Monday, February 28, 2011

That awkward moment when you have no one to geek out about a fandom with...

unless you want to text your ex.

Have a Chapter 31 excerpt, why don't you?
“It must have been very difficult for you—losing your uncle...”
 “We weren’t that close. I’m not close with my family.”
 “Nope. Well, it’s my fault, really,” said Sirius, and the bitterness crept through. “I’m just too sensitive. I mean, I get kicked out and disowned once, and stubborn, unreasonable me can’t find it in him to send a Christmas card.”

Thursday, February 24, 2011

And Some Other Things

This song always reminds me of Carlotta, lol. It came up on Shuffle the other day, and now I keep listening to it. I would also like to pretend that my entire Chapter 31 playlist is full of such elevated indie stuff as Chester French. No, I'm not listening to P!nk. Not at all. Why do you ask?

Oh, also, someone commented on the Beatles songs and reminded me of what I wanted to explain about that! I wrote that scene during the summer, and it's kind of what inspired the pictures for each of the girls. So, there are the ones in the chapter:
Marlene, "Here Comes the Sun" (2)
Prudence, "Dear Prudence"
Donna, "Eleanor Rigby"/"Nowhere Man"
Lily, "Golden Slumbers"
Carlotta, "Sexy Sadie"
And also,
Shelley, "It Won't Be Long" (I avoided going the obvious "Michelle" route, because honestly, the feel of "It Won't Be Long" is more Shelley to me)
Alice, "Something"
Mary, "Hold Me Tight"
And also
Clancy, "Her Majesty"

I was going to post an excerpt here, but there aren't really any good ones yet. Soon, though.
Have a lovely Friday!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

(Their poses match. I'll pretend that's on purpose)
And, New Marlene, because IDK why I posted a really shitty Marlene pic before.

Photobucket Link with the password "lifeandtimes"

Questions, Chapters 30/31

How can James possibly not get the picture now?! SHE WAS ANGRY! DUH?!?! (Jewels paraphrasing)

For about twenty minutes, I think James was seriously considering the possibility that Lily was jealous. Then, Carlotta tells him about Shelley, and he begins to think that maybe that--combined with the whole NOT TELLING thing--was what pissed Lily off.
 "I suppose that explains a few things..." "Unexpected reactions..." etc.
I know we didn't really get into James's POV, which is sad, but there will be more from him in Chapter 31. And, for those of you furious with him right now, he's going to try to... square himself with everyone.

Why is Carlotta being so un-Carlotta-y? (Not being her usual carefree self)
Because she's in an un-Carlotta-y situation. More on that later.

Will Lily and Sirius get their chat?
I would say so.

More Sirius?
Sirius gets ANGST in the next chapter! I LOVE SIRIUS ANGST! Because, of course, he did sort of almost kill a guy at the end of last year, and there might be some lingering consequences. But he'll also be bonding and nicknaming and just being his wonderful cuddly self.
James also gets non-girl related angst! YAY! Which only adds to his girl related drama, which is going to be a  bit of a handful.

What's Shelley's plan?
Carlotta delenda est.

WTF, Stebbins?
A bit more an explanation on this in the future. Although, I should note that the train hook up was not intended to be the first between Mary and Stebbins.

"I was wondering how you constructed this chapter? Did you think of where everyone was an then piece it together, or did you start from one POV and then weave everyone else's throughout?"
-Off Dreaming

This whole chapter was built in my head around the platform scene. I wanted Lily to realize that she fancies James on Platform Nine and Three Quarters, JUST BEFORE she finds out about Carlotta. But I also wanted that to be at the end of the chapter, since it's kind of the dramatic high point, even though it, logically, should go right at the beginning. My original plan was to write the chapter backwards, beginning with the girls lamenting their terrible day in the dormitory, and then going back to Lily and James in the corridor after the Head meeting, and then back to the Head meeting, and then to supper, etc... "Memento" style. But that wouldn't work unless I ONLY wrote the Lily/James storyline. I wouldn't be able to do any of the other stories that needed to be done in this chapter.
So I sorted out everything that needed to happen in this chapter for each character. All of the threads were written in different documents, and basically I just wrote the story five different ways. But then some stuff got a little tricky--I couldn't remember where I had put Shelley or at what points what compartments were vacant... so I made the timeline that appears in the post below. Basically, I took five stories and stapled wove them together. 

