Sunday, May 15, 2011

“Good evening, housemates,” Shelley’s voice cut through the brisk air. She had turned in her seat and, as though just noticing Lily and Carlotta, smiled broadly at them
 “Hello,” sighed Lily, probably anticipating an altercation.
 “Hello, Shelley,” said Carlotta. “What a pleasant surprise: I didn’t realize you could leave your coffin before sunset.”
 Shelley rolled her eyes, rising from her bench and climbing up to the higher level where her two housemates sat. Lily was immediately next to the wooden wall at the edge of the stand, meaning that the only available seat was beside Carlotta, who scooted closer to the redhead when Shelley sat down.

-Chapter 32

I was writing this scene and got extremely amused by the idea of redhead, brunette, and blonde sitting in a row--Carlotta and Shelley bickering and Lily just rolling her eyes wanting to die--during Quidditch tryouts. Lol so I drew it.


  1. Ooo, I can just imagine how uncomfortable Lily would be there, admiring James at Quidditch, undressing him with her eyes, mentally preparing for another sex dream, and then having to sit next to Carlotta...

    Jules, how's your tree of life doing?

  2. I love this! So much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The picture and the writing ^_^

  3. THAT will be an unpleasant experience for Lily.. and anyone else in the area (or in the stadium since it might get loud...). At least it will be interesting for some of the spectators (and we the readers =]).

    Nice drawing (and writing, but that's a given)!!

  4. Makes me laugh that they're all watching the Quidditch tryout. All three of them must be watching James, ''undressing him'' with their eyes haha

  5. is this picture before or after said puppy killing on the quidditch pitch!?!


  6. What i want to know is, why are Lily and Carlotta together?

  7. ughhgashdghas lindsay no like the quidditch pitch if there is ANY amount of PDA. I'm talking anything more than eye contact between the puppy killers will make me hate the place.

    Sara: I imagine it going like Lily's just sitting there in the corner oggling James ("watching Marlene try out), minding her own ps and qs when that puppy killing slag comes over and sits down next to her and starts an extremely awkward convo.

  8. there's said puppy killing on the quidditch pitch?!

  9. Must you be talented at everything? First writing, now drawing. Seriously, next you're gonna tell us you're a brain surgent or something along those lines!

    But very awesome nevertheless.

  10. Carlotta is brunette? I thought she was blond, and now the Carlotta in my head has brunette hair and it is NOT working.

  11. I love Lily's face (and hair) on your drawing, I can see her thinking "noooo help" ^^
    I'm looking forward the Quidditch tryouts, there should be some niiice drama (and hopefully a shirtless James)

  12. shut up no one cares about what french people think

  13. More like no one cares about what YOU think. Get out now ? ^^

  14. Oooh, cannot wait for this awkward threesome...

  15. @ 1116 freedom of speech, duh

  16. @Obnoxious Anon: Frenchie said absolutely nothing to deserve what you said. So rather than picking on our friends we would all appreciate it if you just kept your comments to yourself. Remember the old saying if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all? Thanks in Advance.

  17. Thanks 1116 and Lindsay :)

    @Anon,it's kind of sad to see someone like you on this blog, I don't think James would like you ^^

  18. Jules how long do you think the update will take? I could really use a pick-me-up after putting down my cat of fifteen years and finishing finals. Please and thank you.

  19. Lily is so preeeeeetttty and cute :) I love your drawing of her. Your first drawing of her, I believe?

    Somewhat unrelated question: Jules, who did you say you picture as James? I distinctly remember you posting a pic of him here, but I was looking and couldn't find it, and... either I could put more effort into looking for that post, or I could put the question here and someone could answer it for me? :)

    954 - that was really rude. Isn't it a bit hypocritical that you told Frenchie to shut up, but when someone told YOU to shut up, you said 'freedom of speech'? (I'm assuming you're also 1143.)

  20. Why are there suddenly so many rude/evil people on this blog? Lol.
    Anyway, I am in love with Lily here. She is gorgeous!!!! You're seriously just brill at everything, aren't you, Jules?

  21. I second Shay, what is it with the sudden bout of rudeness here? This blog has been going quite a while with good comments and awesome posts by Jules when everyone got along, and though there were differences in opinion (ie, who is which beatle), everyone was at least polite about it...and don't even get me started on someone pretending to be Jules

    @249, It's Julian Morris, and I believe the photo collage is in a January post...also its the picture on the facebook fan page

    @LoveLyss, sorry about your cat! Hope the week gets better for you

  22. Who do you guys see Sirius as?

    I feel like I've asked this before but I can't find where I posted it...

  23. perhaps it's just one troll, pretending to be Jules, being rude, and being rude back to him/herself?

  24. If it's only one troll then they have one heck of a split personality.

  25. ^Lulz. Hello, Gollum troller.

  26. ^Lol.
    @Sarah- maybe waiting for a chapter brings out the evil in people. Restless folk, they are.
    Not blaming you at all, Jules, you continue on. We'll get rid of the riff raff, huh guys?
    *cracks knuckles menacingly*

  27. lol Shay, I guess that's it.
    And omg gollum troll I am loling so hard.
    But seriously, no haterism pleeeasseeee?
    I lurve Frenchie =) =)

    @LoveLyss, I'm sorry about your cat =( The update will be soon.

    Also, this takes place after the very brief puppy killing.

