How about...... Lathe? (Sans several years for all...)
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(Sam Page as a Joan's creepy hubby on 'Mad Men.') |
Reg Cattermole:
Arthur Darvill |
Julian Morris for a James maybe?
Oh, and a too good-looking-but-I-don't-care-Frank
and Alice
There are so many good Siriuses out there, and no one is perfect. Ben Barnes is always good, and I have to admit that I like Milo for him.
Oh, and ever since I saw someone vid Anthony Michael Hall as Peter, I can't help myself...
And Clancy, whom you haven't met yet.
I am liking this Julian Morris boy. I am liking him quittte a lot ;-))
ReplyDeleteYou posted Lathe I just saw the picture and thought Remus... But sure Lathe works too. Julian morris is a pretty good James though...
ReplyDelete^ Yes! In that pic he looks Remus-ish.
ReplyDeleteI like Rory as Reg... BUT, well, I always imagined Reg short (is he ever described as short? Idk...) and more mousy looking. And more timid-looking. Y'know?
I just had a major revelation on why I couldn't find any Lily or James that fit. I have them cast in my head as people I know with slight modifications. My best friend has Lily's face (not hair or green eyes) and the guy that I had a crush on forever is James without glasses.(and really pretty blue eyes... but thats besides the point.)
ReplyDeleteSirius is a mix of people as is Remus. (and I know the mixes now I've gone through it in my head... this sounds odd) Peter is this guy I met at camp one year.
So I am willing to show you my peter and james... if it's not to creepy.
Lol um.... if YOU don't think it's creepy...
ReplyDeleteJules what do you think about Ian Somerhalder as Sirius?
ReplyDeleteOh wow, this is weird because I've always thought of Milo as James, lol. Especially when he played Jesse in Gilmore Girls. (can't believe he and Rory didn't end up together, silly girl.. *sighs*)
ReplyDeleteLove your choices! :)
@2:59, I approve.
ReplyDelete@3:00, I don't mind that Jess and Rory didn't end up together in the show, because we all know that they ended up together AFTER the show. =P
James (minus glasses):
^ LOL and that is cannon.
ReplyDeleteThere's a few rumors about a GG movie, so if they make one, they better gives us RJ. ;) Milo said he would do it, so yay. <3
Oh see I really did not want Jess and Rory to end up together. If it's not Logan it needs to be a new guy.
ReplyDeleteLogan was good for a while. He was fantabulous in season 5. And then he wasn't.
ReplyDeleteJess couldn't have been with Rory then anyway, because he wasn't mature enough... hence the craziness. But mature, published author, this-is-your-life-jess-mariano Jess should/does end up with Rory. IMO.
@Lindsay: The Lathe picture is more Remus-y to me too, but either way--YUM!
ReplyDeleteI think Julian Morris has the face shape I picture for James, if that makes sense.
Oh, and the GG stuff--yes, when Jess comes back and is like 'hey I wrote a book and am completely better than Logan now' I was like, yes, get back together!!!!
ReplyDeletehahaha ok maybe. I just think that relationship needs to stay in the pass. plus i am watching season 5 at the moment and I'm in love with Logan...
ReplyDeleteRight, I love him in season 5. And I still like him later on, but he's no good for Rory. I think part of it was after season 3, Rory started getting REALLY obnoxious to me (*ahem* adultery), and that just got aggravated in season 6 and 7 with how she was with Logan.
ReplyDeleteI will, however, assume that you're all on the RIGHT AND TRUE path concerning Luke/Lorelai. I had a friend who legitimately shipped Lorelai/Chris in season 6. LEGITIMATELY. >=|
Oh, and Lindsay, I don't know if you saw my response to your theories on the other thread, but.... they were very good =P
ReplyDeleteI think I've said this about a billion times but I HATE DEAN. He makes me yell at the screen every time he was shown. ughhgh. But yes. I always shipped Luke/Lorelai, I actually couldn't stand watching the parts with her and Chris. Luke was just so perfect for her and omnipresent... I was so mad that it took them to the last episode to figure it out.