Will James's relationship with Lily be different now that he is with Carlotta?
Yes. It was already a LITTLE different in Chapters 28 and 29, but the severity of James's less suggestive (even less teasing) self was diminished by the fact that I'm pretty sure they were eye-fucking that whole day. So how much will James change towards Lily in light of puppy killing? Somewhat. But the unresolved sexual tension is still there, and that's sticking around.

Will James as half of James/Lily be different than James as half of the puppy killers?
Sure. Being with Lily would mean something completely different to James than being with Carlotta.

What's your tumblr?
(never saw that coming, did ya?!)

Who do you relate most to?
Lol, all of them. Okay, that's not a very good answer. I just felt very close to Lily this chapter for some reason, but also Donna, because I just KNOW people like Charlie Plex and I want to strangle them. 
I actually really related to Marlene, though, because about a week after I wrote the Marlene/Carlotta convo, I found myself in a very similar situation... having someone for whom I don't have a lot of respect (who may or may not be the Icarus Frop inspiration, AHEM) baring his soul and looking for advice. And you can't be like, "You're better than this," because... they're not. It's really difficult trying to be honest, nice, and helpful, when a total misogynist is claiming that he was the sweetest boyfriend in the world, and it's just not faaaair that this girl dumped him.  

So... what can you tell us about Chapter 31?

Lily is getting a pen pal.

Donna will invent new and creative ways to avoid talking to Madam Keepdown.

Remus will ask his question from the train. 

Dumbledore approves of ships that don't kill puppies.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chapter 30 Music

But before I get too far into the chapter I just really, really want to thank you all for reading and reviewing. And I always say that, but I really do mean it. Whether it's posting on here, or reviewing, or leaving nice things in my Ask on Tumblr, you guys give me so much encouragement and support, and you make it so much fun for me to write LAT. Words cannot express my gratitude to all of you for being so wonderful.

Alright, onto the Chapter stuff.

Below Be Spoilers for Chapter 30. Do not read before you have finished. 
So, parts of Chatper 30 are kind of confusing. I thought I would post for you all the sketchy timeline I used to sort out who was where at what time.

9:50 Lily on the platform
10:00 Train leaves
10:05 Shelley visits the other G. Girls
10:25 Carlotta and James go the prefects compartment
10:30 Prefect meeting begins
10:45 Carlotta runs into Shelley
11:00 Carlotta and Shelley meet up with James and return to the Marauders
12:00 Marlene and Donna go to find food; they run into Charlie and then Adam
1:30 Mary and Stebbins meet up
2:00 Sirius doesn’t know who Shelley is
2:30 Lily begins patrols
3:30 Lily and Remus finish patrol; Shelley leaves the Marauders
3:45 Marlene returns from Prudence’s compartment
4:00 James and Carlotta leave to make out
4:15 Carlotta freaks out and goes to find Lily, but confides in Marlene instead
5:00 Marlene runs into Shelley; Donna leaves Bridget
5:15 Donna speaks with Cassidy Gamp
6:00 Donna encounters Adam
7:00 Train arrives
7:20 Lily comforts Marlene in the Entrance Hall
7:30 Sorting starts
7:45 Dinner starts
8:45 Dinner ends; Shelley and Stebbins are found out
9:00 Head meeting begins
9:10 Mary rants about Shelley
9:30 Head meeting ends; Marlene speaks to Adam in the Common Room
9:50 Lily returns and yells at everyone
10:00 Carlotta returns to the dorms
10:30 End

^That =100 Pages

Oh, and lest any of you be thinking of yelling at me, one of the excerpts I gave you did end up getting cut. It was Carlotta's POV on the shouting at the end... I decided to keep that only to Lily for a couple of reasons... one, drama, and two, it's 100 fucking pages already. 

Something else that sadly got cut was Reg Cattermole, who originally played a little role in this chapter. His plotline was not sustainable, sadly. But, have no fear, he'll be back soon enough.

More Marauders in the next chapter than there were in this chapter, too. 

As for Chapter 30, which part was your favorite? (I-V)
And are you on Shelley's side or Carlotta's?

On the potential AVPM reference:
Lol, actually... that wasn't a AVPM reference. It's just a HP reference, and there's some other stuff going on with that... (I'm sorry, my brain is dead, I am not explaining myself well at all), but if you want it to be an AVPM reference, let it be, baby.

