“The thing that you don’t understand about me is that, naturally, I’m not a nice person. I am one of those mean, popular bitches, who wants nothing more than to mock the girls who bite their nails and chew on their hair. Usually, I hold all of that in, because Lily makes me feel bad about it. But for you, I’m going to make an exception, clear? My advice to you is stay out of my line of vision, because—y’know... out of sight, out of mind, and... you do not want to be on my mind.”
Jules rambles about herself and her writing, with occasional pictures... and btw, you can call her Albert.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Happy Birthday, Lily Part II
Left to Right: Frank, Alice, Shelley, Mary, Prudence, Adam
Remus, Sirius, James, Lily, Marlene, Lathe
Peter, Carlotta, Reginald, Clancy, Donna, Luke
Also, because I'm pretty much a sucker for the Anonymouses =P:
“You’re kind of self-righteous,” said Carlotta.
Lily sighed. “Kind of? As in, it’s kind of my defining characteristic?”
Happy Birthday, Lily Evans Potter!
"The entire room had lit up upon her entrance, and yet none of these details had any effect upon Lily. She barely saw them, for suddenly her eyes were blurred by tears.
Her breathing grew heavy and staggered. She fell back against the closed door and pushed her hair away from her face, forcibly attempting to fend off the attack of panic that quickened her heart and made her head spin.
No good at all."
-Chapter 30, Part V
Friday, January 28, 2011
Someone on tumblr mentioned tim tams.
And now I want Tim Tams.
I desperately NEED TIM TAMS!
Anyone know where one can purchase Tim Tams in the US?
I want some fucking Tim Tams.
I may be overreacting, but not really.
Yes, I know I am an American poser who was only in Australia for like, two weeks, but oh-my-God, I literally have dreams about those things.
And now I want Tim Tams.
I desperately NEED TIM TAMS!
Anyone know where one can purchase Tim Tams in the US?
I want some fucking Tim Tams.
I may be overreacting, but not really.
Yes, I know I am an American poser who was only in Australia for like, two weeks, but oh-my-God, I literally have dreams about those things.
Music and Things
Chapter 30 is so much fun to write.
Here's some music. Although, there's one song that is pretty much just writing the chapter for me, but I'll post that with the update.
Fine. Tiny, tiny spoiler:
Here's some music. Although, there's one song that is pretty much just writing the chapter for me, but I'll post that with the update.
Fine. Tiny, tiny spoiler:
"And, oh my Merlin, don’t even get started on Stebbins!"(Chapter 30, Part I & V)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
“I don’t eat meat.”
“I remember."
“But I won’t glare at you if you do eat it.”
“And I do.”
“I don’t like lies.”
“Duly noted.”
“I don’t intend on telling any, and you’d better not either.”
“But what if you don’t catch me?”
“Is that a joke?”
“Warn me next time.”
-Chapter 30, Part I
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
“A protective Donna,” mused Marlene. “This should be fun.”
-Chapter 30
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
may be responsible for the deaths of innocent puppies. Please, please spare the puppies in your life.
--Chapter 30 (Part V: "Later")
“I’m not practically engaged, Evans.”
Monday, January 24, 2011
How about...... Lathe? (Sans several years for all...)
![]() |
(Sam Page as a Joan's creepy hubby on 'Mad Men.') |
Reg Cattermole:
Arthur Darvill |
Julian Morris for a James maybe?
Oh, and a too good-looking-but-I-don't-care-Frank
and Alice
There are so many good Siriuses out there, and no one is perfect. Ben Barnes is always good, and I have to admit that I like Milo for him.
Oh, and ever since I saw someone vid Anthony Michael Hall as Peter, I can't help myself...
And Clancy, whom you haven't met yet.
Per Bree's request, something of what I imagine Marlene, Mary, and Donna respectively. (Katee Sackhoff, Lily Allen, and Zoe Saldana)
And, just because I think I found a Carlotta who suits Carlotta more than Marion. Odette Yustman.
EDIT (again): Alternate Mary (Lucy Hale)
And, the timeless Lily question. Elena Satine is apparently popular around here for the role (lol).
I don't exactly object. She might just be a LITTLE too glamorous for my taste. Karen Gillan works quite well for me, because she seems so fun .
And then there's Cristiana Capotondi.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Questions and an Excerpt!
What chapter is "Carlotta Delenda Est" ?
Chapter 31.
Will Lily and James get together soon?
Obviously, I can't REALLY answer this. However, James/Carlotta will be given a chance before Lily/James happens. So they won't be getting together at, like, the end of Chapter 30. But the angst is gonna be so, so, so much fun, and there's actually a lot of pretty good comedy planned for Lily, made possible by the Puppy-Killing-Couple. Still, you know that Lily and James kiss before the end of 1976, so... make of that what you will.
