor their users like never before, a gross invasion of privacy. This bill is a direct assault on a free internet and a shameful attempt by copyright lobbyists to destroy net neutrality. Essentially it's a censorship law that would end the internet as we know it in America.
I encourage you to read a bit about it--google "SOPA" and you should be able to find some articles for both sides. But if you do agree that SOPA should not pass, you can sign the White House petition against it. We still need about 5,000 signatures.
White House petition.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chapter 34 Non-Spoilers

So, for those who are new, Non-Spoilers are spoilers for the next chapter that are not very spoilery, or do not appear very spoilery. For instance, in Chapter 34:

Lily tells a story.
Carlotta drops her books.
James plans on discussing Quidditch.
People apologize.
Ravenclaws have breakfast.
Peter contributes.
The Marauders have something in common.
Shelley and Carlotta fight.
Mary reads Witch Weekly.
Donna fights with her hair.
Delia Greengrass works for the Ministry.
Lily goes to the library.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I always make one of these for each chapter, but this is one of my favorites so far, so I thought I'd drop it here.

Don't hit spacebar--there be youtube vids.

Just thought I'd leave this here. I'm kind of in love with it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Chapter 34 Things

So, Chapter 34 is--as of now-- called "Meloni v. Mumps."
(or "The Ballad of John and Yoko")
You can expect:

  • Resolution on what Clancy is going to do about Charlie
  • Marauder shenanigans
  • An explosion
  • Lily and James's counseling session with Keepdown
  • Halloween
AND here's an excerpt.

“Do we knock or...”
Lily held up her hand for silence though, leaning close and listening, for—as James realized a moment later—there were voices coming from within.
“Is that...?”
“Shelley,” said Lily. “It’s Shelley’s voice.”

Monday, September 26, 2011

Chapter 33 like WOAH

so it's there! and I'm here! And suddenly I'm missing ye olde blogspot so much! since I don't intend on ever taking 4 months to update again, I will hopefully never have to hide from my blogspot like I did between these updates. However, for those of you who don't know, you can also find me on tumblr.
Okay, so I feel like I should have something better to post here, but I don't, because I'm not on my computer so I can't even excerpt. HOWEVER, I can link you to other people's creativity, like the lovely anxious-pineapple's wonderful representation of Marlene.

Annnndd.... that's all of I've got for now. I'll post more when I get home =)

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Posted the requested video of me reading the first part of chapter 2. Blogspot won't let me post it here, though, so the link can be found here.
hope you enjoy!

Sam Dearborn

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Harry Potter Experience

The evening of November 16th, 2001 was a brisk one. Almost ten years later I remember this detail, because on the evening of November 16th, 2001, I stood in my school parking lot, ranting and shivering, many hours after our 3:00 release, as I waited for a very, very late ride. I didn’t wait alone—two close friends of mine at the time, Elena and Sara, waited with me, the three of us seated on a curb, waiting for Elena’s mom—Mrs. L.—to come and bring us to the event we’d been waiting on for months.

I was in fifth grade; in possibly my first ever direct experience with, we had ordered our tickets ahead of time, because there was no way that we were not seeing that movie that night.
The movie, of course, being Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Mrs. L.—the unreliable mother of my friend Elena who had been charged with bringing us to the Fairfield movie theater—arrived three hours late, twenty minutes before the movie was supposed to start at a movie theater forty minutes away from us.

You see, a house had fallen in the road.

Rewind about a year and a half, to a day that I only vaguely recall, when I was dragged along on a shopping trip with my mother. We stopped at a thrift shop called Jackie’s, which smelled like most thrift shops do and played a non-stop soundtrack of bad adult contemporary. I imagine Borgin and Burke’s to have a similar layout (if rather different content): an assortment of old ties and dishes and furniture and gaudy 80s jewelry piled halfhazardly in unconcerned heaps or else scattered across shelves and broken display racks. However, atop one such heap was a book. I’d heard about it, but I hadn’t read it, because we didn’t own a copy, there wasn’t a copy in my classroom, and the waiting list at the library was always twenty names long.

But there sat a nearly new edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. It was in decent condition, a dull corner or two, perhaps, but thoroughly readable, so I’m really not sure how it ended up in Jackie’s, placed next to some 1970s style coffee mugs. And on a whim, I asked Mom to buy it.

My mom didn’t usually buy us kids things on shopping trips; I think this was generally a positive thing for the formation of my character and how I regard money, but I’m eternally grateful that, for no apparent reason on that day, my mother agreed to buy that used edition of Philosopher’s, sorry, Sorcerer’s Stone.

