Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pg. 16 of Chapter 27, and I'm typing in Courier New because it makes me feel like a 1930s journalist on a typewriter. 

So, taking a break from my ARDUOUS half an hour writing session (I just got back from class, too, so I have an excuse), I thought I'd drop in and say hello.

Also, here are all the ITISNS references from Chapter 26. 

Definite References:
1. Lexi and Eden get their names from Lexi Shaw and Eden Dearborn, Lily's besties in "Shaken."
2. Bruno Trent--the guy that Lily dances with at the wedding in Chapter 26--gets his last name from Lily's one-time bf, Elijah Trent.
3. Clarence Byron's dad is mentioned as being named "Leander." Alice Prewett of ITISNS had a boyfriend named Leander (obscure, much?)

Sort of References:
1. Eden calls Lily 'Red,' which was her nickname of sorts in ITISNS.
2. Rachel Richards has the same first name as Sirius's one-time gf, Rachel Brossle in ITISNS, but this was really only incidental, seeing as I randomly named Rachel Richards during Chapter 25... good catch to the reviewer who spotted it though =)
3. James's blond ex-girlfriend, Teresa. Okay, this is a stretch. Originally, I intended to name the Daily Prophet receptionist "Redival," and then maybe "Teresa Shelley" after James's blond gf, Redival Shelley, but for whatever reason, I didn't. Still, I could see Redival Shelley evolving into a Teresa of sorts, so it's KIND of there...

Actually, I intended for there to be more, but the editing process made me cut Donna's plot (delaying it till the next chapter) and a few other things, too. 

At any rate, there you have it. 

Chapter 27 is happening, and the weather is encouraging me, so that's always good. Thanks to everyone who is reading and commenting-- I love, love, love to hear from you.

LAT fun fact of the day: Carlotta Meloni used to be named Marcia Delanova. This, I recalled while digging through old stock docs for snippets of Chapter 27 that I wrote a long, long time ago, where I suddenly encountered James having a conversation with someone named "Marcia." Lol. Aaaaand there's your spoiler for today, too. (I don't know why I changed her last name, but her first named got changed when Deathly Hallows gave us "Mary MacDonald," and that, combined with "Marlene" and someone named "Mary-Ann Mumps"--Shelley, these days--meant nearly everyone in that dorm had an M-A-R name). Also, at one point, I had planned on making Carlotta and Alice bffs before the whole tryin'-to-steal-Frank business. Wow. Glad I changed that, or I'd never be able to forgive Carlotta.

Alright, I'm shutting up and going back to writing a bit before work... No lie, I'm sort of procrastinating because I feel traitorous writing the next few scenes.

Don't hate me; I recycle. =)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A side-note on 'shipping...

Chapter 26 is posted. Do not read the following unless you want MINOR spoiling for the end of that chapter.

Before ANYONE freaks out at me, none of the following people are going to fall in love with each other:
Marlene and Sirius, Marlene and Donna, Remus and Mary, Peter and Lily, Sirius and James... well, maybe Sirius and James. I kid. Just... no one yell at me for potentially causing Sirius pain. I love the boy. He’s my most favorite canon character, and I would never do anything to harm him... except, y’know, kill his uncle, alienate him from his best friends for several chapters, kick him off the Quidditch team, etc. etc. etc. But otherwise, nothing

Although, Marlene and Donna would be pretty hot, if I weren't already committed to the whole Marlene/Adam thing... =P. But Donna won't be lonely forever. 


She actually had a cute story line in Chapter 26, but I cut it, because I figured it would be better suited to Chapter 27....

Okay, I'm done. 

More tomorrow when I'm not a zombie.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

2 more read thrus and then I'll post..

I suck completely, but, to be fair, I went to three different doctors this week and a pharmacy. And now I'm medicated!

Okay, I sound like the Joker from the Dark Knight, but I'm not insane--really--just plagued by a God of Old Testament proportions. And, since I don't have any sons--first born or otherwise--and the whole toad thing would just be weird, Old Testament God decided to make me really, really awfully sick. Aaaand I'm done with Old Testament references. On a side note, how cool is Egypt?

Okay, as the title of this post says, I'm doing my last two read-throughs tonight, and then I'll get that thing up there in that there website. I'm still tweaking the last couple scenes, but that won't take long. Anyway, thank you for all your well-wishes; not dead, sire, but wounded (yes, I know I've got it wrong), and thank you for bearing with me. You are all wonderful, wonderful people.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

To quote Han Solo, it's not my fault!

And it really isn't. I sort of had an unexpected health problem today, and things only got worse from there. Ugh, I'll post the chapter tomorrow, though it probably won't be until the evening, because I have class all freakin day. Unless I die, in which case, SPOILERS Lily ends up with James, Snape kills Dumbledore, and Bruce Willis is already dead.

Guys, I truly am sorry, and if I weren't in excruciating agony right now, I would just edit the damn thing and post it already. Have a better night than I.



alright, fair enough. I'm like the last person on Earth to get Tuesday, so I should clarify: my Tuesday. I have just over 12 hours left of official Tuesday time.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fun, fun, fun

Two words for you: goodnight kiss.

Oh snap.

Update Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Almost there

Almost done! This week, hopefully soon, I promise. Okay, I shouldn't promise, but I'm fairly certain. I'm on the last stretch of chapter now: just wrote a quick Diagon Alley chase scene, and now I've got a handful of confrontations, some drinking, and a much-speculated-on "cute" scene to finish.

In Chapter 26: Petunia gets hitched, Lily speaks to the dead, the Marauders have a quest of thinly veiled metaphoric value, Marlene gets her act together, and I prepare to change addresses because of Chapter 27.