Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This is a shipper

More specifically, in the context of LAT, a shipper would be someone supporting Lily and James.
Although, I just got a review asking me to go AU and have James end up with Carlotta. =)

Other questions:
Is this going BEYOND seventh year?
Nope. In the prologue, James reckons the time since Lily said her little speech to be "almost two years", but really, by that I guess he just means more than a year and a half. Approximately 19 months, I believe...

Wait, no that's the only question... nvm.

Have a good one!

Monday, November 29, 2010

More Things Chapter 27

Wow, you guys have been fabulous about reviewing! Thank-you so much for all the lovely feedback. I had a request for an excerpt from chapter 28, as well as a handful of questions through reviews and PMs and the rest that deserve answering. For instance:

How old is Lathe?
Early twenties. He was supposed to be a year ahead of Kingsley at Hogwarts, making him twenty-three-ish at the start.

Eponymy91, about Marlene's Hair Cut: GET OUT OF MY HEAD! Yep, Marlene will be rocking a pixie cut =). Not Emma inspired, but coincidentally reminiscent. I imagine Marlene's as a LITTLE longer than that, but pretty damn short. I've got it drawn--I really ought to post.

Beeecaaaaauuuuuseeeeeee. Lily and James are made for each other... like Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in any movie that they were ever in together. Or Cory and Topanga. DESTINY. So the ooooonnnlllllyyyy way that there could ever be anything remotely like competition for James's affections is a girl who fulfills the three major food groups for a teenage guy: hot, neurotic, and kind of slutty. But, as we all know, James is James, so he's going to be hoping for something a little more substantial, too. Whether or not Carlotta will be able to come through on that account remains to be seen. Awesome reviewer lmurph summed up James-and-Carlotta in the last chapter PERFECTLY: "He does not worship her like all of her admirers, he does not hate her or think she is a slag, he just sees her as a person who makes mistakes..."
Also, it helps the plot. Like, a lot. Not just with regards to Lily going green-eyed, but with her other development, James's kind of last step of evolution, and some great Sirius material. AND I have a really, really fun storyline planned involving a weird Love Rectangle... even a Love Pentagon at one point... Seventh year will be fucking crazy. Furthermore, Off Dreaming brilliantly predicted a Platform Nine and Three Quarters scene of great importance. Like.... serious, epic, Chapter 13-teaser-fulfilling importance.
But not until Chapter 30.

What's the deal with Sam?
He's just a chill dude. He finally gets met in Chapter 28. And he's a shipper.

Will this be like ITISNS, **spoilers** with Lily and James not getting together until, like, the last second of the last chapter?

When will you be updating?!
This is such a hard question to answer, but I know I owe it to you. I have some stuff written for Chapters 28 and 29, and I have all of it planned. I want to have a large portion of 29 written before I post 28, though, because they're really one thing chopped down the middle. There was no way I could fit that much stuff in a reasonable chapter length... or even a reasonably unreasonable length chapter. Also, it'll give you a great cliffhanger for Chapter 28. So, the real answer to this question is-- I have no idea at this point. It's gonna be kind of a crazy week for me, but I'm HOPING to have 28 substantially done by the end of it, and so HOPEFULLY next-week-ish? Remember when I was a good person who updated every other week? Yeah, that was nice. SIGH. It's these damn 22,000 word chapters, Jules! Cut 'em short!

So, I don't have any good excerpts that don't give too much away, but I can spoil!

*I've already said no Carlotta in 28 or 29. She's in Italy at the moment, if you recall. Lucky B.
*James will watch old school Dr. Who. Lily will profess her love for Tom Baker.
*Sirius and Remus are going to be unhappy shippers. 
*A few people are kind of getting arrested, and one of them is Lily.
*Banter abounds
*Gideon and Fabian Prewett, Dorcas Meadowes, Emmeline Vance = there.
*James will debate sharing two vital bits of information
*Alice goes ninja!

And, goodness, have I given you a title yet?
 P.S. Thank you for all the birthday well wishes =)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

All Things Chapter 27

So, first of all, a HUGE thank-you to everyone who reviewed Chapter 26!