The fact that my mother agreed to purchase a book at all was somewhat remarkable, because she hates buying books. It’s not that she hates books, of course: I don’t want you to imagine that my mother is some Aunt Petunia or Uncle Vernon-like figure who hates imagination... or that she’s a devil straight out of Georgian England that finds fiction to be frivolous: quite the reverse. Mom loves books... but she does not like buying new ones, due to the fact that our house is positively swamped in them. People have described walking into my garage as having a similar effect on them as the scene in Beauty and the Beast when Beast shows Belle the library—if, y’know, the library in Beauty and the Beast had a washing machine and ironing board in it. But you get the idea.

I would wager that my parents’ house homes upwards of eight hundred books, with new ones arriving every other day via UPS truck. Thus, clutter-hating Mom did not like buying new books... especially since it was statistically likely that we already owned the books in question.

But, miraculously, she made an exception to two of her rules—buying items not on her list and buying books—and spent all of five dollars on the first Harry Potter book.

I started reading it later that day, and I can tell you the precise moment that I fell in love with it.

“Cats didn’t read maps.”

Something about that line just positively tickled me. The first chapter of Sorcerer’s Stone remains one of my favorites to this day. I feel like I’m nine every time I read it.

Sorcerer’s Stone is brilliant because it has all the elements that an awesome children’s story should have, without being Roald Dahl. A lot of people enjoy Roald Dahl stories, but I never did. Part of that is my extreme issues with Roald Dahl as a person, but most of it is that I always hated the characters. The central children characters never appealed to me, the adults were invariably nasty, and the worlds in which they operated made me unhappy. Reading a Roald Dahl book—or most children’s story, especially fantasy ones—didn’t make me want to jump into their universe; their worlds did not excite me or make me want to go on an adventure or develop any kind of genuine affection for the characters. They just made me feel kind of cynical.

But Harry Potter was very different for me. It was... basically the opposite of all that. It was exciting and new and inspiring, and I was hooked.

Chamber of Secrets expanded the Harry Potter universe. Dobby. Lucius Malfoy. The Diary. Hagrid. The Death Day Party. Tom Marvolo Riddle. Re-reading it, I tend to forget that I ever didn’t know what a Horcrux was, but the first time I read it, I remember thinking that I hoped they revisited the chamber at some point, because it was such a shame that there was a big empty room with a dead snake under the school that no one ever saw.

I could probably talk for about a year concerning Prisoner of Azkaban. Smarter people have said that they saw Sirius-Black-is-good coming from a mile away, but for me, the second that whole scene transpired, I was irrevocably hooked on Harry Potter. The series is amazing because it lets the children characters be awesome without making all the adults the villains. Remus Lupin is an awesome character for that reason alone. Prisoner of Azkaban gave us the Marauders too, my little, not-so-secret obsession within the Potter-verse, and Rowling even managed to do time-travel in a way that didn’t utterly irk me (as a child raised on science fiction, I have very strong opinions about utterly unimportant things: the depiction of time travel is one of these things). Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite book to this day (although, objectively, Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows might be “better” books. But, God, I just love them all).

Oh, and also: Hermione.

A brief moment in honor of Hermione Granger.

Hermione Granger is a smart girl. She’s clever, she’s unpopular, she’s awkward—she’s a know-it-all, but she’s not mean. She’s imperfect... sometimes she’s really, really obnoxious, but she cares about things, and she makes clever girls everywhere want to be adventurous. Every Harry-Potter-teaches-bad-lessons argument out there is invalidated by Hermione Granger... at least as far as I’m concerned.

And then there was Goblet of Fire. Goblet came out shortly before the first movie, so there I was more than a little bit excited. A copy was purchased for our classroom library, and I remember monopolizing that thing for ages. I used it as a weapon once, too, so, y’know, win. Goblet of Fire is a beautiful book—it’s my favorite book cover, for one thing, and the whole thing is just wonderfully constructed. I recommend a re-read to everyone, because it’s really just magnificent.

So now we’re caught up. 2001. November. Cold and grey. Standing in the parking lot of my school with Elena and Sara, waiting for Mrs. L. to pick us up.

The thing you have to understand about Mrs. L. is that she is completely unreliable. Whatever plans you make with her WILL fall through. They will crash and burn and die in a sad, pathetic little heap, like a thousand crushed dreams.

And then something better will happen.

I don’t know how it works, but whenever you’re with Mrs. L., no matter how dire a situation gets—no matter how extraordinarily fucked you seem to be (and, with Mrs. L., the situation will get that dire), somehow, things will work out to your advantage. Somehow, out of the ashes of your silly little plans, will rise an even greater plan... an even grander, more beautiful, shimmering, sparkling, beams-of-light-Hallelujah-chorus plan.

Like, if you’re driving in a car with her, that car will break down. But then you’ll be rescued by a limo with Chuck Norris in it.