Monday, February 21, 2011


“You’ve got your new girl, and your attempts to flaunt her do absolutely nothing to me, because if she’s stupid enough to publically acknowledge association with you, she’s not even worth my sympathy. But somehow, even I don’t think that anyone can be quite that thick, and sooner or later, she’s going to realize that you’re not worth the effort, too.”

(It's not who you think it is. Either of them.)
-Part III

Still working on the chapter, but I'm flying through part III so hopefully that bodes well...

Thursday, February 17, 2011


“Are you trying to get a shoe launched at your head, Meloni?” 
“Well,” said Marlene, “I am quite brilliant.”
“As the only here who has tried to off herself,” said Carlotta, “I think it might be a good idea.”
“Well, we’ll have to catch up soon,” said Sabrina lightly. “So much to tell! Oh, did you hear?” She leaned confidentially forward. “Carlotta Meloni and James Potter.”


I am trying very hard not to just fall asleep, because I really want to finish Part II tonight. Part I and Part V are done. Part IV has maybe two scenes left. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I don't know what to post today. I feel like I should post something TLAT related, since I'm still not ready to update, but I don't want to make ya'll OD on spoilers.

So, how about whoever wants to can ask me a question, either about the past, present, or future of TLAT or literally anything else (because I do, in fact, know everything there is to know about anything) and I will answer it in limerick form. No, I'm not going to answer it in limerick form, but I will answer, unless I can't, and then I will tell you why I can't.

Of course, you guys ask me questions all the time, but sometimes I don't get around to answering. So ask away.

*Prepares for cricket noises as literally no one asks a question*


Monday, February 14, 2011

Not a real holiday????

Well, even if ^that is your belief, I hope you have a happy Valentine's Day, because it's a real day at any rate, if not a real holiday, and I like people to have happy days.

Personally, I have no issue with Valentine's Day. If you're in a relationship or have a reliable FWB (not that I am encouraging such arrangements, because they tend to go south and not turn out at all like "No Strings Attached"), celebrate it. But I don't think single people should feel threatened by the day. I'm not, and that's partially because we're rewarded with International Get Drunk Day St. Patrick's Day just a month later. 

Also, in my experience, people with good romantic relationships don't make a huge deal out of Valentine's Day. They'll buy a card or flowers or candy or they'll go out to eat, but for the most part, they ain't bothered. If some non-single person tries to make you (if you're single) feel like crap for not having a "special someone" in your life on February 14th, ask their friends what feature that person is most insecure about and taunt them about it... remind them of the divorce statistics and sarcastically note that you hope they are the exception, not the rule... throw a cupcake at their face, don't do any of those things, and remind yourself and them that you a fucking snowflake and being single doesn't suck nearly as much as it does in Katherine Heigl movies... or at all. If you need proof, go read The Frenemy, because, while I feel she is a little overly negative against relationship-y people from time to time, that blog will remind you of a thousand reasons why not having a boyfriend (girlfriend?) really isn't a big deal at all.

IDK. If you DO hate the holiday though, I suggest you make up a tradition that you can carry out with your friends... buy a cupcake together and make (good hearted) fun of that really obnoxious couple that thinks they are SO gonna last forever, even though everyone knows they're gonna break up in like two weeks. Even non-organic, made-up holidays are good if they remind you to make fun of people celebrate the people you love in your life. With cupcakes.

Yes, that is bacon on that cupcake. Apparently, it's a French Toast cupcake with bacon. Epic or awful? I don't really know.

I'm not updating today, but I have a few excerpts.

Part I
James got to his feet. “What happened?”

His girlfriend merely sighed, though it was comforting, at least, to know that someone in Gryffindor tower had not heard all of that. She patted the space on the bed beside her. “Sit down? I have something to tell you...”
Part II
To be in love, even superficially, on the first day of school is a wonderful thing indeed.
Part III
“...There’s your food. Enjoy it. I’m off.”
 “Off where?” asked Lily.
 “To sit with Bridget.”
 “Bridget doesn’t want you to sit with her,” Lily advised.
 “How could you possibly know that?”
 “How could you possibly not know that?” 

Part IV
“You weren’t ready,” said Lily. “It’s not your fault.”

“It is though. I was so stupid...”

“No, you weren’t. You were just getting out of one really complicated, really intense relationship, and you weren't ready to jump into another one. That’s not your fault. None of this is your fault.”

“But it’s not his fault either...”