Why did Lily seem to think of James as "just a friend" in Chapter 29, given her *interesting* dream in Chapter 27?
By [spoiler] Frank and Alice's wedding, Lily's feelings about James are kind of getting conflicted. If you were to ask her, she would give you the "just friends," response, but following the events of those 36 hours, combined with her dream and the almost-kiss, her brain is translating a lot of new data about James (not the least of which is how he looks in a fedora =P), and eventually, it's going to have to give her an answer about how she feels, whether that's friendly or romantic.
Is it bad to want Donna and Lathe to get together?
LOL, no. Unfortunately, Lathe isn't going to be around much for a little while, because everyone's going back to Hogwarts, and he is not. But... he will be back in the story some time in the future...
How does Lily not know about James/Carlotta yet?!?!
Lily will ask herself that question in Chapter 30.
Is there a Head Dormitory/Common Room in LAT-verse?
Sort of. Frank had his own room as Head Boy, but I have my own special way of dealing with this, because, honestly, it does not seem like Hogwarts would be that irresponsible and stick a seventeen-year-old boy and girl in detached rooms with their own common room and a shared bathroom. I mean, okay, Hogwarts is irresponsible in, like, every other way, but they do at least make sure the boys can't go up into the girls' dormitory, so it seems like they would put forth at least minimal effort to make sure that the Head Girl doesn't get pregnant every single year. Just sayin'. So, the answer is--sort of. All will be explained in Chapter 30.
Is there a Head Dormitory/Common Room in LAT-verse?
Sort of. Frank had his own room as Head Boy, but I have my own special way of dealing with this, because, honestly, it does not seem like Hogwarts would be that irresponsible and stick a seventeen-year-old boy and girl in detached rooms with their own common room and a shared bathroom. I mean, okay, Hogwarts is irresponsible in, like, every other way, but they do at least make sure the boys can't go up into the girls' dormitory, so it seems like they would put forth at least minimal effort to make sure that the Head Girl doesn't get pregnant every single year. Just sayin'. So, the answer is--sort of. All will be explained in Chapter 30.
Excerpt time!
I love this excerpt, because its context is predicated almost entirely upon events that transpire in Chapter 30, so it might not mean what any of you think it means. Which is fun for me =)
“There is no way that whoring bitch is sleeping in here tonight.”
-Chapter 30 (Part II: "Never a Good Reason")
Oh, regarding the last chapter....
What surprised me about Chapter 29 was that there were no comments on the fact that James used the L-word in his wedding time inner monologue (Update Post, Part II
I hope you've all enjoyed Chapter 29! Lol, I've probably given more spoilers for that than any other chapter, so I'm curious as to whether it lived up to expectations.
Here's a little piece of a conversation that was supposed to happen between James and Sirius during the night. It will be compensated for in Chapter 30, but I still like the idea of it, so here you go.
“I’m not going to tell her for you,” said Sirius quietly. James looked at him, but his friend was staring at the witch in the other crowded little cell. Lily sat on the ground, in the corner between the two cells, talking animatedly with Sam. “I think you’re half hoping, half afraid that I will.”
James sighed. “I don’t care if you tell her,” he said. “It won’t matter.”
Now Sirius looked at him. “At this point, you’d better hope not.” James rolled his eyes. “Regardless, I’m not telling her.”
Okay, so, now that Chapter 29 is finished with, the summer is finally over! Chapter 30 is, as most of you know, the beginning of Year 7, and I want to just spoil EVERYTHING but I can't. However, here’s some information I feel comfortable giving you about the upcoming seventh year: Prudence Bloody Daly will be causing Marlene grief (perhaps unintentionally) for a little while yet, and there’s an additional new girl stepping onto the scene, and her name is Clancy. The next chapter is September 1st, so Lily’s going to find out about Carlotta and James pretty soon. New staff at Hogwarts, too—the new Dark Arts teacher, of course, and also a hippie lady, whose goal is “emotional education.”
Carlotta’s gonna owe James an apology for something that she neglected to tell him, and James might find that his lack of disclosure has gotten him in trouble too. In addition to the much anticipated, “Carlotta Delenda Est,” there’s going to be a chapter called “Meloni v. Mumps,” which will be juicy, lol.
Also this year, Remus will get to be a bit of the knight in shining armor, Lily will explore her inner crazy person, Marlene and Mary are just gonna be evolving all over the place, Sirius is going to come up with a new nickname for “Teeglow,” and Sam Dearborn will be important to the story again.
As mentioned, Chapter 30 is structurally a bit crazy, and I’m only hoping I can pull it off. In the event that I can, it will be divided into five stories, entitled as follows: “It Began with a Kiss,” “Never a Good Reason,” “Ghost of Christmas Past,” “You Would Cry Too,” and “Later.” Each of those is dedicated to a different character in the story.