I’m exaggerating. Wait, no I’m not. That’s exactly the sort of thing that would happen with Mrs. L. Miss your flight, end up seated next to a celebrity on the next one. True story.

Of course, twenty minutes before we were supposed to see Sorcerer’s Stone on opening night, it was a little hard to have that kind of perspective.

You see, a house had fallen in the road. No, literally, a house fell in the road. Mrs. L. was driving to pick us up, and a house, being transported on a truck, fell in the road in front of her, blocking traffic.

How can that happen? That doesn’t happen in real life! But it does when you’re dealing with Mrs. L.

So we drove to the movie theater anyway, arriving twenty minutes after our planned show time. My adventures with online ticket purchase were for naught, but, more importantly, I was kind of terrified I wasn’t going to be able to see that movie tonight.

You see, my mom is kind of strict, in case you couldn’t tell from the ‘not buying things for children’ rule. The next showing of Sorcerer’s Stone was at 10:45 p.m., the movie was over two hours, and the theater we had inexplicably chosen to attend was forty minutes from my town. I knew—I just knew there was no way Mom would let me go, especially since some of her friends were critics of Harry Potter on moral grounds, and she was beginning to wonder if she was a bad parent for letting me obsess over the series to begin with. (One year later, one such friend of my mother’s would comically attempt to prevent me from seeing Chamber of Secrets... more on that later).

First, my friend Sara called her parents. Her dad was the one who donated the copy of Goblet to our fifth grade classroom, and they were notoriously laissez-faire about curfew, so no worries there. Then, I borrowed Mrs. L.’s cell phone to call my mother.

“So—we missed the six-thirty showing...”

“Did you get your money back?”

“No, they won’t give it to us.”

“Well that’s annoying.”

“I know... but... there’s another show time. I have money for another ticket... but it’s at ten-forty-five. Can I go?”

“Uh-huh sure.”



“Yeah, Dad’ll wait up.”


“Yeah. I’m making dinner. Call when you’re out. Bye!”


Uh-huh, sure, like she always allowed her fifth-grade daughter stay out till one in the morning with her friends. I didn’t argue though. We went to Barnes & Noble and looked through all the Harry Potter books there, waiting for the next showing. I have never been the same.

A fucking house. In the road.

That just doesn’t happen.

That experience taught me a lot of things. One, that my mother is not as crazy as I like to think she is. Two, that I should NEVER rely on Mrs. L. for something.

So, why was it, one year later, that I once again was waiting for her to show up to take us to Chamber of Secrets? Because I’m an idiot. Or, because my friend, Elena, currently in law school, is a brilliant, brilliant manipulator.

For Chamber of Secrets, we didn’t wait in the school parking lot. We bought later tickets this time, so it was all arranged beforehand, nice and neat. We decided to wait at our friend, Lily’s, house.

Lily’s mother was... um... enthusiastically Catholic. Don’t get me wrong—my parents are Catholic. Like the Pope. Too Catholic to function, okay? Really, really freaking Catholic. But my family does not think Harry Potter is evil, so I don’t want anyone assuming that all Catholics think this. Because they don’t.

But Mrs. F. does. Why we decided to wait at Mrs. F.’s house for Mrs. L. to pick us up is another unsolved mystery. And yet we did. We tried to keep from her the fact that we were going to see a Devil Movie, but she totally knew. She kept unsubtly inviting us to stay for dinner, or to stay and watch a movie there instead. At one point, she took Elena into the kitchen and started to pray on her.

It’s quite possible that Mrs. F. believed the three of us to be possessed, because I definitely caught her surreptitiously sprinkling holy water on Elena at one point.

Six o’clock arrived. The movie began at eight.

Mrs. L. wasn’t showing up.

So, we stopped taking chances and took action.

That is, my friend Sara took action, in the form of calling her dad and getting us an alternate ride. I still have the Chamber of Secrets themed plastic popcorn bucket. I will probably be buried with it.

For the third, fourth, and fifth films, my friends and I were much more organized. Scratch that, I got my act together. I threw down and declared that we would be seeing the film in my town; I would arrange the tickets, and I would arrange the rides. Houses do not fall in the road for me, and maybe I don’t get picked up by Chuck Norris limos, but my micromanaging ways get. shit. done. And without giving me hypertension.

The sixth film was the real problem, though. You see, for all of the first five movies, whether we were driving forty-five minutes or standing in line for midnight showings, Elena and I had watched them for the first time together. I don’t know why we are Harry-Potter-friends. We agree on almost nothing about the series. She is an adamant Harry/Hermione shipper, dislikes Lupin/Tonks, and prefers Lupin to Sirius. We are both team Lily/James though. For whatever reason, however, Elena and I are Harry-Potter-best-friends, and, up to Half-Blood Prince we had seen every one of those movies together.