“No,” Lily agreed, and something in her tone changed. “No, he had every right to move on, too.”
Part V
It made a strange kind of sense, and Lily wondered why she had never thought of it before. Then again, she had never really connected James with anyone in her mind before. He had dated that weird Sarah girl back in fifth year for a while, and there had been a slew of others linked to him (either by reality or rumor), but—and perhaps it was because it was Carlotta—this new relationship seemed so much more real to Lily.
 No, Lily had never thought of James really with anyone before, but she could not deny that Carlotta made sense.
<3 <3
Happy Monday!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Inspired by Bree.

Although that excerpt is not directed to Remus. =P


James excerpt as requested.

“At the risk of sounding like a complete girl,” began the Head Boy, “are you angry with me?”
 -Chapter 30, Part V

Lol, it's a little bit lame, I know, and I was SO close to giving you a tiny excerpt from the last scene of the chapter, but I changed my mind, because I want that scene to be completely fresh when you read it =P


Friday, February 11, 2011

Why Ebony (Enoby/Eboby/Tara Gilesbie/Gilespie/Gillespie) Dark'ness Dementia Raven [Tara] Way is...

actually Bella Swan.

Sure, they don't look much alike:

But, the reality of it is, if Bella Swan were to enter into the My Immortal universe, she would BE Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. And I have a list to prove it.

Oh, but first of all, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about: My Immortal on Encyclopedia Dramatica. And the "story" itself. Read. Allow your faith in humanity to die. Consider the possibility of Trollin'.  Laugh. Feel conflicted of whether or not its for real, and then decide it doesn't matter, because it's fucking hilarious. And then return here to read my own thesis.

Now, my thesis. Why Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way is Bella Swan.

Exhibit A: Name.
Now, you might think that no name is quite as ridiculous as "Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way" and that there is no way it can be compared to "Bella Swan." But take a moment to consider. Her name is Isabella Swan. How many "Isabella Swans" do you know in real life? Very few, right? How many "Caitlyn Hopper" or "Jessica Ramirez" or "Sarah Gibbs" do you know? Right. Because those are real names. Beautiful Swan? Really? Like, really? "Isabella Swan" is a fanfic name.  If you're in the Marauder era, it's the name of the OC that is going to hook up with Sirius. If you're in HP era, then it's the name of Harry's long lost sister, or the WAY pretty Gryffindor animagus has laser eyes transfer student from the exact same state as the author Iowa. "Isabella Swan" is as much a wish-fulfillment name as Eboby Enoby Ebony Dark'ness etc. etc. Way.

Exhibit B: Fantasy/Wish-Fulfillment Element
Seeing as Tara Gilesbie occasionally forgets that she is pretending to write a story about a character and without warning refers to the heroine as "Tara" (although, to be fair, she also refers to Voldemort as "Darth Valer"), I don't think there is really any doubt about the Wish-Fulfillment Element of "My Immortal."
As for "Twilight's" Bella Swan, anyone who has ever seen "Alex Reads Twilight" will know of this image circulating on the interwebz.

Exhibit C: The First Rule of Mary-Sue-hood is...
You don't talk about Mary-Sue-hood. All the boys must want you.... 

(no I did not just google "Asian guy from Twilight" =/ )

...And it must be really annoying to the heroine. Bella just HATES that all of those boys like her... it's just so bothersome.... ohnostopyouguysit'soshardbeingmeehhhhh...
And then there's Ebony, who wonders.... 

Exhibit D: Reactions to Bad Things Happening
"I started to cry and cry. Draco started to cry too all sensitive. Then he ran out crying."

Exhibit E: Promotion of Self-Destructive Tendencies
Tara Ebony: wrist-slitting, drugs, liking Good Charlotte
Bella: cliff-jumping, other things that happen in the second one....

Exhibit F: Authorial Forces Pretending That They are Not Promoting Self-Destructive Tendencies 
"she has problemz shes depressed 4 godz sake!"
I think there's some vague censure, like "Oh, Bella, no that was so bad why would you do that not smart thing?" But c'mon. It was supposed to be romantic. It was so OBVIOUSLY supposed to be romantic. 

Exhibit G: Weird Reactions to the Opposite Sex
"I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie."
That is just one example. At various times, Ebony wants to kill herself out of love, freaks out at invitations to hang out, and needlessly teases third party males because she thrives on the drama.
Bella: does all of that ^^. Also, she faints when she is kissed. She literally swoons. It's like feminism (or fucking Jane Austen, for the love of all that is not My Immortal) never happened! If she swoons over a kiss, how on Earth is she going to handle sex? Which brings us to...

