Monday, September 26, 2011

Chapter 33 like WOAH

so it's there! and I'm here! And suddenly I'm missing ye olde blogspot so much! since I don't intend on ever taking 4 months to update again, I will hopefully never have to hide from my blogspot like I did between these updates. However, for those of you who don't know, you can also find me on tumblr.
Okay, so I feel like I should have something better to post here, but I don't, because I'm not on my computer so I can't even excerpt. HOWEVER, I can link you to other people's creativity, like the lovely anxious-pineapple's wonderful representation of Marlene.

Annnndd.... that's all of I've got for now. I'll post more when I get home =)


  1. Welcome Home! lol
    Chapter 33 is excellent!

  2. ^^ agreed. it was amazing and worth the wait. it always is. =]

  3. OMG, you're back! This blog was so empty when you were gone.

  4. !!!!!!! whut. so excited!

  5. So... does this mean we get to have parties in the comment section again?