The problem: the sixth movie came out about a month after I jumped on a plane to be a nanny, five hundred miles away from her. I couldn’t get any time off until three weeks after its release.

We were faced with an ethical dilemma. See the movie apart first, or wait three weeks and see it together. Break our sacred tradition, or suffer in bitter agony for almost a month, while even casual Harry Potter fans—even, Oh, I totally like Harry Potter, I’ve seen every movie people... even wait, what’s Gary Oldman character’s name? people went and enjoyed the film adaptation of the book that I had read cover to cover within eighteen hours of its release.

But, in the end, we decided to wait for each other.

The next three weeks passed, but not quickly. Elena and I were afraid to watch TV, lest a commercial for Half-Blood Prince come on and wear down our self control. The internet was a very limited place: we wouldn’t even click on the little links on the Yahoo! homepage that had articles about the movie’s box office results. The temptation was too great.

Then, at last, the time came for me to return home. I flew into SFO and took a cab to the movie theater, where I met Elena for the 10 p.m. showing.

The theater was completely empty. In retrospect, that was the best theater viewing of a Harry Potter movie that we’ve ever had: every flaw, every deviation from the book could be ranted about full-volume. Every, Ron and Hermione are so cute, and every NO THEYRE NOT I HATE YOU could be expressed in the tones they were meant to be expressed in.

It was beautiful.

Deathly Hallows Part I was far less eventful. We got there hours early, were the third people in line, and hung out with some cool hipsters who had their books with them, causing me to realize how much I fucking love my generation. The highlight of the film was die-hard Harry/Hermione shipping Elena admitting that Deathly Hallows chipped at her resolve. And, c’mon, Rupert Grint was FINE in that movie, right?

So, Friday—or Thursday night, c’mon—Elena and I are going to the midnight release of the last movie. Harry Potter has been my childhood and my adolescence and a huge part of my life. I have formed friendships around this series, been excused from work to finish reading a new release, been moved and inspired and infuriated and thrilled by the Harry Potter books.

I even spent an hour writing pages of cheesy pure, unfiltered nostalgia in honor of the last film and an end of an era (but not really, because is it ever really going to end?). Because pretty much no matter what, I always have and always will love Harry Potter.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ultimate Chapter 33 Music Post

("Dog Days" gave me the idea of putting this chapter in in the first place)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

“So,” concluded Donna, “what we have to figure out is the pathetic inner workings of the mind of a tiny, sensitive Ravenclaw girl. Do we know any of those?”

“None who are speaking to me at the moment,” said Sirius.

“Me neither,” Donna agreed.

They both turned to Marlene.

“What?” she asked. “Me?”

You’re chummy with one, aren’t you?” asked Donna.

“No, I...” She broke off. “Oh, you cannot be serious...”

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I'm not updating today, but LOOK! A SHINY OBJECT!! OVER THERE!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

“I know your nerves. When it comes to it, you’re going to choke up. Ten galleons you don’t score one goal.”


So, I'm not really listening to anything cutting edge at the moment, but here's what I've been all about recently for the next chapter.
"You Are a Tourist" by Death Cab for Cutie

"When the Sun Goes Down" by Ben Gibbard

"The Golden Age" by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour

"I Can't Decide" by Scissor Sisters

"F.N.T." by Semisonic (lol wut?)

Monday, June 6, 2011

TLAT In-Character Q&A Round 2

So I'm doing another in-character Q&A. I'm doing it on tumblr this time so it will be easier to ask, and it'll go through tomorrow for those in bed at the moment!
my tumblr is (ask-box link:
Just submit a question to any character, and they shall do their best to answer =P

*le crickets*

Posting Lots of Excerpts, Aren't I? But they're short

“It’ll be rough on Potter and Shacklebolt,” Miles retorted. “What with having to score all the goals on their own.”

Chapter 33 Non Spoilers

{Non spoilers are random tidbits from the next chapter that are true, but don't divulge (or apparently divulge) anything too spoilery.}

Donna's kinda an Adam/Marlene shipper

Mary's financial plan is "marry well."

Something presents itself.

Marlene does her hair.

It rains.

With special appearances from:
Miles Stimpson, Fiona Keepdown, Bridget Shacklebolt, and Prudence Bloody Daly

Throwbacks to, :
Chapter 7, Chapter 13 (but esp. chapter 7)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

“I feel like this experiment is going to be dangerous for Shelley Mumps...” remarked Sirius.

-Chapter 33

Thursday, June 2, 2011

TLAT Alternate Casting and a Tiny Excerpt

“Okay, I want you to imagine that you’re a girl...” 
 “I am a girl.” 
 “And so am I.” 
 “I believe one of you.” 
 “Black, I’m going to rip out your esophagus.” 
"And you wonder why I doubt your femininity, Shack."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

TLAT Newcast Part I (Updated)

Calum Worthy as Charlie Plex.