ElvesCentaursWizardsOhmy, Lilypipo, readerrr, mcanonymous, coffeelove, lovenmyownedward, Star.Shinee, KMK25, Luisa L (I remember you! Awww, thanks for reviewing!), Through the Trapped Door, peacelovetruth, arelli-black, Flora, boppityboo, Anon, Akt5us, Sirius' Sweetheart, dncr4eva5678, mrs.stark, christina689 (understood just fine--thanks for the review!), tc100292, KneelBeforeTodd, anonymous, ess3sandra, SydtheKyd, desirable69, Meda Plaster Caster, uhhhhwellll, RagnarBlackmane, Alex, The Horcrux Hunter, Charlie'sDragon, Lucius Malloy, zooeypotter (my favorite line of the chapter, that was!), Kayla, OutsideJokes, softasthunder, BigBangMeteor8612, twilightadict323 (I seriously considered doing nanowrimo, but Novembers are just too insane for me!), I have a faerie ring, Malala94, Abarraine, no-name-with-a-word-doc, talyag, Miss92, White Camellia, thewandofdestiny, WeasleyWannabe, SucksRoyalHippogriff, walking-on-a-dream, whispered touches, Little Emily, popcorn, lillikitty, Off Dreaming, Fancyeyes, Anon, live4dance, Poltergeist7, CharlieShulz, Jess-siriusly, MariaaB, cANISmAJOR13, Eponymy91, PurpleMonkeyDishwashers (lol, we are all James/Me shippers), and bookwormofmassiveproportions (LOL!!)

Wow, that took me way too long. There actually weren't a lot of QUESTIONS per se, this time around, so I think we're all good with the Chapter 26 business.

Chapter 27: I hope you don't all hate me too much. Reasons not to hate me:
1. Even though I got really mad while writing the last chapter, I did not shoot a puppy.
2. My birthday is on Monday!
3. I ship Lily-and-James!

To the Lovely Bree, I literally read your comment an hour before I updated, and I felt so guilty. For a fleeting second, I was like--okay, maybe I can fix this. And then I realized, no, that's fucking crazy, because a whole chunk of the story relies--at least indirectly--on things happening the way they happened (including the fulfillment of Chapter 13 prophecies!). Seriously, James and Carlotta's summer incident has been in the plan since very, very early on. But that doesn't make me feel any less guilty! It really did have to be Carlotta, though. I can offer you THIS cheery bit of news: Carlotta is not in Chapter 28 or 29, and while Sam will be very interested in Lily for a number of reasons, they won't necessarily be romantic reasons. Lily is not, shall we say, Sam's type.
Also, dude, these next two chapters have Lily-and-James-ness in awkward, wonderful abundance.

AND Frank and Alice return! Kingsley, Lathe, and a handful of minor canon characters crop up, as well, and Moody may or may not make an appearance in Chapter 29. I'm super psyched to finish writing this stuff. Oh, and there's a fedora involved.

So, in the mean time, I'm going to go hide under a bed and wait for you to finish storming the front door. Love you all!


P.S. anonymous comments now accepted on this blog =)

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Keeping this brief, because I'm going out in a minute, but the chapter is all written, and now I just have to edit it a little. Update either quite late tonight or tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Deathly Hallows

Deathly Hallows Movie Spoilers below!

So, I saw the move twice this weekend, which was very reasonable, because I could have seen it three times, but my friend and I opted to pretend we have lives and go to a party Saturday night instead.

So what did you all think of the movie?
I fucking loved it. I think it might actually be the most faithful adaptation, and when Nick Cave started playing, I almost died. On the other hand, it was difficult for me to see any scene with Fred or George, because that just breaks my heart. Ditto for Lupin and Moody. And Dobby. And Fucking Hedwig. I teared up when those last two died. God, JKR is cruel.