Exhibit H: Weird Sex Scenes
Ebony loses her virginity in the Forbidden Forest to Draco after a "My Chemical Romance" concert. This occurs as follows:
"Then he put his thingie into my you-know-what and we did it for the first time."
Bella's noble and perfect true love Edward, on the other hand, convinces Bella's skanky ass to wait until marriage. And then... he tries to distract her from wanting sex. When they finally do get around to Making Love, it is one of the most weird, twisted things I have ever read. And yes, I have read it. I have read Breaking Dawn (there's a story, there, yes, but I shan't bore you with drinking game details). I have read most of "Twilight" as well, but my knowledge of the other two comes largely from wikipedia/the movies. Anyway, my point is, I feel like they should bring back the Hayes Code for the sole purpose of stopping Breaking Dawn from being made. Blah blah blah freedom of speech, but I'm sorry... even though the world was ready for a series that romanticizes rape ("lion and lamb" metaphor much?), encourages all kinds of awful ideas about love, romance, relationships, and sex, and is just generally an insult to script-writers everywhere... even though the world was ready for this, are we really ready for a movie that tries to make pedophilia cute? Sorry, I got a little sidetracked. Back to...

Exhibit I: Weird Love Triangles in which Bella/Ebony give incredibly mixed signals and act like total a-holes, but everyone still loves them for no apparent reason... because they are beautiful, intelligent, spectacular women because they're Mary-Sues.
Link to comic

Bella's Love Triangle:

She literally makes out with Taylor Lautner while her boyfriend stands three feet away. Then Taylor Lautner leaves, and she runs to Robert Pattinson's arms. Was anyone else like WTF?

Exhibit J: Attraction to Pale people
Self explanatory. 

Exhibit K: Hating Other People/Classes of People For No Reason
Tara: Britney, flamerz, Hilary Duff, and the prepz, obviously. Okay, fine, I'll give her Hilary Duff.
"A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them."
Ebony hates almost every other female in the story, with a few exceptions. For the most part, however, her relationships are solely with the men she wants to bang. Hermione Bloody Mary is an exception, and I think Ginny  Jenny is mentioned once or twice, and there's Willow/Raven, but, for the most part, Ebony only interacts with potential sexual partners (because, in Tara's "homophone" mind, while male bisexuality is hot, female lesbianism is gross). This is because the author does not actually know any boys and thinks it might be nice to some day interact with one. The other female character mentioned is Britney, a girl who's sole crime is being blond and a prep. 
The thing is, prepdom is a predestined state. Dumbledore  Albert tries to join this exclusive group of goffs and is shunned as a poser. Meanwhile...

Bella: thinks she's the shit. She's so judgmental of all the other people at her school, especially the girls, and she's just so fricking condescending. I want to smack her. "Boring" girls who aren't always depressed about every fucking thing are all portrayed as vapid, conniving bimbos, while Bella--who has read "Wuthering Heights" and is therefore "deep"--is just perfect. Can I just point out that "Wuthering Heights" also features a heroine who is conceited, selfish, and an awful person? I mean, people do realize that Cathy is the biggest bitch in literary history, right? I'm sorry, Cathy was the biggest bitch in literary history.

Exhibit L: Whiny Bitches

In response to Draco's tatoo: '“You bastard!” I shouted angrily, jumping out of the bed.'
“No, you fucking idiot!” I shouted. “You probably have AIDs anyway!”
After remorselessly and inexplicably killing Peter Pettigrew: "Then he fell down and died. I brust into tears sadly." 

*hates snow
*compares boys who like her to dogs
*gets depressed (WHO DOES THIS REMIND YOU OF?) when ONE, literally ONE boy does not worship the ground she walks upon
*decides to move in with her father to help out her mother; proceeds to be an a-hole to her father
*leads on Jacob
*self-indulgently feels bad about leading on Jacob
*complains about everything always (her dad's house, the internet, the sky, the weather, people being nice to her, people being mean to her, shut the fuck up, Bella Swan. Meanwhile, in a third world country...)

For evidence of Bella Swan as a Whiny Bitch, see any of the sources below.
Seriously. Just pick one up. Open to a random page. Whatever
Bella is saying or doing, she is being a whiny bitch. Guaranteed.