Sam Page as Luke Harper

Michelle Williams as Alice Griffiths.

Robert Sheehan as Frank Longbottom.

Odette Yustman as Carlotta Meloni.

Sonam Kapoor as Prudence Daly.

Felicity Jones as Clancy Goshawk.

Helen Flanagan as Shelley Mumps.

Joe Armstrong as Sam Dearborn

Garrett Hedlund as Lathe.

William Moseley as Adam McKinnon

Eddie Redmayne as Reg Cattermole.

Georgie Henley as Mary MacDonald

Richard Dempsey as Peter Pettigrew.


Antonia Thomas as Donna Shacklebolt.

Evan Rachel Wood as Marlene Price.

Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin.

Ben Barnes as Sirius Black.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Music Again

Henry Wolfe's "Someone Else"
I owe you guys an excerpt, so I'll post one soon...

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Body, Young the Giant

First of all, I literally want to have this song's children.
Second, said children would all be L/J shippers because Young the Giant (also the James Potter sex riot on tumblr) is inspiring the hell outta my L/J muse.
Which is much more helpful for Chapter 34 than Chapter 33.

Monday, May 23, 2011

What Jules does when she doesn't want to do homework...

(make memes, not get a lay. Although...)

First 33 Excerpt

“Well, if it were me,” began Marlene, “I’d like to find out by having one of my mates scheme to keep it a secret from me while I’m in the next room, but... oh wait...” 
 “Well in that case, you’re welcome,” retorted Donna coolly.
-Chapter 33

Friday, May 20, 2011

Chapter 32 Post

So FINALLY I've updated!
Thank you guys so, so, so much for everything. You are all really exceptionally wonderful.

Oh, one thing I wanted to address was my using Operation Mancy instead of Operation Cloony. Operation Cloony is OBVIOUSLY the better name, no doubt about it. But I didn't want to steal anyone's idea, so I didn't use it. In my brain, the ship is Cloony, even if the Op isn't =P

So I'll chat a bit about Chapter 33 now.
It's called "Of Marlene."
It's a Marlene chapter (SHOOT WHO KNEW?!)
    Operation Mancy
    The return of Miles Stimpson

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Brooke Fraser's "Something in the Water"
Carrying me through the last bits of writing for Chapter 32 =)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

“Good evening, housemates,” Shelley’s voice cut through the brisk air. She had turned in her seat and, as though just noticing Lily and Carlotta, smiled broadly at them
 “Hello,” sighed Lily, probably anticipating an altercation.
 “Hello, Shelley,” said Carlotta. “What a pleasant surprise: I didn’t realize you could leave your coffin before sunset.”
 Shelley rolled her eyes, rising from her bench and climbing up to the higher level where her two housemates sat. Lily was immediately next to the wooden wall at the edge of the stand, meaning that the only available seat was beside Carlotta, who scooted closer to the redhead when Shelley sat down.

-Chapter 32

I was writing this scene and got extremely amused by the idea of redhead, brunette, and blonde sitting in a row--Carlotta and Shelley bickering and Lily just rolling her eyes wanting to die--during Quidditch tryouts. Lol so I drew it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Fat Lady—for that is whom he addressed—huffed. “It’s a matter of aesthetics, boy. Decorum. The dignity of these hallowed halls, through which your own forefathers, distant and recent, walked themselves, I’m certain...”

“My distant forefathers,” Sirius interrupted, “were, in all likelihood, muggle-hating chauvinists, if my more recent ones and the general habits of their contemporaries are anything to judge by. So I’ll smoke where I damn well please.”

Friday, May 13, 2011

“Well...” James swallowed. “What are you doing here?”

“I was exploring,” said Valentina. “But I’m not sure which floor I’m on.”

“The second.”

“The second,” Valentina echoed. “West Wing?”

“That’s right. Do you—er... live here?”

“No, I’m in the East Wing.”

“No, I mean...” Children were so dense sometimes. “Do you live in the castle?”

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Anonymous asked...

I'm going to be 50 by the time this story is updated, aren't I?
IDK when do you turn 50?

Monday, May 9, 2011

“We used to have fun, didn’t we?” asked Charlie, ignoring her question.

“No. We used to have angry sex.”

“That’s what I meant. What happened to that anyway?”

“You started to fancy me, and tentacles are a turn off."

(P.S. Chapter 32 features Charlie Plex POV--I'm not sure I've ever done that before =P)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just a Few Things

The thing is, in the last week, my entire life got pulled up by the roots, twirled around some Hagrid-sized being's head, and thrown down again on the grass, left to its own devices to re-root and work all the biology shit out all by its lonesome.
BTW, my life is a tree apparently.