ReplyDeleteThis is my Sirius:
I think it's funny how everyone has their own Sirius.... just like everyone has their own paragon of attractiveness =P.
ReplyDeleteLol, added Peter.
ReplyDeleteAnthony Michael Hall is my young Peter, no lie, although I absolutely understand that there's going to be people who are like, "Bitch, please."
^Although not my Sirius, I could stare at that picture for hours on end.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Jess and Rory FTW. Dean and Logan had their moments ("How tall are you?" "Why do you want to dance?" and the you jump, i jump episode) but Jess was just so perfect. He just needed to grow up and get his act together.
I just picture Peter with a chubby face. idk thats just me.
ReplyDeleteThat's legit. I think most people do.
ReplyDeletecristina capotondi = lily <3
snape (don't throw rocks at me again)
I'm not even clicking on that last one, potato. I am on to you.
ReplyDeletehahaha alright, albert.
ReplyDeletebtw. will carlotta be upset about the frank/alice wedding?
hahaha oh potato. you make me laugh!
ReplyDeleteCarlotta is going to have a lot going on with regards to her CURRENT bf, but I can't imagine that she'll be PLEASED about the wedding.
ReplyDeleteThe Incredible Rory as Reg makes my heart sing. In fact, anything to do with the Incredible Rory effects my heart so that it bursts into operatic song. Hear it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the joy, Jules.
Lol, I try, I really do.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I read Clancy I think of Chancy from Pokemon. xDD She looks pretty though, I'm excited for the characters to meet her. I hope she's not a anti-Lily and James factor.
ReplyDeleteAnd god chapter 29 came out only a few days ago BUT I'M SO EXCITED FOR CHAPTER 30. :D:D
Anthony Micheal Hall CANNOT be Peter. That is.. DISGRACE! The Breakfast Club is ((as twisted as this sounds)) my childhood! Jocelyn, the olderby7years sister made me watch is and UGH!!
ReplyDeleteOh yeh, and Jess and Rory TOTALLY should have ended up together. Geez, that one scene about 22.8miles or something, and when they argue over watching Almost Famous..
Oh yeh, AND I want to wish everyone a happy Monday. Unless it's Tuesday where you are in which case.. well, have a good day :-))
Is Clancy one of Prudence Daly's friends?
ReplyDeleteThat is not her *role* precisely, if that makes any sense.
ReplyDeleteWho did you pick for Alice? I know her face, but I just can't remember her name.
ReplyDeleteAnd I really like your Luke :)
Just read back and saw that her storyline involves Donna and Remus. Now, is this the SAME plot involving Donna and Remus, or two seperate storylines?
ReplyDeleteI ask because I'm hoping there won't be a love triangle between these three. Not that I dont want two women fighting over Remus - if anyone deserves it, it's him. BUT... I mean Donna? Donna and Remus? I find a very hard time picturing this... So, yeah, I'm hoping not.
Lol, they will be connected story lines, but that doesn't necessarily mean a love triangle.
ReplyDeleteAnd Alice is Brittany Snow.
ReplyDeleteHey guys i don't know if you can help me but it's worth a try. Since the James/Lily fandom is so small i was wondering if any of you have the name of this fanfiction where Lily was in Slytherin (i know...) and she got pregnant and had Harry and she left to America and blablabla and Harry had this adopted sister who died but not really.... does anyone know the name?
ReplyDeleteLol. That's a bit of a relief :)
ReplyDeleteOh wait! Just had an idea! Reg/Clancy? Actually, no, don't tell me if I'm right or wrong, I want to be surprised. BUT! I definitely want Reg to get some lovin' :) He deserves it.
5:18: Is this it?
ReplyDeleteI've not read it myself, but from the summary I think that might be it.
Is this Sonam Kapoor a Bollywood film actress? I've never heard of her before. Where do you know her from Jules?
ReplyDeleteprudence daly is indian??
ReplyDeleteclancy/sirius would be hot.
Yeah, Prudence Daly is Indian in background.