Other thematic similarities: cold rainy weather, bad guys inexplicably wanting the heroine (Voldemort's enlistment of Ebony to kill Vampire makes no sense... I still don't get why Cam Gigandet was after Bella in the first movie... something about a game? Did she owe him money? Weak.), VAMPIRES, necrophilia, pedophilia, nothing really happens for the majority of the story, shitty writing. 

This concludes my rant on why Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way is Bella Swan. If you are curious, this was spurred because some internet search gave me an article that said, "Harry Who? Meet the New J.K. Rowling" or some bullshit like that, referring to Twilight's author, the esteemed Ms. Meyer. (Exhibit M: response to criticism from respective authors). And I just felt the need.

Have a lovely day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


My plan is to finish up Part IV tonight. Part I and Part V are about three quarters of the way done. Part II is about halfway done, and Part III is about a third of the way done. Make of that what you will.

Carlotta looked between the other two actors in this little scene: Lily and Shelley. Shelley looked resentful and hurt and wronged. She looked angry and sad and tired, and there were tears in her eyes. But Lily—Lily was in pain, too. 
-Chapter 30, Part I

Update in... hopefully less than a week?


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Moderately Relevant

"Dear Prudence"

"Here Comes the Sun"

"Golden Slumbers"

"Sexy Sadie"

"Eleanor Rigby"

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stuff and more Stuff

[Warning: there is a youtube video at the end of this post. Hitting spacebar might cause it to play and have some believe they are going insane. =P]

Kiss and Tell updated. And there was much rejoicing.

I'm just.... they're just.... Lily and James for life, baby.

With regards to TLAT update... Idk. It might be a little longer than I thought, but not because I'm lazy. I'm just really taking my time with the chapter, and there are a couple of reasons for that.
1. I'm writing comparatively long segments from POVs that I don't usually write extensively. For example, Lily's thought patterns come much more naturally to me at this point, as do Marlene's and Donna's, but Mary and Carlotta are very different, so I have to make sure I'm doing it right.
2. There's so much subtext I have to battle through. It's like, I'm writing James's thoughts (for example) without actually writing James's thoughts, and I want to make sure I'm communicating all the characters well.
3. A lot of things are changing in this chapter, or, a lot of things have already changed by the time this chapter rolls around, so that I have to establish change and then elaborate upon it. I don't know if that will make sense to anyone but me, but... yeah.
4. It's the first chapter of a school year, which means a lot of things HAVE to happen (i.e. train ride, sorting, Dumbledore speech, new teachers, etc.) and that just takes time.

So, all of that means that I'm kind of working my way very methodically and thoughtfully through the construction of this chapter, which is funny, because its probably the most emotional thing I've written since Chapter 25.

Here's kind of a fun spoiler.
Besides the already alluded to introductions, there are three new characters stepping up.
Eran Ramsay
Valentina Ramsay
Fiona Keepdown

Also, here's a tiny excerpt regarding the Head Dormitory situation.

“Oi! That’s right! I get my own room!”

“Did you forget?”

“It hadn’t occurred to me. Will it just appear at the top of the stair, like it did for Frank?”

Lily nodded. “And there will be one on the girls’ end of the tower, too.”

“Do we get our own Common Room?”


“Our own Common Room.”

Lily frowned. “No. Where on earth did you get that idea?”

“I don’t know,” admitted James. “I feel like I read it somewhere.”

I think I'm much cleverer than I actually am, yes.

And some inspirational music, lol.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Non-Spoilers, Chapter 30 Edition

Marlene is an awful sister.

Donna is still darker.

Psych Healers are trendy.

Lily has "Ticket to Ride" stuck in her head.

Carlotta doesn't want flowers.

James is not Sirius's mother. Or father. That he knows of.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


So apparently everyone in the world was born in the beginning of February. When I'm more awake tomorrow, I'll post better Happy Birthdays, but in the meantime, here's a not terribly spoilerific but amusing excerpt from Chapter 30.

Happy Birthday to one and all!

“Well that’s funny, because, actually, I spent the summer working in a pub to support my brothers and sister, read all four volumes of Waffling’s Magical Theory, finished the books on the list for next term, completed my homework before August, helped MacDonald with hers, and ordered around a well-respected Auror. And, I’m sorry, you got a tan, did you say?” 


Friday, February 4, 2011

So does anybody...

here watch Fringe?

Peter Bishop, I love you so, so much, beating up people while wearing a peacoat and scarf as you do. But right now... right now.... this is not cool. Time out. Time FUCKING out.