Fortunately, I am apparently quite adept at gardening, and I like to think that for the time being, all is mostly as it should be again. 
Thank-you for your patience, and I shall endeavor to get this chapter finished as quickly as possible.
If I have been grouchy with anyone around here or on tumblr, I am sorry. 

AND, I hope you all enjoyed "Snaps." I don't really know where that came from. I had the idea for Snaps being about James's heart condition (lol, not literally) rather than the delicious treat for some time, but I was walking along and the rest of the story just sort of came to me, so I scribbled it up and posted it, and I am just glad that you liked it. 
For those of you who think it's deterring me from writing Chapter 32, however, fear not. I was having a bit of a... well... dry spell (see Lily circa Chapter 19). Going 24 hours without writing anything creative is really unheard of for me, so the fact that I went several days was thoroughly displeasing. But "Snaps" sort of got me in a mode again, and I wrote a bunch over the last two days, so hopefully, I'm back on track.

So on to nicer things: here's some stuff I can tell you about Chapter 32.

Bridget Shacklebolt makes a return.
Marlene and Prudence have a chat.
Donna helps Marlene with something.
Donna, Lily, and--to a lesser degree--Remus have crises of conscience.
James has a touch of insecurity.
Sirius has a touch of angst. 
(And yet somehow this is a rather upbeat chapter).
There's a reference to Chapter 24 that made me go "AWWWW" when I wrote it (and puppies rejoiced).
Puppies won't be rejoicing on the Quidditch Pitch.
Puppies will be at least moderately pleased in the Head student office.

And for anyone freaking out about threats of sex scenes: I can't write anything graphic to save my liiife. I think of Allison Janney in "Ten Things I Hate About You" and I just can't. I'm a fade-to-black kind of girl. (Not that there's anything fade-to-blacky going on in Chapter 32... (I don't know yet, actually), but I felt I should touch on this.)

Much love to everyone, and thank-you for the feedback on "Snaps," which I just checked and has 51 reviews. Oh my god, you guys, thank you!

Have a wonderful, wonderful day/night/whatever.

P.S. what the hell? Excerpt?

“Well,” she began stiffly, “I suppose—rubbish as it is—I’m sympathetic.”
 “To... Shelley?”
 “No, not to Shelley. She’s a stupid bint.”

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sirius grinned. “Alright, you pass. What’s your name again?”

“Clancy Goshawk.”

“And I’m...”

“Sirius Black,” she finished for him.

“I love when people do that,” remarked Sirius. “I feel famous."

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I know I posted an excerpt this morning, but I just wrote this, and I thought you would all enjoy it....

“Can I help you, Laces?” 
 “Why did you just call me ‘Laces?’” 
 “Because yours are uncommonly straight.” 


 Shelley paused in the combing of her platinum fringe and looked at Donna in the reflection of the mirror. 
 Never in recent memory had Donna dreaded an action quite as much as she dreaded this one. She sat down on the bed closest to Shelley, fidgeting with her curly hair and forcefully maintaining a complete lack of eye contact with the other witch. 
 “I have to talk to you.” 
 Shelley raised her eyebrows. “You what?” 
 “I have to talk to you,” Donna repeated forcibly. 
 Frowning, the blonde turned in her chair to face Donna. “Seriously?” 
 “Yes, I know, it’s bizarre for me, too,” said Donna, rolling her eyes.

Monday, April 25, 2011

New Chapter title!

As of now, Chapter 32 is called,
"Evolutionary Theory and the Facts of Infidelity."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Some Thank-Yous and Such-Not

To "reader" on,
You are ninja.
You are a ninja of reading. Okay, I can accept that you might polish off one of the 8800 word chapters, type up a review, and submit it in a mere 6 minutes, but the fact that you did this with Chapter 2, which is nearly 11,000 words astonishes me. And yet your reviews are detailed enough to show that you are, in fact, reading the chapters, which leads me to the conclusion that you are a ninja. Or that is sending me the review alerts at 5-8 minute intervals, but more likely that you are a ninja. A ninja of reading.

But seriously, thank you to everyone who has been reviewing lately--I know several people are re-reading and leaving comments on every chapter, some are reading for the first time but being wonderful with the reviews, Kayla's doing her fantasmal five-word summaries on tumblr... and I don't think I have properly expressed my gratitude to you all recently. So, to everyone who reviews, or comments here with their support, or leaves lovely messages in my ask box on tumblr, thank you ever, ever so much. You are all extremely gracious, and I have no words to adequately express my appreciation and love for all of you.

Also, I will TRY to get to answering review questions this week.
With regard to the update, the theoretical time frame is still by the end of the month.

Happy Easter one and all!