Lol, and the song title for the chapter is “It’s My Party.”
Happy Sunday!
Chapter 29 Post Uno
Ya'll talking about sipping on tequilla and now I'm jealous. I would shoot Old Yeller for a margarita right now.
Okay, anyways.
Chapter 29 is posted! And it's there. And no one is reading this because they're reading the chapter. Which is totally chill.
Much love to the Chapter 28 reviewers:
Elibubble, readerr, quest4candy, Alyssa, swimer123, Meda Plaster Caster, belleblu13, alexandria2317, Vivian, nameless, dancer 987, The Captain (tcha, I hear ya), I'm a Cuckoo, liebedance, Mouse100, HamaK0, Emily Vanchi, guille, Mystii, Through The Trapped Door, yosemitesam (regarding Puppy Killing Events, aka, James/Carlotta sex scenes--we'll see?), LivinNMyWorld, I fancy some honeydukes, Mr Tee (there's a lavatory in the Atrium SOMEWHERE I'm sure... =P), anonymous, ladybalin, Dash, onesmartgoalie, KneelBeforeTodd, Papoose913, lifeandtimesinducedorgasms, arrowthroughmyheart, aiden.c, underbabe, Lisbry, storynverse, sjm95x, MeaghanHP10, Litira, bm, isigirl, Abarraine, MariaaB, Raindancer110, Will Write For Food, pigckle8, seraphiel1, When you notice the Stripes, Dudaidoj, anonymous, Dani Nott, Lily, bookwormofmassiveproportions, Megan, Greenfairyrose, Lenners, Stellaaaaa (Probably? I mean--by Chapter 30, the assumption will be that they have), talyag, flash photography, ofergy, KMK25, silver-thunderbird, ElvesWizardsCentaursOhMy, PinkCamellia,Writingright, chubbypotato, Little Emily, hushpuppy22, Miss92, rawrTiffy, loveandotherdrugs, PottedLilies, Akt5us, Off Dreaming, whispered touches, WhiteCamellia, WeasleyWannabe, jadechristie, NikiJane, RagnarBlackmane, and lilli kitty.
I'll post more interesting stuff on Chapter 29 tomorrow... there's a pretty good Sirius-James deleted scene.
Idk, there are parts of Chapter 29 I really, really enjoy, and parts I'm not so sure about.
Anyways, Chapter 30 is gonna be crazy. It's easily the most ambitious thing I've attempted with a chapter for TLAT. It's gon be craazy.
Mkay, love and all that =)
SPOILERS for 29:
(P.S. Oh, hello, that awkward moment when you remember that people are about to hate you because James didn't tell Lily about Carlotta in this chapter... =P)
Okay, anyways.
Chapter 29 is posted! And it's there. And no one is reading this because they're reading the chapter. Which is totally chill.
Much love to the Chapter 28 reviewers:
Elibubble, readerr, quest4candy, Alyssa, swimer123, Meda Plaster Caster, belleblu13, alexandria2317, Vivian, nameless, dancer 987, The Captain (tcha, I hear ya), I'm a Cuckoo, liebedance, Mouse100, HamaK0, Emily Vanchi, guille, Mystii, Through The Trapped Door, yosemitesam (regarding Puppy Killing Events, aka, James/Carlotta sex scenes--we'll see?), LivinNMyWorld, I fancy some honeydukes, Mr Tee (there's a lavatory in the Atrium SOMEWHERE I'm sure... =P), anonymous, ladybalin, Dash, onesmartgoalie, KneelBeforeTodd, Papoose913, lifeandtimesinducedorgasms, arrowthroughmyheart, aiden.c, underbabe, Lisbry, storynverse, sjm95x, MeaghanHP10, Litira, bm, isigirl, Abarraine, MariaaB, Raindancer110, Will Write For Food, pigckle8, seraphiel1, When you notice the Stripes, Dudaidoj, anonymous, Dani Nott, Lily, bookwormofmassiveproportions, Megan, Greenfairyrose, Lenners, Stellaaaaa (Probably? I mean--by Chapter 30, the assumption will be that they have), talyag, flash photography, ofergy, KMK25, silver-thunderbird, ElvesWizardsCentaursOhMy, PinkCamellia,Writingright, chubbypotato, Little Emily, hushpuppy22, Miss92, rawrTiffy, loveandotherdrugs, PottedLilies, Akt5us, Off Dreaming, whispered touches, WhiteCamellia, WeasleyWannabe, jadechristie, NikiJane, RagnarBlackmane, and lilli kitty.
I'll post more interesting stuff on Chapter 29 tomorrow... there's a pretty good Sirius-James deleted scene.
Idk, there are parts of Chapter 29 I really, really enjoy, and parts I'm not so sure about.