Is anyone else BEWILDERED by how JKR said she didn't have the heart to kill Mr. Weasley? Really?!?! MR. WEASLEY?!?!? I mean, sure, I like the guy, but honestly, I would rather Fred or Tonks or probably even Hedwig live. Lupin is in my Top 5 characters.... I would have LOVED for him to survive, but the scene with Lily, James, Sirius, and Lupin walking with Harry and the Resurrection Stone brings me to tears, so I forgive his death. But seriously. Fred. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get the symbolism--one of the twins dying, twin wands, blah blah blah.... GIVE ME MY FUCKING FRED BACK!

I clearly have no strong feelings on this.

Obviously, Deathly Hallows has made me a combination of super nostalgic and super HP-chatty, and I'm re-reading the series... which I haven't done in a while. So, anyway, Harry Potter has been occupying my life a lot lately, but not in any productive way. Ugh, I'll keep writing. Update when I update?

I suck, I know. Here's some spoiler-ific-ness for the next chapter. 

They hadn’t kissed.

If they had, this might be something worth thinking about right now, but they hadn’t, so... so it was fine. Well, not fine. Obviously, James would rather have preferred the whole thing if they had kissed, but [Lily] was drunk and so was he, and it would have been a bad idea, because she certainly would have regretted it, and that was even worse than the fact that she had deterred it. There were a million reasons not to kiss someone, but if you did kiss them and then regretted it... well, that meant you hadn’t changed your mind. And then there really was no hope.

So, it was a good thing that they hadn’t kissed.



All the same, Carlotta was annoyed with James and his sudden aloofness, and, more troublesome still, she couldn’t make out what she had done to cause it. That he had become annoyed was a certainty, but why was unfathomable.

As she did with all men who were displeased with her (and there were very few), Carlotta decided to put him out of her mind completely, and yet, even as she prepared for the night and climbed into bed much later that evening, she could not shake her nagging curiosity about the whole ordeal. She resolved that, should the opportunity arise (and she would certainly not seek it) she would discover James Potter’s reasoning, so as to make an amendment—not to her own actions, of course, but to his opinion.


Lily opened her eyes again in time to see him grin crookedly at her, and she couldn’t help it—she pulled his face down to hers, kissing him roughly, fingers now lost in his hair as she divided his lips. He kicked off his shoes.

And yes, the last one is undoubtedly a snippet from the famed make-out scene. Do with that what you will.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Excuses, excuses

I know I always have excuses for why I am taking forever to update, but they're legit. I am, after all, a very important person.

Okay, not really, but I am super busy, and even though I write every day, I never get as much done as I want. But I'm buckling down, and, with a very odd combination of the Pogues, Elvis Presley, and Ingrid Michaelson pulsing through my iPod, here's to hoping that I'll be done with the next chapter quite soon.

Update: AND, fuck my life, because I definitely just deleted a whole bunch of REALLY good stuff. God, that was probably the stupidest thing I've done in quite some time. I had all the different plots in different document, but my stupid computer needed to restart, so I threw them all onto the main chapter 27, saved it, closed the other unsaved files, and restarted the computer. But, lo and behold, I skipped one of the documents and  copied another one twice. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I'm going to go shoot a puppy.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Updates on Updates

So, I survived Wednesday, which is always a particular accomplishment because my Wednesday schedule is awful and lame. Having survived, however, and eaten a most delicious supper of gnocchi and desert of chocolate cake with fabulous buttercream icing (in celebration of my now ancient brother's birthday), I feel like spreading some love. And, since I can't send you any cake, I will talk about Chapter 27.

You might remember that I told you Carlotta is coming back. She is. In a big way. And some of you are really gonna like her in this chapter, and some of you are probably going to lynch me for even suggesting that such a thing is possible.

Hogwarts letters are arriving in this chapter! I can't believe I haven't spoiled this yet, because it's kind of an innocuous spoiler, but it's wrought with possibility, too. So, yes, the Head Boy and Girl will be receiving their badges!

As mentioned in 26, James is taking a trip with his family.

Lily has a shockingly small part in this chapter, all things considered, but she does have time for an **important** first experience =P.

The last word of the chapter is a swear word. Lol, that's not terribly important, but it's amusing.

So, I'm gonna go write some more, which is what you all really want anyway, and I'll update as soon as possible... I am HOPING before the end of the weekend, but no promises, because life is loco.