(P.S. oooh, you're slipping, reader. 13 minutes on chapter 8. I'mkiddingyouramazingteachmehowtolive.)

Oh, and right, I totally owe some spoilers.
Here's some stuff I've been writing:

-Sirius and James all bromancing each other up.
-Marlene and Donna stuff (I kind of love Marlene and Donna together)
-A subtle (kind of dirty) Lathe reference, which only makes me that much more impatient to bring him back!
-A whole bunch of letters (not individual letters, like S, Y, G, H, A... letters. mail. owls. gotcha)
-Lily and Clancy stuff

Oh, and as per the request of some, here's some more music.

"Taller Children" by Elizabeth and the Catapults

"Four Winds" cover by the Killers

Friday, April 22, 2011

Cheerful enough, Donna walked along the second floor corridor in the direction of the Charms department. The hallways were always the best kind of empty at hours like this—mealtimes—and Donna could stroll without fear of bumping into anyone, her mind occupied by pleasant things like Ancient Runes translations and the biography of Cornelius Agrippa that Lily had lent to her. 
 She was just debating which—the translations or the biography—she would pursue first after supper, when the unfortunate witch rounded a corner. 
 What she saw, about twenty feet away, made Donna think she might lose her lunch.

Monday, April 18, 2011

To the estimable Lily Evans,

I rather prefer not putting my name on the front of envelopes, as it often means that the recipient will disregard the letter altogether, and all of my extensive time spent writing and re-writing and fretting over the exact wording of my carefully plotted letter shall be in vain (Only joking. I don’t do any of that).

But now you’ve read this far, you’ve already spent this much time reading, and are therefore invested in the outcome of this note, so I shall reveal my identity.

It’s Sam. Sam Dearborn. Egbert the Incompetent’s brother. You remember me, right? Handsome bloke, tall, fantastic hair, kills in a fedora...

Right, that’s me.

And you’re Lily Evans.


And you’re probably wondering why in the name of all that is magical I’ve decided to write to you, approximately one month after our brief and tumultuous affair. The truth of the matter is that I’m bored stiff at the moment, for my best mate and partner-in-crime, the incomparable Sarah McKinnon, has landed herself in one of those new fangled thing-a-ma-bobs, a relationship.

Complete nonsense, if you ask me. (Not really: the bloke’s a dream, and he dotes on her, but that’s neither here nor there).

They’ve been seeing each other for months, but now Sarah up and decides that she’s in love with this Devil’s Spawn, and she spends five evenings a week with him, and she’s just oh so rapturous that poor Sam gets shoved to the side, along with all our plans to someday be old spinsters together, sitting around on a porch somewhere with our eighty-seven cats, playing sedate card games and making rude remarks at passersby, because old people may say whatever judgmental things they like without fear of punishment.

Obviously, this is a problem, because what if Sarah marries this bloke? What if she has a dozen children with him? I wouldn’t mind, except he’ll be something of a time suck, and it might actually mean I have to meet people! Talk to people I don’t know! Make new friends! SOCIALIZE!  It’s utter rubbish.

Actually, I’m just dead bored right now. I’ve written to dear cousin James twice in the last week, and he’s only responded once, and I choose to blame this on the fact that he is also relationshippy at the moment. I suppose you’ve heard all about that—well, I know you have—since, apparently your little school has done everything short of lynching this poor bird. Are you a member of this torch-carrying, “Burn the witch!” screaming majority? Personally, I think you’d make a lousy leader of a lynch mob.

I thought you’d be interested to know that I have had my first encounter with my brother since the end of his tenure as head of DMLE. It was unpleasant, to be sure, especially since the family rather sided with Eggie, and things at home have been rather tense. But life goes on, doesn’t it?

I’m reaching the end of my slight firewhiskey buzz and therefore the end of this letter, and I feel the overwhelming compulsion to be honest with you, Ginger, so here it is.

The truth of the matter is not that I am either lonely or bored, but that I am writing to you because I am avoiding writing a letter that I should be writing. You are a vehicle for my procrastination, if you will. Because, you see, while it is true that Sarah is in the raptures of a new relationshit, I find myself precariously close to the same. And there it is... I’ve met someone, and feel that if I do not wait out this firewhiskey buzz, I may actually do something extremely unwise and arrange a date.

You see, Ginger, in my brief tenure as a Hogwarts student, I was a Hufflepuff—as you know—and Hufflepuffs, for all of their virtues, are not particularly brave.

At any rate, feel free to respond poste-haste, and do not feel free to ignore this letter, or I will be thoroughly upset with you. Unless you, too, have fallen into the relationship trap, in which case, I shall have to lose faith with all of this highly sentimental humanity and jump off a tall bridge without a broomstick.

You understand my meaning, yeah?