    @915- you saw Carlotta as blond? No she's def. brunette. The whole Italian thing, right?

    And here's a pic of Julian Morris i posted for they that hath requested:

  28. I feel like i'm trying to ruin your image for TLAT Jules by saying this, it's not that at all. But i've always pictured Carlotta as blonde too, even though you wrote her as brunette, just the whole stereotypical personality of a blonde seems to be more Carlottaish. If you get my point? And for Sirus I see him as a young Heath Ledger, like in the face, just with different darker hair. And Lily, I havent found a Lily yet, she is just way to gorgeous.
    Everytime I see a red hair girl and a dark hair boy, I think of Lily and James, is that a bit weird? Ahh! They are so meant to be! (: <3 And the way you write them is the way it should be, too much bitchy Lily and desperate James in Fanfics!
    okay, i've said all that i want to say, bye guys (:

  29. I kind of thought of carlotta as light haired too. Maybe not blonde (btw 10:26 as a blonde I am vaguely offended by you pegging Carlotta with a blonde personality. I don't want to claim her haha) but at least light brown. I always knew she had brown hair because you said it and in the back of my mind I got the whole italian thing, but somehow the free love hippie chick thing just didn't translate to dark brown hair for me. That was really what did it for me, I guess I just picture hippies as fair haired hah

  30. @10:26
    I totally picture Sirius as Heath Ledger in 10 things I hate about you... :D

  31. @1026, thanks! I'm glad you like my Lily/James. =)

    I never have been able to determine my perfect Sirius, sadly, but I think Heath Ledger is as good as any.

  32. Shelley boobs look weird. xD
    It's a nice drawing though. And a very nice excerpt. (:

  33. But doesn't Julian Morris have blond hair? Or at least light brown.

  34. Hi,
    this is my first comment here :) I have to say I'm a bit obsessed with this story! Please, help me!
    Anyway, I've always pictured Sirius as Taylor Kitch:

  35. Hi!!
    It's me commenter @915. I meant no offence about the blonde (I have learnt. Thanks Jules) comment. All I wanted to say was the Carlotta in my head did not suit brunette hair. I love all hair colours. I just wanted to get this across, just in case people thought I was prejudiced. Also, can one @ themselves?

  36. Jules, how long will the chapter be? On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being ch 30).

    While I normally like them to be super-long, I would prefer to have a shorter chapter this time, because 30 took me like 7 hours or something to read and I have exams to revise for! ;) Of course I wouldn't complain too much at a super-long chapter either because, well, its' LaT ;)

  37. I know some followers of this blog watch Castle. Anyone else totally crazy about last night's finale? It's been a day and I'm already dying for season 4. It's like waiting for LAT updates. The anticipation is killer, but totally worth it (=

    I love castle so much :)

  39. WOO! I stoped being lazy and got an account finally (:
    I gots me an offish name and everythin', time to join the cool people (;

  40. OMG CASTLE!! (Beckett, too, but lets face it, the show isn't being canceled for next year and she is 1/2 the entire show, so I think she'll live)..but he finally said he loved her!

    I finally made an account too

    @743 (and 915) - I'm not aware of any rules about "@" ing, I believe it's just a way to reference what you are responding to/commenting on (If I'm wrong someone correct me)

  41. I've always pictured Carlotta with brown hair, where did you guys get the blond from?

  42. About Castle

    I KNEW IT. I guessed it was Montgomery from the first episode they talked about her mom this season. There was a moment where they were talking about the insider cop, and then the camera went to Montgomery talking to some news camera person, and I just thought "It's HIM!!"

    I told my dad that I thought it would be montgomery. I'm home for summer now so we got to watch the season finale together, and when they said it was him, we had like this flipping out moment where the tv was paused and we jumped together in the living room.

    And Beckett had better not fucking die.

  43. What's wrong with blondes? I think I am very nice, at least I hope so.

  44. Why do all the great writers have their names starting with the letter J ??? 'J.R.R Tolkien, J.K Rowling and now you Jules.

    The picture was extremely funny and nice. I loved your Lily! And the coffin line was hilarious! For one thing, I'm looking forward to the world war between Shelley and Carlotta fought for dear ol' James, who is always (at the back of his mind) thinking of Lily.
    Sort of does the phrase 'When 2 people fight, the 3rd emerges as the winner', justice.

    I kinda knew, from the moment Carlotta went after Frank, that she would one day date James as well. Isn't it funny how everyone hates Car but none hate Luke?

    Well, do update soon!

  45. @245, length wise, I'd say it's a six. (dirty)

  46. See I read the scene in the picture and my mind goes to this:

    Carlotta (thinking after making her vampire joke): Oh I'm so clever. How do I come up with these things? No wonder James is so into me. Pretty and brilliant!

    Lily (rolling her eyes): Honey, you are so not in my league...

  47. Jules, the more I read this and your tumblr, the more I see that you're a complete pervert. Your mind always jumps to those kind of conclusion. Seriously, I had to read the above comment at least 10 times before I realised what was dirty about it. *shakes head* Naughty Jules.

  48. I know I may be a little random or crazy, but I am sorta offended at all these "blonde" comments. I mean, really, would you expect me to steal a boyfriend?

  49. jules how much longer do you think it'll be before the chapter's posted? i can't wait for it!

  50. Hi Jules, love you too!

  51. @Kimmie

    That was truly awesome. I honestly laughed outright when I read that.

    And it's probably true...