ReplyDeleteSonam Kapoor is a Bollywood actress. She's Anil Kapoor's (From "24" and "Slumdog Millionaire") daughter and in the Bollywood version of "Emma." I lived with an Indian family all last year, and though they were more into Tamil movies, they watched a lot of Bollywood stuff too, so that's my exposure.
^Are you a foster child?
ReplyDeleteNo, I was a live-in nanny.
ReplyDeleteJulian Morris! I haven't seen him in years, but now seeing in those photos he IS a great James! Those photos make me want to watch Cry Wolf all over again. Oh B-List horror movies :) This kinda just made my entire night. Thanks!
What about an Adam???!!
ReplyDeleteI know! I need to find a good one for him!
ReplyDeleteThis is the James in my head. Mostly.
Skandar! I love him so much!!! He's not exactly my James, but he's close. He's just a bit too innocent looking.
ReplyDeleteExcerpt today, Jules?
ReplyDeleteWhat did Carlotta and James DO on the beach exactly? He makes it sound a bit wild.
ReplyDeleteIs that Jim Sturgess as Frank?
ReplyDeleteAndrew Garfield is still the closest for me. He doesn't look exactly like I imagine James but he has that devilishly-good-looking-but-still-absolutely-adorable-thing going on for him. Plus, he has the craziest hair I've ever seen!
ReplyDeleteAnd that voice..
Agreed! I always imagined him as James and NOT Remus. Andrew definitely has the devilishly-good-looking-but-still-absolutely-adorable-thing and the crazy messy, black hair. Plus I always had this thing with James' jawline. I know, weird but whatever. Whenever I cast someone as James, he HAD to have the right jaw.
Deletei always love Ian Harding as James myself!
ReplyDeleteWhich would James choose now: friendship with Lily or relationship with Carlotta? Will he ever have to make this choice?
Lily did not pick their friendship when she had to choose last year.
Ian Harding looks more like Luke to me.
ReplyDeleteI am always late to the party. Damn, Julian makes a really, really good James.
ReplyDeleteWill James have to chose between Lily and Carlotta?
ReplyDeleteWeeeellllll..... Carlotta prides herself on her easy-going-IDGAF-I'm-not-a-drama-queen nature. This will be tested in a number of ways, but whether or not she will give in and be an appropriately or inappropriately jealous girlfriend remains to be seen (not for me; I know, but for you).
Yes, that is Jim Sturgess as Frank.
What did James and Carlotta do on the beach exactly?
Make sandcastles. Obviously.
Julian wow !
ReplyDeleteI never thought of him as James but still he could fit. I'm still team Aaron Johnson though but you're right Jules it's interesting to see how everyone has their own paragon of attractiveness.
@chubbypotato: YES for Taylor Kitsch ! Actually I think I watched Friday Night Lights just because the guy made me think of Sirius so much(yeah I'm a Sirius case) and then I liked the TV show for itself.
Thanks for the update Jules ! I was prepared to wait until the 29th to read it because it would have been a great birthday gift but I must be a very bad coach because I didn't last two minutes until I came back to your fic and then I read it all without interruption. It could have been the apocalypse and I would not have moved a finger. (and the worst is that I'm serious)
The dance under the rain was amazing my romantic inner side could totally imagine it! James' arguing with his mother was really funny as always and the LJ scenes were great !
Thanks again ! I am already way too much excited for the next update :)
And for the sandcastles..yeah that's what I figured too "obviously".. x)
jonas armstrong and julian morris... yesplease.
ReplyDeleteHee, I like these choices. Funny how you have Jim Sturgess as Frank, since I've always pictured him as James, ever since I saw this:
ReplyDeleteThe other castings there are pretty nice, especially Bella and Sirius.
And omfg, Karen Gillan IS Lily.
I could sorta picture Matt Czuchry as Luke, which is funny after all of the GG talk that was going on.
ReplyDeleteAlso I love the idea of Jensen Ackles as Lathe...but that may be because I'm in love with him.
I love your choice for James! I've always had the hardest time matching an image up with him but you seemed to do it perfectly!
I've always pictured James as Gaspard Ulliel:
Ian Somerhalder as Sirius:
Chase Crawford as Remus:
I love Milo as Sirius!!