With high regards from,
Sam Dearborn

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Questions, Questions, Quesssttionnsss

Here are some FAQs of late that I would like to take this opportunity--me being sick in bed--to answer.

You--Jules--said that Chapter 35 is gonna be epic. Are James and Carlotta going to break up then?
No. James and Carlotta's break up is NOT scheduled for Chapter 35.
Here are some things that you CAN expect from Chapter 35:
A kiss between two people who are not dating (one of whom is dating someone else)
The return of Colista Black
A Frank and Alice cameo
Not a James/Carlotta break up

When are you going to update, Jules?
When is ur face going to update?
(AKA idk, sorry)
I typically update around once a month. Although I try to be quicker, I usually fail

Is the guy at the beginning of the prologue Luke?
This has received much speculation and is the forerunner amongst theories, especially in Luke's small but vocal fan club possibly consisting only of Todd. It has not, however, been confirmed.

Regarding the last line of Chapter 31: 
"He did. Right?"
Lily's question is kind of rhetorical. It's like, "I'll get over it. It can't be too hard. He did it, yeah?" Not that she really honestly believes it's gonna be a piece of cake, but like that's what she's saying to put a brave face on it. At any rate, it was not intended to be read, "He got over me, right? Right? RIGHT?! ANSWER ME NOW, BITCHES!" I think the italicization of "right," might have made that confusing, and I apologize!

Why is Sirius calling Lily "Snitch" and Carlotta "Quaffle?"
Chapter 19, "The Quaffle and the Snitch," has James quoting his dear old mother as saying, "Don't chase the Quaffle if you see the Snitch." Although, as Reginald Cattermole points out, James is a chaser and he would get in trouble for catching the snitch. But, as James would observe, "It's a metaphor, damn it."

Why is Sirius opposed to Puppy Killing (James/Carlotta)?
Obviously because his animagus form is a dog
This is actually a very complicated question. I know it seems like kind of a cop out to some people, having Sirius a L/J shipper at this stage, but this will be dealt with in greater detail throughout seventh year, so I won't talk about it too much here and now. Just know that I have thought this through, and it's not solely for all the comic potential (although, of course, I enjoy that). I will say that a small part of it is that Sirius disliked James/Carlotta for the same reason that most of you guys dislike it (more than Lily/Luke, for example). There is a certain degree of THREAT to Carlotta, because she's Carlotta (I mean, not really, L/J4life and all that, but you know what I mean), and Sirius doesn't want his best mate taken away. So, why he would then support James/Lily is really what sort of gets figured out later on. 

Was Shelley sincere about wanting to make up with Carlotta?
Negative (for now).

okay, there are probably, and by probably I mean definitely, more, but I can't find them immediately with minimum effort so if anybody else has a question, feel free to ask. 

Love and cookies,


But before I depart, here's a teeny tiny excerpt.
"Who are you?”  
“Who am I? Who are you?” 
“I’m Valentina.”  
“I’m James.”   
She continued to stare at him with her large black eyes, and James continued to regard her with the utmost suspicion.   
Which was ridiculous, he realized, because she was about ten.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


This post requires more music.
I'm thinking back to the times when I posted on blogspot every day (there was maybe one month where this happened) and feeling like I should be like that more often.
Here's another excerpt, because I'm too lazy to say anything brilliant.

Donna.” Marlene poked her shoulder, and Donna started. 
 “What?” she asked loudly. “What? What do you want?” 
 “Is there a particular reason why you’re staring at Shelley Mumps like that?” asked Marlene, amused. Mary raised her eyebrows. 
 “Are you trying to make her explode with wandless magic?” she asked brightly. “Because I would fully support that decision.”


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


My current jam... although it's inspiring my original material muse more than my Chapter 32 muse. 
Still. Relevant. Ingrid Michaelson is both my Clancy Goshawk and Marlene Price muse. 

Aaaand a tiny excerpt:

James shrugged. “I guess.” He didn’t think he conveyed nonchalance very convincingly; Lily didn’t seem to buy it, at any rate. “I just... he shouldn’t have done it. It should have been Remus.”
“It couldn’t be Remus, James. You know that.”
He did. It was bloody unfair, but it couldn’t have been Remus. 
P.S. Random update: BOTH songs I want to use for the song title are too late. "I Want You To Want Me" is from 1977 and "Is She Really Going Out With Him" is from '78.
The struggles of being me.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Especially these patrols. This was her third time patrolling with him, and Lily was always left feeling guilty. After all...

He had a girlfriend.

Couldn’t she just… just... forget that she fancied him? Then, spending time with him wouldn’t make her feel like—well, honestly, like the Carlotta to James’s Frank Longbottom.

Damn it all.

Perhaps she’d better steer clear of James Potter for a few days.