Anyways, Chapter 30 is gonna be crazy. It's easily the most ambitious thing I've attempted with a chapter for TLAT. It's gon be craazy.
Mkay, love and all that =)
SPOILERS for 29:
(P.S. Oh, hello, that awkward moment when you remember that people are about to hate you because James didn't tell Lily about Carlotta in this chapter... =P)
Saturday, January 22, 2011
No, I'm not. But that's been my go-to triumphant catchphrase ever since "Easy A" came out.
88 pages looks like it will be the final count.
Post as soon as I finish my final final read-through.
No, I'm not. But that's been my go-to triumphant catchphrase ever since "Easy A" came out.
88 pages looks like it will be the final count.
Post as soon as I finish my final final read-through.
Friday, January 21, 2011
I'm going out now, but I'll finish the chapter before I pass out tonight (**fingers crossed**), and though I work tomorrow morning, the update should come later tomorrow.
And those of you who have recently reread the story, you might appreciate parts of Chapter 29 better if you recall the Lily and James interactions of Chapter 5.
And those of you who have recently reread the story, you might appreciate parts of Chapter 29 better if you recall the Lily and James interactions of Chapter 5.
You know you're a dork when...
....you have a lunch date, and you'd rather stay home and finish your fanfic chapter/do homework for your Shakespeare class.
Ugh meeting new people. Why can't I just hang out with the old ones?
KK see ya'll soon =P
Ugh meeting new people. Why can't I just hang out with the old ones?
KK see ya'll soon =P
Thursday, January 20, 2011
New Topic
I feel like it's time for one.
“Snaps,” he began, when they had both been quiet for a few minutes.
“There was—there was actually something I thought I should talk to you about...”
And THAT'S how Jules died...
So, I accidentally switched my inbox so that all my ancient, never-deleted e-mails were on top for a minute.
"bot@fanfiction.net" (???) giving me a review from the God awful fanfic that I deleted from my memory and computer in one fell swoop. To be fair, I was twelve.
I am in physical pain.
Okay, it's now been a minute and a half, and I can appreciate the humor of this a little more. Someone called Chocolate Taco thought I had a really good start, but they asked me to e-mail them when I updated... Did ff.net not have an alert system?? And what the helllll was this story about? I mean, probably Lily/James, because that's all pretty much all I've ever written but... idk, this is freaking me out.
My repressed memories are trying to become un-repressed, and I don't want that to happen. I want to forget.
I also have e-mails from AOL instant messenger...
"bot@fanfiction.net" (???) giving me a review from the God awful fanfic that I deleted from my memory and computer in one fell swoop. To be fair, I was twelve.
I am in physical pain.
Okay, it's now been a minute and a half, and I can appreciate the humor of this a little more. Someone called Chocolate Taco thought I had a really good start, but they asked me to e-mail them when I updated... Did ff.net not have an alert system?? And what the helllll was this story about? I mean, probably Lily/James, because that's all pretty much all I've ever written but... idk, this is freaking me out.
My repressed memories are trying to become un-repressed, and I don't want that to happen. I want to forget.
I also have e-mails from AOL instant messenger...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Yay for being called into work four hours before you were supposed to on the last day before classes start! FUCKING YAY! 8 hour shifts for the lose.
The chapter is honestly and truly almost done. I've got approximately 74 pages done. The first 50 and the last 24, so now I've just got to glue them together. Certainly by the end of the week for an update =)
The chapter is honestly and truly almost done. I've got approximately 74 pages done. The first 50 and the last 24, so now I've just got to glue them together. Certainly by the end of the week for an update =)
Monday, January 17, 2011
New Topic
What does
Probably the last spoilers I'm going to give before the update are going to be some random excerpts. Super random sentences taken from the chapter =). Enjoy:
“Your kind is—is graciously admitted into magic... welcomed, given a wand... the ingratitude... the disrespect for us—for purebloods...”
Nearly a minute of snogging commenced, before James cleared his throat loudly.
“Why do you have a sofa in here?”
One day, in the not too distant future, Sirius Black would serve as the best man in his best mate’s wedding.
“Let’s go see about a necktie, shall we?”
“Husband and wife,” said the little wizard...
Friday, January 14, 2011
"My self-preservation instinct is telling me that I shouldn’t just walk into a lock-up."
-Chapter 29
=D =D =D
I recently spent an ungodly amount of time fighting with someone via Facebook about Taylor Swift. Never again. I have not eaten very much in the last 24 hours either, because sickness zaps my appetite, so imma go do that and write and try to ignore the side of me that holds too strong opinions about things, likes to turn vicious, and had people telling me I should be a lawyer since approximately age six (not in a good way).
(P.S. Bree- lolz JGL!)
(P.S. Bree- lolz JGL!)
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